I Am the Fated Villain

I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 828, Willing to Share the World With You, Rushing Over to Give Me Their Source?

| I Am the Fated Villain |

Translator: Fate

Translation Checker: Silavin


“In response to your question, Sir…”


“The Queen Lunar is indeed from the Yue Family, which is the most ancient Family in the Southern Immortal Domain.” Jin Yuan responded as he stood in front of the Heavenly Ancient City. He was a little surprised that Gu Changge mentioned the Yue Family.


After all, this was something only those of the Southern Immortal Domain would know, and Gu Changge had clearly just arrived in the Immortal Domain. However, it was also possible that he was acquainted with the Ancestors of the Yue Family.


This thought made Jin Yuan adopt an even more respectful attitude. Although he was a Quasi-Immortal King, he could still sense a terrifying aura that made his heart palpitate when in the presence of Gu Changge. He did not feel this way even when he stood in front of an Immortal King.


Jin Yuan was certain that the Profound Earth Immortal King from the Other Domain had indeed left in shock, even if it was not out of fear. It must be the realisation that he was no match for Gu Changge, and thus he promptly retreated from this part of the universe.


The current Queen Lunar, could be considered a descendant of the Yue Family who had inherited the legacy of her Ancestors which enabled her to become an Immortal King who could oversee an entire Immortal Domain.


The Yue Family could be described as the oldest Family in the Southern Immortal Domain.


As for King Bodhi, he was a mysterious Immortal King who came from a distant universe and was said to be connected to Buddhism. His teachings were based on Buddhist sutras. He established a Buddhist Kingdom in the Southern Immortal Domain, guiding all living beings and even anointing Bodhisattvas and Arhats. His followers were spread out across numerous universes and his true strength remained a mystery.


Gu Changge nodded. Although the Yue Family could be related to Yue Mingkong’s Unrivalled Celestial Dynasty, it was of little consequence to him.


The Immortal Domain and the Upper Realm had been disconnected for countless epochs. Families which started off as one had long since split into multiple ones by now. Even the Immortal Domain had split into five.


There was barely any bloodline connection now. Furthermore, apart from the Yue Family, the Immortal Gu Family, Immortal Wang Family, as well as other Forces, they all had connections to the Immortal Domain.


Gu Changge was unconcerned with whether they were in one of the five regions, had rebuilt themselves in the Other Domain, or perhaps even gotten killed off. He was not interested, not in the slightest.


“Which Immortal King’s subordinate are you?” Gu Changge asked indifferently as he glanced at Jin Yuan before shifting his gaze to the True Immortals behind the latter.


“I came at the behest of Queen Lunar, Sir…” Jin Yuan respectfully replied.


After all, he was a Quasi-Immortal King. Even an Immortal King would show him a little courtesy. The term subordinate sounded a bit too dismissive of his status. Yet, he dared not show his dissatisfaction in front of Gu Changge.


“So, Queen Lunar sent you here, but why? Does she not have legs of her own? Or, is she too afraid to appear before me?” Gu Changge maintained his casual and indifferent tone as he asked.


Upon hearing his words, the many present, be it from the Immortal Domain or the Other Domain, broke out in cold sweat. Their expressions changed.


They were unable to decipher which side Gu Changge was on based on his various actions thus far.


Many from the Western Immortal Domain did not know what to say now. It was evident that Gu Changge was not going to stand up for them or help them restore the glory of the Western Immortal Domain.


Sweat beaded across Jin Yuan’s forehead. His back was drenched with sweat too.


The others could not sense it, but he did. The moment Gu Changge spoke, he felt as if his heart were being strangled. Even though he was a Quasi-Immortal King, a single misspoken word could very well spell doom for him.


“Queen Lunar is hosting a feast in the Southern Immortal Domain to celebrate your arrival, Sir, so she instructed me to come and welcome you…” Jin Yuan had no choice but to answer even as his heart trembled with fear.


Queen Lunar sent him here to determine Gu Changge’s intentions. To see if he harboured any hostility.


As it was, a mysterious being who could even scare off an Immortal King had suddenly arrived in the Immortal Domain. It was certainly something that could disrupt the status quo of the Immortal Domain.


Queen Lunar was being cautious. She did not want to leave her cultivation ground as she was worried that Immortal Kings from the Other Domain might attack the Southern Immortal Domain.


“Is that so?” Gu Changge smiled faintly and dropped the matter.


He merely wanted to see what attitude Queen Lunar was taking. Such extreme caution was rather unexpected from an Immortal King.


While the Immortal Domain was not under constant panic, they were indeed under heightened anxiety.


Queen Lunar was too afraid to come in person for two reasons. The first was because she was uncertain whether Gu Changge was a friend or a foe, and the second was because she was wary of the Immortal Kings from the Other Domain.


The other True Immortals from the Southern Immortal Domain were now heaving a sigh of relief. Earlier on, they had been worried that Gu Changge would make a move against them or seek vengeance on behalf of the Western Immortal Domain. However, their concerns seemed unwarranted. Even those of the Western Immortal Domain were uncertain as to why Gu Changge had come.


“The Western Immortal Domain has long since fallen into the hands of the enemy. All of their Immortal Cities are occupied by the Other Domain and their resources have been divided up among the Forces of the Other Domain. Why not come to our Southern Immortal Domain, Sir? Queen Lunar is willing to share the world with you.” Jin Yuan spoke up again to bring up the fact that Queen Lunar was willing to share rulership over the Southern Immortal Domain with Gu Changge.


He wanted to use this to gauge Gu Changge’s stance.


If Gu Changge showed interest in ruling the Immortal Domain, then the Queen Lunar would have to make some decisions and arrangements. After all, besides the Western Immortal Domain, all the other regions had Immortal Kings reigning over them, especially the Northern Immortal Domain, which had three Immortal Kings.


In comparison, the Southern Immortal Domain had only two Immortal Kings. King Bodhi’s position was rather unique as he rarely involved himself in the affairs of the Immortal Domain. He would only make an occasional appearance in the Buddhist Kingdom to share the Buddhist sutras with his followers.


In other words, Queen Lunar basically had sole control over the Southern Immortal Domain. If the Other Domain were to attack, she would have to face the vast armies and numerous Immortal Kings of the Other Domain alone. That would undoubtedly lead to them suffering the same fate as the Western Immortal Domain.


Upon hearing this, the expressions of those in front of the Heavenly Ancient City changed. They did not expect Queen Lunar to propose co-rulership.


When comparing the present five Immortal Domain regions, the Southern Immortal Domain could be described as vast and boundless with endless territories and an abundance of resources. Furthermore, the five regions could be treated as miniature universes that made up a whole universe when combined.


The difference was that within this large and complete universe, there were countless smaller universes, in the same way as a sky containing a myriad of stars.


Among the many universes under the jurisdiction of the Southern Immortal Domain, there were various Forces, with some Families that once had an Immortal King among their ranks.


These Forces had a rich legacy and heritage. Some had been passed down since the Forbidden Epoch, and some even longer…


Even the Immortal Kings from the Other Domain coveted their wealth of resources. Yet, Queen Lunar willingly handing over part of it to Gu Changge?


“Share the world with me?”  Gu Changge’s expression was a little strange. A faint smile crept over his face as he remarked, “Are you sure Queen Lunar said this herself?”


“This is indeed what she said herself. I would never attempt to deceive you, Sir,” Jin Yuan replied.


He did not know what Gu Changge meant by that, but he found Gu Changge’s gaze a little peculiar. It was as if he had his eyes on something else.


However, Jin Yuan did not dare to come up with wild guesses in front of such a being.


“In that case, go back and tell her to wait. Get everything in order. I will come to claim this world. If she dares to deceive me, then even if the Prime Ancestor of the Yue Family comes, I will see to it that their Soul gets destroyed and their body completely annihilated.” Gu Changge had spoken with a faint smile, but his tone left no room for discussion.


Jin Yuan’s expression changed, and he quickly said, “Rest assured, Sir. Queen Lunar spoke those words herself with Heaven as her witness. If she goes against her word, she will suffer severe consequences. She would not attempt to deceive you, Sir.”


His heart trembled with fear. He kept getting the feeling that something had gone terribly wrong with Queen Lunar’s probe. The being before him had spoken so casually, and yet the words sent chills down his spine. Jin Yuan was too afraid to dwell on it.


[The Prime Ancestor of the Yue Family? Is he acquainted with the Prime Ancestor of the Yue Family?]


The Yue Family had existed even before the Forbidden Epoch. They were deeply connected to the God of the Moon, a Primordial God who had been around when everything first came into existence.


With this thought in mind, despite being a Quasi-Immortal King, Jin Yuan felt fearful and dared not dig any deeper.


Reincarnation was the most mysterious concept in this world. Once it reached a certain point, every word and action would lead to great karmic consequences. The fact that this being in front of him mentioned the Prime Ancestor of the Yue Family without fear could only mean that he did not care about such an act. Someone with such a background could not be described as anything less than terrifying.


Naturally, everyone present heard the exchange. Just a few short sentences provided them with such incredulous information.


Many from the Other Domain turned pale. They were filled with fear and unease as they waited for Gu Changge to determine their fate.


*Rumble* At that very moment, a dazzling light swept over from the end of the Western Immortal Domain. An immeasurable aura was emanating from the Other Domain.


As the Great Dao collided, the universe began to rumble.


The terrifying momentum came crashing down like waves and the starry sky over the Western Immortal Domain shattered like a spider’s web, seemingly unable to withstand the auras of that many powerful beings at once.


A great fog rolled along as if pushed forward by an unseen but terrifying hand. It rushed towards the ruins that once were the gates to the Western Immortal Domain.


*Rumble!* All of a sudden, several terrifying figures appeared. Their gazes were icy. They looked as if they had been standing there since the dawn of life itself.


Chaos Mist descended, accompanied by dense Immortal Energy, as an alarming divine power that felt like it could crush all of history spread out. Fragments of time danced behind the figures, and there was also a hazy silhouette of the River of Time.


Their Dharma Bodies were exceedingly massive, stretching far up into the sky. The galaxies seemed insignificant as they flowed around these figures like mist.


These were several Immortal Kings who were descending upon the edge of the Western Immortal Domain. They, who stood as tall as Heaven, raised their massive hands, and an oppressive force came barrelling forth.


It looked as if the world was coming to an end. Everything turned dark as the sun, moon, and stars all dimmed. The World Principles creaked, sounding as if they were falling apart.


Chains made from the Great Dao formed and reached out to seal up the place, but they were immediately shattered.


An ocean of Principles blossomed and various powerful Dao Abilities burst forth before converging in a palm.


At this moment, it felt as if a peerless Demon was about to come forth and destroy the world. The Western Heavenly Gate, which was already in ruins, began to crack even further.


This was a formidable might that was unique to Immortal Kings. It made everyone shudder in fear. Just the mere gaze of the Immortal King would make them feel as insignificant as ants. Even True Daoists would be reduced to dust in an instant.


It felt like a wind that would sweep away all the leaves. Even the most powerful experts from the Immortal Domain would despair in the face of these Immortal Kings. They were no different from the Immortal Kings who came when the Western Immortal Domain had been invaded.


“The Immortal Kings from the Other Domain…”


“And there are four of them!”


“Are they all coming here?”


The expressions of Jin Yuan and the others from the Southern Immortal Domain, who were standing in front of the Heavenly Ancient City, changed. They felt as if their heads would explode. They never expected the Other Domain to go this far, to the extent of mobilising four Immortal Kings.


Furthermore, every single one of them was terrifyingly powerful.


The four Immortal Kings stared coldly as they stood tall and proudly at the edge of the Western Immortal Domain. They reached out to rip apart the World Principles of this region as their true bodies descended.


All of the inhabitants of the Western Immortal Domain grew fearful as they recalled the fact that just as many Immortal Kings from the Other Domain had come over when their Immortal King died in battle.


That battle had been too terrifying. One could even say it was the apocalypse. The Western Immortal Domain had fallen apart as a result of that battle. The lands and stars filled with life all exploded into fragments, which flew all over the starry sky.


Countless inhabitants of the Immortal Domain had been lost in that battle. They were reduced to ashes and gone for good.


“Our Immortal Kings have descended.”


“How wonderful! Four of them have come! Even the Immortal Kings from the other regions wouldn’t dare to interfere now! We’re saved!”


“Four Immortal Kings appearing at once! Just who in the Immortal Domain could possibly go up against them? There’s no way out of this!”


Those from the Other Domain began to cheer in overwhelming excitement. It was as if a source of light had been found in the darkness. They were thrilled beyond measure. After all, even they rarely had the chance to see an Immortal King from their side, let alone four together.


The four Immortal Kings exuded oppressive pressure as they appeared, reaching out to tear through the barrier of the Western Immortal Domain, just as they did the last time they invaded the Western Immortal Domain. Like last time, it was with their true bodies as well.


Such a scene was also extremely rare in the Other Domain. Normally, Immortal Kings would enter retreat for millions of years in their respective cultivation grounds.


However, from the scene in front of them now, it was clear that the Immortal Kings of the Other Domain did not take Gu Changge lightly.


“Four Immortal Kings from the Other Domain?”


The expression of the big red bird by Gu Changge’s side also changed as it did not expect this trip to be so dangerous. It was supposed to merely be a trip back to the Immortal Domain where they could revisit old locations.


However, in this era, four Immortal Kings combined was most likely the pinnacle of strength. Even though Gu Changge was incredibly mysterious and possessed unfathomable strength, there was no guarantee that he could go up against four Immortal Kings.


The big red bird glanced at Gu Changge. After seeing his calm expression and the faint smile that had not faded, for some reason, its flicker of worry dissipated.


“Four Immortal Kings? Why are they rushing over to offer their Sources to me?” Gu Changge could not resist softly chuckling.



| I Am the Fated Villain |

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