I Am the Fated Villain

I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 829, How Unfortunate of Them, Who’s Truly the Hunter?

| I Am the Fated Villain |

Translator: Fate

Translation Checker: Silavin


The big red bird froze as it wondered if it had misheard Gu Changge, but it quickly realised that Gu Changge was not joking. He truly regarded these four Immortal Kings from the Other Domain as a supply of Sources.


This reminded the big red bird of Gu Changge’s indifference and ruthlessness when he slaughtered numerous hidden experts and plotted against the entire Upper Realm.


He had been even more ruthless back then, treating all living beings as his sustenance. During that time, how many Forces and universes did he end up destroying?


Furthermore, the big red bird was aware of Gu Changge’s other identity.


The World-Destroying Demon Lord.


Even now, the big red bird did not know what exactly happened prior to the Forbidden Epoch which led to Gu Changge to destroy the Immortal Palace, causing the epoch to collapse, thereby leading to a period in time which future generations considered absolute darkness.


Although the big red bird was the Artifact Spirit of Gu Xianer’s Heaven-Slashing Sword, accompanying Gu Changge back to the familiar territories of the Immortal Domain, it could not figure out what Gu Changge was up to.


“Oh. Hang on. There’s another Immortal King hidden in the shadows.” Gu Changge spoke again. His expression remained unchanged. A faint smile still lingered in the corners of his mouth as he looked into the distance.


From that spot, darkness surged like ocean waves, and everything instantly plunged into darkness.


Countless Star Territories shook as if they were on the verge of falling. Even the sun, moon, and stars were about to collapse. It was as if the world mourned its return to nothingness.


“There’s another Immortal King?” The big red bird could not help but tremble. This meant that five Immortal Kings from the Other Domain had come.


From the words of Jin Yuan, the Quasi-Immortal King from the Southern Immortal Domain, Hong had learned that even the Southern Immortal Domain seemed to only have two Immortal Kings.


One of those two was King Bodhi, who stayed within his Buddhist Kingdom without paying any attention to the affairs of the world beyond.


It seemed unlikely that any of the Immortal Domains could take on five Immortal Kings.


“To… regard Immortal Kings as a supply of Sources for nourishment…”


Jin Yuan, who stood respectfully in front of Gu Changge, was also horrified by the latter’s words. He felt his blood running cold and his head on the verge of exploding.


He almost doubted his own ears as he found it difficult to believe that someone would say such a thing.


[To consider Immortal Kings as merely a supply of Sources for nourishment… What a bold claim! Who in all of time and existence would ever have the nerve to say something like that?]


However, the nonchalance with which Gu Changge said those words made Jin Yuan too afraid to doubt the former. He even recalled the fact that Gu Changge had easily captured a True Immortal from the Other Domain and extracted his Soul before devouring it.


Jin Yun’s gaze went from awe to terror. As a Quasi-Immortal King, he was now trembling in fear. He could no longer be as composed as he was before.


*Boom!* Unceasing light exploded, and Principles churned like a tumultuous ocean.


The Western Immortal Domain was crumbling in ways that were far more terrifying than when the Other Domain invaded millions of years ago.


The four formidable Immortal Kings stood by the border of the region, looking like Demons who had existed since the dawn of time.


With cold, indifferent gazes, they slowly brought their hands down on what was before them. Everything seemed to be on the verge of collapse. Their Dharma Bodies were beyond what this part of the universe could contain.


The starry sky began to shatter. It was littered with web-like cracks.


Terrifying torrents of astral wind surged through the cracks, accompanied by Chaos Qi and billowing light beams. It was like a tornado that threatened to annihilate the world had arrived. One that could cause the whole Western Immortal Domain to fall into desolation once more.


“The Immortal Kings from the Other Domain… Are they here to destroy all of us…”


“Who will come and save us? Oh, former Kings of the Immortal Domain, your subjects are being massacred by the Immortal Kings from the Other Domain…”


Countless from the Western Immortal Domain watched this scene in horror. They trembled uncontrollably. Many of them shouted in despair.


Millions of years ago, the army from the Other Domain broke down the gates of the Western Immortal Domain. At that time, the Immortal Kings from the Other Domain descended from the sky. As their mighty hands came down, the universe cracked, and the Western Heavenly Gate collapsed.


In the end, even their King fell in battle. His body had been wrapped in a tattered, blook-soaked flag as it was brought back to the Western Immortal Domain.


Was history about to repeat itself after millions of years had passed?


Those from the Western Immortal Domain ,who had been thrilled by the emergence of the Source World, were now filled with terror and despair.


“Four Immortal Kings have come in all their dominance. All of eternity is before them. They are everlasting.”


Meanwhile, those from the Other Domain cheered as they prostrated themselves in that direction with great reverence. There was a grand chorus of worship from the sea of figures that filled the land and sky.


“Is that the mysterious being you fear, Profound Earth?” On the edge of the land, an Immortal King with black wings spoke up as he gazed into the depths of the Western Immortal Domain.


He was surrounded by a dense black fog, making it impossible to see his true appearance. The thick fog and Chaos Mist that enveloped him made him exude unparalleled dominance.


All he did was stand there, but that already seemed too much for the universe to bear. Even a strand of his hair was enough to make the world collapse.


He was the Azure Heaven Immortal King. A King of the Other Domain, who possessed formidable cultivation as he had become an Immortal King many epochs ago.


The Azure Heaven was a mystical beast of this world. No one could see its physical form. According to legend, it was able to traverse the most distant parts of existence, from the heights of the Azure Heaven to the depths of the Nine Nethers. This was how it got its name.


The Azure Heaven Immortal King possessed great mastery over speed, even surpassing time itself.


His face was hazy. Only his cold and unreadable eyes peered down like two full moons hanging in the sky.


Although he withheld the power of his Dao Ability, traces of the Great Dao still emerged and it collided with the other Immortal Kings around him.


More accurately speaking, a single Immortal King was already beyond the limit of what this part of the region could bear.


Although the Western Immortal Domain was composed of many different universes, at this moment, four Immortal Kings had arrived in unison.


“It is him. Apparently, he came through that gate and was able to eliminate my Dharma Body with just a single thought. He almost traced the Karmic Thread back to my true body. I would’ve been severely injured by him if I had not retreated in time. There is no doubt that he is someone who reincarnated. He must be someone from before the Forbidden Epoch… You mustn’t underestimate him, Azure Heaven,” the Profound Earth Immortal King solemnly warned.


Cloaked in a Daoist robe, with an aura as mighty as that of the sun. Based on his appearance alone, it was hard for anyone to associate him with an Immortal King from the Other Domain. He seemed like an Absolute Being born from Dao instead.


The Azure Heaven Immortal King’s gaze, as sharp as an invincible divine sword, was capable of tearing through the limits of the world , ripping apart the chains made from the Great Dao. This gaze fell upon the Western Immortal Domain.


“I will have to see with my own eyes before I know whether what you speak of is true,” he responded indifferently.


The Profound Earth Immortal King nodded without saying anything. He knew that the Azure Heaven Immortal King and the others would only believe the veracity of his words once they experienced the horrifying might of the young man for themselves.


They were Immortal Kings. Being able to reach such heights meant they were the Fortuitous Ones of the epoch. With Fate on their side, they surpassed all the other prodigies of their generation with unparalleled talent and an unwavering heart. They would not be affected by a few short sentences spoken by others.


“The Great Dao of the Western Immortal Domain cannot hold us back. It won’t be hard for our true bodies to descend.” The other two Immortal Kings coldly stated. They remained hidden within the thick fog and did not reveal their true appearances.


They had come out of their cultivation grounds when they heard the call of the Profound Earth Immortal King.


On one hand, it was because the situation involved the gate within the Heavenly Ancient City. It was a matter of great significance as it pertained to the exact location of the Source World.


It was also because the Ancestors of the Emperor Families had issued an order to locate the Source World and seize its Source. This was something that pertained to the complete union of the Mountains and Oceans True World. It was a matter of utmost importance.


Even though they were Immortal Kings, they still had to bow their heads and show respect to the Immortal and Everlasting Ancestor of any Emperor Family. They had to obey the Ancestors’ order. In fact, none of them dared to disobey such commands.


Since the birth of the Other Domain, the Ancestors of the Emperor Families had been the Immortal and Everlasting true ruler of the Other Domain. They had experienced the Forbidden Epoch and even earlier times.


Some even theorised that the Ancestors of the Emperor Families were Primordial Gods born when the world first came into existence, which would explain how strong the Ancestors were.


They could also be a being who snuck in from other True Worlds. They might be a powerful predecessor who survived the Great Purge… maybe even the almighty ruler from the Source Realm.


Otherwise, becoming an Immortal King would be the limit. Even the most outstanding among them was stumped by the thresholds of the Immortal King Realm. They could not journey beyond that cultivation realm.


In that cast, what was the Ancestor of an Emperor Family capable of?


Such Ancestors were beings who could destroy all of existence with a mere thought, sink the world back into chaos, and even journey back into the depths of time, unafraid of the River of Time and the consequences of such an act. They were truly Immortal and Everlasting beings.


Even during the most prosperous era of the Immortal Domain, the Immortal Palace, which ruled all the lands, could not do anything to an Emperor Family of the Other Domain. The Immortal Palace had to deal with them through non-violent means.


“We have nothing to worry about. Senior King Ming is with us. He was once praised by the Ancestor of an Emperor Family. Even that Ancestor acknowledged his strength.”


One of the Immortal Kings spoke up to reassure the Profound Earth Immortal King. Apart from the four of them who appeared, King Ming was supporting them in secret to avoid any unexpected situation.


King Ming had been around since the Forbidden Epoch. Although he had not reached the Immortal King Realm at that time, after surviving those dark times, his cultivation far exceeded those who came after him.


“That’s true.”


The Profound Earth Immortal King nodded and relaxed.


*Boom!* The Great Dao of the Immortal Domain rumbled and exploded under the combined attack of the four Immortal Kings.


Terrifyingly massive holes appeared. They were large enough to accommodate the true bodies of the Immortal Kings. The Immortal Kings would also not be suppressed by the Principles of the Immortal Domain.


The four Immortal Kings from the Other Domain simultaneously stepped into the Western Immortal Domain. Their true bodies towered above the edge of the world and their icy gazes were devoid of emotion.


Wherever their gaze fell, vitality withered as if the end of the world was upon them.


At this moment, everyone’s bodies and Souls trembled in fear from the mighty aura, be it if they were from the Other Domain or the Immortal Domain. Even those in universes further away felt the same.


This was the overwhelming might of Immortal Kings.


Those closest to the Western Heavenly Gate had it the worst. Their bodies were on the verge of collapse. Even their bones were shaking. Their legs went weak and they fell to the ground.


They were filled with utter despair. To say they were mere ants before the Immortal Kings was already a high praise.


“The aura of the Immortal Domain… it has been millions of years since I last felt it… The last time I came here, I killed the King of the Western Immortal Domain. Oh, right. It was the Glorious Heaven Immortal King. I had shattered the bones of his hand.”


The Immortal King from the Other Domain who was shrouded in black fog spoke indifferently as he recalled the past. Yet, his words rang out from the Western Heavenly Gate.


All from the Immortal Domain who heard these words had expressions of sorrow and resentment.


The Heavenly Ancient City was only several Star Territories away from the Western Heavenly Gate. From there, they could see what was happening in front of the Heavenly Ancient City.


The four Immortal Kings, including the Profound Earth Immortal King, were all scrutinising Gu Changge. They were stunned by the physical age of the young man.


Even the Successor of an Emperor Family could not become a True Daoist in just a few hundred years, let alone be powerful enough to frighten an Immortal King.


“Profound Earth seems to be right. He must be someone who reincarnated. Nothing else explains the strength he possesses. Still, no matter how mysterious he is, he is not our match,” the Azure Heaven Immortal King declared matter-of-factly. He came to this conclusion after determining Gu Changge’s origin.


“If that’s the case, we might be able to seize his legacy if we join forces to take him down. Perhaps it holds the secret to him becoming an Immortal King at such a young age.” Another Immortal King spoke up. He could not hide the greed in his eyes.


They knew that those who returned from the cycle of reincarnation were bound to have some of their wonderous treasure from the past with them. Such precious treasure often contained wondrous secrets that could enable rapid growth.


Some of the Immortal Kings from the Other Domain achieved their current height partly because they obtained such legacies.


“Sir… Sir… These four Immortals Kings are the Profound Earth Immortal King, the Azure Heaven Immortal King… They all reached the Immortal King Realm many epochs ago…”


Jin Yuan, who was standing in front of the Heavenly Ancient City, was choking from the aura of the four Immortal Kings. Despite his trembling, he filled Gu Changge in on who they were.


The oppressive aura of four Immortal Kings made even a Quasi-Immortal King like him feel as though he was on the verge of crumbling apart, let alone the other ordinary people.


“So, they all became Immortal Kings several epochs ago. Here I thought I might be meeting someone who knows me. How unfortunate for them…” Gu Changge smiled faintly.


His words made Jin Yuan’s scalp tingle. He dared not dwell on the thought of just who Gu Changge could be.


As soon as Gu Changge finished speaking, he made his move.


He did not move from his spot before the Heavenly Ancient City. Instead, he simply reached a hand out towards the Western Heavenly Gate, crossing countless Star Territories.


At that moment, everything trembled. It felt as if the universe would be overturned!


Once again, everything crumbled, and a large and deep crack appeared in the sky above the Western Heavenly Gate.


“What… He dares to start the fight against the four of us who are all Immortal Kings?”


The expressions of the Azure Heaven Immortal King and the others shifted. They never thought that they would go from being hunters to being the prey.


At that very next moment, their expressions rapidly changed.


*Boom!* Amidst that terrifying might, they could vaguely see a massive hand slowly emerging from the dark rift in the sky and making its descent.


This hand had stretched across several Star Territories to appear before the four Immortal Kings. It slowly came down on them with overwhelming force.


In an instant, countless stars in the sky crashed and exploded.


The fluctuations were so powerful that it felt as if they were bringing down Heaven. The expression on the faces of all four Immortal Kings abruptly changed.



| I Am the Fated Villain |

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