I Am the Fated Villain

I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 827, Those From the Southern Immortal Domain Have Come, Yue Mingkong’s Family?

| I Am the Fated Villain |

Translator: Fate

Translation Checker: Silavin


The Western Immortal Domain bordered the Other Domain, and ever since the Western Heavenly Gate was destroyed millions of years ago, those from the Other Domain had been able to come and go as they pleased.


The Western Heavenly Gate was a gateway built by the various Immortal Kings after the Forbidden Epoch. It was made out of condensed Supreme Principles to withstand the attack of Immortal Kings from the Other Domain.


When it was breached millions of years ago, the doors of the Western Immortal Domain were opened for good and they could no longer stop the invasion of the army from the Other Domain.


Countless Forces from the Other Domain currently occupied the various universes within the Western Immortal Domain. The original Forces here had mostly been wiped out. Even True Daoists were no longer in existence, let alone True Immortals.


Gu Changge stood calmly outside the Heavenly Ancient City. He had continued to display simplicity. There was not a single trace of aura emanating from him. He looked like an ordinary mortal.


Nevertheless, in the eyes of everyone present, he seemed transcendent and extraordinary. There seemed to be traces of the Great Dao hidden in his slender and upright figure.


Among people from the Immortal Domain, many young men and women admired him with frenzied fanaticism. They were already regarding Gu Changge as an Immortal King who came from the Source World to save them.


At this moment, he was gazing at the distant sky where Immortal Light shone down in accompaniment to a sparkling golden path that stretched all the way over.


Strange sights were appearing in the environment. Pegasi covered in Celestial Light were pulling a carriage over at great speeds. The coachman also emitted a hint of Chaos Qi, which signified that he was a True Daoist.


Behind them, numerous figures with auras that were not any weaker swiftly approached either as divine rainbows or on Divine Beasts.


*Swoosh* *Swoosh* *Swoosh*


They seemed transcendental and exuded auras of Immortals, which made them appear completely different from the ordinary inhabitants of the Western Immortal Domain.


Naturally, their cultivation was of the True Immortal Realm.


There was also a figure enveloped in Dao and Immortal Light, sitting prominently in the carriage at the lead. Fragments of Great Dao intertwined around this figure.


This figure was a Quasi-Immortal King from the Immortal Domain.


Upon seeing the arrival of this group of powerful cultivators, the expressions of many from the Immortal Domain did not change at all. In fact, they started showing signs of fury, indignation, and hostility.


The big red bird was slightly startled as it remarked, “I thought there were no True Immortals left in the Immortal Domain.”


“They are cultivators from the Southern Immortal Domain. When our Western Immortal Domain was breached, they sent their experts to plunder the most precious treasures of our region! They even tried to take the remains of our Kings…”


“They are just as heinous as those invaders from the Other Domain.”


Some of the descendants from the Western Immortal Domain recognised the cultivators who were coming over and declared, without being able to hide the rage in their eyes.


Their gazes harboured deep hatred and resentment. They considered the cultivators from the Southern Immortal Domain to be one and the same as those from the Other Domain and showed no semblance of goodwill towards them. Therefore, they openly stated the facts in front of Gu Changge, hoping that he would serve justice on their behalf.


Upon hearing the words of those from the Western Immortal Domain, the expressions on the faces of this group of cultivators who arrived at the Heavenly Ancient City changed ever so slightly.


However, Gu Changge’s expression remained unchanged. It was as if he had not heard what they said. He had no intention of intervening on behalf of the Western Immortal Domain. He came to the Immortal Domain not only to confirm his own conjectures but primarily to incorporate the Immortal Domain into the Upper Realm.


The World Principles of both were colliding and fusing together. As the true Master of the Upper Realm, he could naturally take over the Immortal Domain as well. Moreover, considering the sequence of events, he was once the Demon Lord who destroyed their Immortal Palace. How could he possibly spare the time to help the Immortal Domain now?


True enough, Gu Changge was not interested in doing that at all.


He stood in front of the Heavenly Ancient City simply to wait for someone with authority to appear.


However, the Immortal Kings from the Southern Immortal Domain were evidently cautious. After sensing his aura, they chose to hang back in observation and sent out a Quasi-Immortal King instead.


As it was, such caution prompted Gu Changge to take a closer look.


“Greetings, Sen… Sir.”


Soon, divine rainbows descended from the sky. These True Immortals all came before Gu Changge and greeted him with respect.


They did not know how to address the extremely young Gu Changge. Originally, they wanted to use the term Senior, but they changed it to Sir.


In their eyes, Gu Changge’s strength was unfathomable. He even scared off the Profound Earth Immortal King from the Other Domain. Furthermore, there was no hiding the fact that his physical body was considerably young.


It should be known that even during the Immortal Domain’s most flourishing era, one was considered an extraordinary talent if one was able to become a True Daoist in just tens of thousands of years.


Even for the True Immortal Families and Immortal King Families, someone who had achieved such a feat was considered an inconceivable genius.


Yet, Gu Changge was only a few centuries old.


This was something entirely unimaginable in the Immortal Domain, especially since he emerged from the Source World, where the World Principles were flawed. They could not help but suspect that Gu Changge was an awakened reincarnated being.


Gu Changge swept his gaze over the group of True Immortals. His eyes were still, but to them, it felt as if thunder rang in their Knowledge Sea. Their Souls were on the verge of shattering as they became filled with extreme fear.


They had witnessed the scene of Gu Changge consuming the True Immortal from the Other Domain after extracting his Soul, albeit from a great distance. Therefore, they were trembling in extreme terror.


Regardless of everything, Gu Changge came from the Source World, and thus, he was connected to the Immortal Domain to some extent.


What would the Southern Immortal Domain be facing next if they pretended to be unaware of this?


In reality, they had to muster up all the courage they had just to come over here. In the present times, each region of the Immortal Domain remained separate and they did not get involved in each other’s matters.


After so many epochs, they had almost completely diverged. They were unconcerned with the affairs of the other regions. Thus, they were also a little worried that Gu Changge would blame them for the fall of the Western Immortal Domain.


“I, Jin Yuan, offer you my greetings, Sir.” The Quasi-Immortal King sitting in the carriage also appeared at this moment.


He had a youthful-looking face that resembled a child’s, but his body was that of a middle-aged man. He wore a set of white divine robes and emitted a radiant glow as fragments of the Great Dao swirled around him.


As a Quasi-Immortal King, he was considered one of the strongest experts in the Southern Immortal Domain, who was invincible against all but the Immortal Kings. There was barely anyone in the Southern Immortal Domain who did not know him. Many showed him great respect by addressing him as King Jin.


However, he was still far from reaching the realm of a True Immortal King. The difference between an Immortal King and a Quasi-Immortal King was similar to the rift between a True Immortal and a True Daoist.


“Who currently rules over the Southern Immortal Domain?” Gu Changge cast a casual glance at the person as he asked.


“The Southern Immortal Domain is now ruled by King Bodhi and the Queen Lunar,” Jin Yuan respectfully replied, showing reverence when mentioning King Bodhi and Queen Lunar.


Naturally, King Bodhi and the Queen Lunar were not their real names. After all, such beings, like the Immortal Kings, could sense it when their names were mentioned by ordinary beings. These were merely the respectful titles that the living beings used over the years to address them respectfully.


“Queen Lunar? Is she from the Yue Family?” Gu Changge could not resist raising his brows. He thought that the Yue Clan could be related to the Unrivalled Celestial Dynasty as the surname Yue was quite rare.


If that was the case, then the Yue Family could be related to Yue Mingkong’s.



Meanwhile, in a different region.


Compared to the Western Immortal Domain, the vast and boundless Northern Immortal Domain was a rare and peaceful haven without conflicts and chaos.


Immortal Energy filled the air as magnificent scenes unfolded across various universes. Majestic divine mountains towered high, and celestial waterfalls cascaded down.


Among the Immortal Islands that floated in the sky, cultivators came and went. Some meditated to comprehend the Dao while others discussed Dao with each other.


The environment was filled with a peaceful atmosphere, giving everyone a sense of tranquillity.


In some places, Immortal Mist clung thick in the air. Purple radiance coiled around the mountain peaks as divine birds sang by some of the lakes, spreading their wings and soaring through the skies.


Boundaries separated the various Immortal Domains. It was hard for even Immortal Kings to break through them. It would take a long time and a great deal of cultivators to do so. As a result, the Northern Immortal Domain remained in peace. Unlike the Western Immortal Domain, it did not fall into the hands of the Other Domain. Its descendants were not forced to flee the fate of becoming the Other Domain’s sustenance.


In the Northern Immortal Domain, one could even see the presence of many True Immortals who shared their knowledge at various cultivation grounds.


Moreover, the Northern Immortal Domain was currently ruled by three Immortal Kings, who represented the three oldest Immortal King Families.


Furthermore, there were many True Immortal Forces that thrived. One could say they were isolated from the rest of the world and did not partake in the battles of the other Immortal Domain regions.


When the Western Immortal Domain had been invaded, some of the experts came to seek help. However, when they came to the Northern Heavenly Gate, they were refused entry and those who came near were slain with complete indifference by the soldiers who stood guard at the gate.


The three Immortal Kings of the Northern Immortal Domain had no great ambitions and no desire to meddle in the affairs of the other regions. They only wanted to focus on their own cultivation grounds and territories, remaining unaffected by the outside world and distanced from worldly matters.


“There has been a disturbance in the Western Immortal Domain… It appears that the gate leading to the Source World has reappeared. One can enter the Source World through the Heavenly Ancient City, and a reincarnated being has appeared from it.”


The cultivation ground of the three Immortal Kings was conveniently located in three different parts of the Northern Immortal Domain, forming a flawless and impenetrable triangle that guarded the whole Northern Immortal Domain.


Right now, in the vast and Immortal Mist-filled ancient city, resplendent ancient trees bloomed and light showers fell.


An old man with white hair and a white beard sat cross-legged in the depths of the city. Endless Chaos Mist circled beneath his platform.


His weathered face sported a calm expression. It was as if all of history centred within him. He had a profound and transcendent aura. He spoke gently as if having a conversation with someone.


*Rumble* The void trembled and then shattered, revealing a vast expanse of a starry universe.


A red-haired figure stepped out with fragments of Great Dao swirling around him. His face was indistinct, and he exuded an aura that could make countless worlds collapse.


“Even if the Source World reappears, it has nothing to do with us. The Immortal Domain of today is no longer what it used to be. The epochs have collapsed, everything has turned to ruins, and those beings who once existed have long since perished, completely lost to the cycle of reincarnation. Even if we are Immortal Kings, we are nothing more than ripples in the torrential waves of the world. We are insignificant and inconsequential. If we have the time to care about this, we might as well drift along with the world and prepare for our survival before the arrival of the Great Purge.”


The red-haired figure spoke indifferently, paying no mind to what was happening in the Western Immortal Domain.


The white-haired old man sitting under the ancient tree sighed and continued, “But, I keep getting an uneasy feeling. I have a vague feeling that something major is about to happen.”


As an Immortal King and especially one who had been in this cultivation realm for so long, he did not think that his feelings were mistaken.


“You mean to say that those that had entered the cycle of reincarnation are returning?”  The red-haired figure’s gaze slightly narrowed as this thought occurred to him.


They were able to become Immortal Kings not only because of their exceptional talent that surpassed their peers but also because they were truly the Fortuitous Ones who emerged from countless epochs and bore the Fortuity of the world.


There was also another crucial factor. They had received blessings from the remnants of the ancient predecessors who had perished.


True Immortals were common, but Immortal Kings were rare.


Even though there were Immortal Kings presiding over the Immortal King Families and providing personal guidance to the younger generations, it was still difficult for any Family to cultivate another Immortal King.


The conditions to achieve such a feat were unimaginably strict.


Those who reached the Immortal King Realm had basically reached the end of their path. They could no longer see a way to proceed further. They did not even know where it was.


Or perhaps, they had exhausted all of their talents and opportunities.


They could leave behind their techniques and paths for future generations to comprehend and learn from, but it would be impossible for the later generations to reach their heights.


Naturally, their descendants could become True Immortals without much difficulty. They could eventually do so by accumulating techniques, resources, and opportunities, as well as enduring the passage of time.


For Forces of the Immortal Domain, time was in abundance.


“It is possible that after the Forbidden Epoch, the Heavenly Dao of the Mountains and Oceans True World had vanished. We were lowly cultivators at the time who followed our Elders into the Immortal Domain, and from then on, we became completely cut off from the Source World. In the blink of an eye, countless epochs have passed, and the supreme experts from the past either disappeared or died. We, too, have reached such heights ourselves… but, if even we can easily live for so many years, how could those supreme predecessors perish for no reason? The further I progress, the more I sense the gap between us and our predecessors… Perhaps they are setting up a grand plan and awaiting an opportunity. In my opinion, the opportunity might be the re-emergence of those who entered the cycle of reincarnation.”


The old man with white hair and a white beard shook his head. Wisdom radiated from his eyes.


Upon hearing this, the red-haired figure’s gaze hardened, and he remained silent.


In reality, the disappearance of those ancient predecessors largely contributed to the eventual division of the Immortal Domain into five separate regions.


Their descendants reached their current heights and established Forces to rule the current Immortal Domain.


If one wanted to find traces of those ancient predecessors, one would have to head to the Central Immortal Domain, where some of the Forces who fled from the Source World had settled.


However, the Central Immortal Domain was separated on all sides by the Chaos Heavenly River. A formation of Grand Arrays had been set up around them. They had long since disregarded external matters and were even more distanced from others than the other four Immortal Domain regions.


Some speculated that those ancient predecessors perished due to their gradual decline in vitality, while others believed that they suffered great injuries during the war of the Forbidden Epoch, which they could not recover from and died as a result.


That was because many of those predecessors were once the high-ranking Immortals from the Immortal Palace who ruled over the entirety of the Mountains and Oceans True World.


Furthermore, the cultivation of the Grand Palace Master of the Immortal Palace at the time surpassed even the Immortal Kings. The Grand Palace Master was even able to force the Ancestor Immortal Kings of the Other Domain to cede a large portion of their territory, which led to them being greatly distanced from the Immortal Domain.


The Grand Palace Master was said to have suffered unimaginable injuries during the battle of the Forbidden Epoch and had nearly died on the spot. Even if not dead, it was shortly after that the Grand Palace Master died. However, the location of the remains was a mystery to all.


The Immortal Palace collapsed and the mighty Force that once ruled over all of existence completely shattered. Many of the powerful Immortals at that time were crushed and buried with that epoch. The Immortals who later came to the Immortal Domain attempted to rebuild the glory of the Immortal Palace.


Alas, they failed in the end… Perhaps because they triggered some kind of taboo.


As a result, the Immortal Domain split into five regions.



| I Am the Fated Villain |

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