I Am the Fated Villain

I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 837, Queen Lunar’s Speculations, Wang Zijin Appears in the Central Immortal Domain

| I Am the Fated Villain |

Translator: Fate

Translation Checker: Silavin


Apart from the Northern Immortal Domain, similar reactions unfolded across the other Immortal Domains.


The fall of four Immortal Kings was a significant event that rarely occurred throughout history. Terrifying signs surfaced across the various universes.


Due to this incident, the Western Immortal Domain finally enjoyed the peace that had eluded them all this while.


The Forces from the Other Domain swiftly evacuated. They returned to the Other Domain, too afraid to linger in the Western Immortal Domain any longer.


Powerful True Immortals could even feel chills down their spines when they crossed the border of the Western Immortal Domain. They could sense the lingering emotions of resentment and regret left behind by the fallen Immortal Kings, which clung to the various Star Territories.


If any of them possessed a weak Will, they would be corrupted by those emotions.


This was enough to prove how devastating that fight had been. Four Immortal Kings from the Other Domain had descended in all their mighty glory, thinking that they could sweep through anything and anyone in their path. Alas, they came to a bitter end with only regret and resentment left in their dying breaths.


The effects of this fight were even more alarming than what had been seen when the Other Domain breached the barriers of the Western Immortal Domain in the past.


All at once, rumours began to spread across every corner of the Immortal Domain. Some claimed to have witnessed the event for themselves.


They said that blood rained down from the sky as the most terrifying omens in all of history emerged. Everything was said to have dimmed and withered, leaving only silence and darkness.


Some claimed that the one who killed the four Immortal Kings had come from the Source World. He had passed through the gate and was the Forbidden Existence who returned from the cycle of reincarnation.


Others claimed that he was actually a supreme expert from another True World, not someone from the Source World.


In short, all manner of discourse and speculation floated around.


Within the Southern Immortal Domain, Queen Lunar’s Residence was situated in the depths of the void. It was a majestic place with outer walls made of all kinds of Immortal Jades, glistening in resplendence.


As one of the only two Immortal Kings in the Southern Immortal Domain, Queen Lunar was superior to all. Naturally, her residence was a symbol of all that was sacred and divine.


Immortal Light filled the entire residence while Chaos Qi swirled around.


Ordinarily, no one dared to approach this place. Even True Immortals, who were the Ancestors of certain Forces could only look upon the place from a distance in respect.


At this moment, deep inside Queen Lunar’s Residence, a cushion hung in the void.


A figure as fair and flawless as the moonlight sat there. Her face was hazy, and light swirled around her slender hands that seemed to be carved out of the finest Celestial Jade. She was draped in a dress weaved with moonlight, which seemed to flow like water, and her hair was just as ethereal looking.


“The Forbidden Existence…” Just then, Queen Lunar spoke. It sounded as if she was speaking from an ancient era. Although her voice rang like a heavenly melody, it was completely devoid of emotions, giving the impression of one who was ancient and part of the world, drowning in Chaos Qi.


Jin Yuan stood respectfully below her with his head bowed. Upon hearing her words, he replied, “All that I speak of about what I saw is the truth. I would not dare deceive you, Your Majesty.”


“I didn’t expect a casual remark of mine would end up becoming an obligation that I can’t do anything but abide by.” She softly replied. Though her tone was steady and even, with a slight tinge of regret.


With a wave of her delicate hand, the jade cup atop the white jade table in front of her flew into her hand before shattering into dust with a loud crack.


It was clear that she was not as calm as she seemed to be.


Jin Yuan dared not say anything. After witnessing the scenes that unfolded before the Heavenly Ancient City, all he felt was terror. He dared not mention some of the things that had taken place.


The situation involved the Forbidden Existence. Every word he said and every move he made could lead to karmic consequences. Such a being could kill Immortal Kings effortlessly, what more a Quasi-Immortal King like him?


He could not bear the burden of such horrifying karma.


“If it really is the Forbidden Existence you speak of, what does he want the Southern Immortal Domain for?” Queen Lunar ignored Jin Yuan. Her brows were creased as she seemed to mutter to herself in an attempt to deduce Gu Changge’s intentions.


She only made the offer to share rulership because she wanted to form an alliance with an Immortal King of unknown origins so that the peace and stability of the Southern Immortal Domain could be maintained. Otherwise, sooner or later, they would follow in the footsteps of the Western Immortal Domain and be invaded by the Immortal Kings from the Other Domain. If that happens, she was doomed to fall as well.


She was one of the two strongest in the Southern Immortal Domain and was the one in charge. King Bodhi only cared about the survival of his Buddhist Kingdom. It had been tens of thousands of years since he last appeared.


The last time Queen Lunar had seen him was several epochs ago.


“He said he wants me to have everything ready by the time he returns to the Immortal Domain?” Queen Lunar spoke up again. Her gaze seemed to pierce through the Chaos Qi and landed on the distant void.


“That was indeed what the Forbidden Existence had said,” Jin Yuan replied. He dared not hide anything.


“How unimaginable it is that after countless epochs, someone like him still exists in this world…” Queen Lunar fell silent in thought. As it was, she did not have much of a choice.


Gu Changge had told her to make the preparations. He did not give her the chance to make a choice. In other words, the next time Gu Changge appeared in the Immortal Domain, she would have to hand the Southern Immortal Domain over to him?


After ruling over the Southern Immortal Domain for so many aeons, Queen Lunar was reluctant to hand it over just like that. Nevertheless, she was fully aware of the fact that she could not refuse his demand. It was too late to change anything.


“I guess, this might also be an opportunity for me. The being who once wiped out the Immortal Palace…” The Queen Lunar murmured as her figure grew hazy. Then, she disappeared from the cushion with only silence remaining.


Upon seeing this, Jin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and silently took his leave. He was worried that Queen Lunar might have failed to think things through and overestimated her own abilities by attempting to go against Gu Changge.


The fall of the four Immortal Kings from the Other Domain was a fresh and visceral example proof of what such hubris led to.



The Central Immortal Domain stood in the centre of the boundless Immortal Domain. It encompassed a vast and seemingly endless series of territories and universes with no border in sight. Even True Immortals who possessed immense cultivation could not see the ends of this region.


This region was now the most prosperous area in the Immortal Domain. It was where the legacies of the Forces that had been established before the division of the Immortal Domain laid.


Now, even if all the other Immortal Domain regions were combined, they would only just barely match the scope of the Central Immortal Domain.


Numerous ancient Forces hid within the Central Immortal Domain. Some could even be traced back to the time before the Forbidden Epoch, and they all had Immortal Kings among their ranks.


It would not be remiss to say that in the eyes of those from the Central Immortal Domain, the other regions of the Immortal Domain were no different from remote and desolate lands.


The various Immortal Domain regions were separated by Seas of Chaos and turbulent voids. Even True Immortals would have a hard time passing through these obstacles. They would need to use the ancient teleportation arrays to travel through the different regions. Therefore, those from different Immortal Domains rarely had any contact with each other.


Meanwhile, inside an ancient Immortal City within the Central Immortal Domain, a woman in white appeared. She exuded an otherworldly charm. Her eyes were bright, her skin was fair, and she was so beautiful that even Heaven would be jealous of her.


“Lady Zijin, please don’t make things difficult for us servants…”


“The Western Immortal Domain is really too far away from here. Even if you wanted to rush over there right now, you would need an Ancestor’s protection. An Ancestor at least in the True Immortal Realm. Otherwise, the power of the inter-domain teleportation array would crush you.”


Numerous female cultivators dressed like maidservants followed closely behind the woman in white. They also seemed ethereal.


“I heard that a gate leading to the Source World has appeared over there. I want to visit my home.” The woman in white spoke with a weary expression. She seemed to have lost her past vigour and liveliness.


“Your home is right here in the Immortal Domain, Lady Zijin…” A maidservant responded helplessly.


“This isn’t my home. I was brought here for some mysterious reason,” the woman in white declared firmly as she shook her head.


“Even if you do manage to make your way over there, four Immortal Kings had fallen in the Western Immortal Domain… And, a terrifying being seemed to lurk behind that gate. A being terrifying enough to kill Immortal Kings effortlessly…”


“Lady Zijin, Perhaps the Source World has already descended into turmoil. Maybe catastrophic changes have occurred. Even Immortal Kings have concluded it to be a Forbidden Area that should not be approached…”


“Please don’t make things harder for us.”


The maidservants trailed behind her and beseeched helplessly.


Upon hearing these words, the woman in white became somewhat absent-minded, but she soon shook her head to express her refusal to believe that.




Just then, an ancient battle chariot cut across the universe and came toward them. Two figures stood atop it.


One of them was dressed in white. He had a handsome face and a tall physique. His eyes had a faint golden hue to them, and he exuded detachment to worldly affairs. When he smiled, others would sense a kind of warmth and gentleness from him. He was surrounded by Immortal Energy.


The figure next to him was slightly taller and a little more stout. He had a sophisticated appearance and an elegant bearing. Faint golden light exuded from him. Even his hair shimmered with golden light, making him look like a deity.


“Greetings, Young Master Wushang.” The moment the two silhouettes appeared, the maidservants behind the woman in white quickly offered polite greetings, showing great respect to one of the two.


“Cousin Zijin, are you trying to leave King Luo City?” The man in white who was standing atop the ancient war chariot spoke with a smile. His gaze fell on the woman in white.


“This Luo Xuan offers you my warmest greetings, Lady Zijin.” The tall man next to the man in white also spoke up with goodwill in his eyes.



| I Am the Fated Villain |

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