I Am the Fated Villain

I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 841, A World Shared Between the Humans and the Primitives, Ah Man, a Primitives Princess

| I Am the Fated Villain |

Translator: Fate

Translation Checker: Silavin


This was a remote and barren world with only a basic cultivation system and barely any Spiritual Energy.


The Humans and the Primitives were the two main races. There were other races as well, but they were scattered around the endless stretch of shoreland.


On the mainland continent, there were vast mountain ranges with ancient tribal settlements and massive cities.  The Primitives worshipped the Primeval Deity, and through the Power of Faith, they received strength from ancient totems. The most powerful of them could even commune with Heaven and possessed powers that no one could fathom.


On the other hand, the Human cultivators relied on consuming the essence of the world and Qi to refine themselves. They were equally powerful as they could fly, set fire to the forests and make the water of the oceans boil.


They set up their own Forces among the cities and mountains to spread their teachings.


However, over millions of years had passed in this world without the emergence of a new Primeval Deity.


Ever since the inexplicable disappearance of the previous Primeval Deity, the Primitives was heavily affected and the strongest among them still had a long way to go before they could reach the Primeval Deity Realm.


However, the Humans who cultivated the Dao were unaffected. In fact, as time went on, they grew even stronger.


Slowly, the land that was known as the Primeval Deity Continent became occupied by the Humans, and the ancient Primitives’ settlements had to retreat into the mountains.


The declining Primitives slowly faded from the eyes of the world without any of its former glory.


The path of Dao and Immortality shone like a glorious sun while the Primitives’ cultivation techniques became known as unorthodox.


Quite a number of those from the Primitives chose to change their cultivation methods.


The Primeval Deity Sect was a powerful Sect that was jointly founded by Human cultivators and Primitives. It was one of the most powerful Forces in this world right now.


The Sect included those from the Primitives who believed in the Primeval Deity and the use of ancient totems as well as the Humans who cultivated Dao.


Mountains seemed to stretch on endlessly, and the mist that circled them shrouded the palaces nestled within. Birds chirped, divine light flickered, and cultivators moved around while stepping on rainbows.


Many Primitives go to extreme lengths for the sake of being accepted into the Primeval Deity Sect. Every year, the Primeval Deity Sect only took in less than a thousand disciples. Even so, there was always a never-ending stream of people who came to the gates and bowed as they fervently wished to be accepted.


“As long as I rank among the top three in this month’s inter-peak competition, I’ll be able to get an 80,000-year-old Sunstealer Flower. Once I combine that with the Yin-Igniting Heart Technique, I’ll be able to break through the fourth level of the Primeval Deity Technique…”


“Once I reach the fourth level of the Primeval Deity Technique, even a Human cultivator who has reached the fourth level won’t be able to hold their own against me!”


At this moment, on a rather peaceful peak that belonged to the Primeval Deity Sect. A young woman was murmuring to herself.


The youthful-looking girl wore the attire of the Primeval Deity Sect’s disciple.


Although she only seemed to be about fifteen or sixteen years old, she had strikingly beautiful features.


She had large, bright eyes and gleaming white teeth, as well as features distinctive to the Primitives. Her nose was tall and delicate, her skin was unusually fair, and the colour of her eyes seemed much deeper than others. Her figure was exquisite. She had a pair of long and slender legs. Her calves which were hidden beneath her robe were strong and agile. One could not help but be reminded of a cheetah.


She had a look of confidence and resolve that was unlike that of an ordinary person.


She was Ah Man. She came from an ancient Primitives’ settlement deep within the mountains. It was currently the largest Primitives’ settlement in existence.


Her Father was the leader of that Primitives’ settlement which consisted of several hundred thousand people.


As the most gifted prodigy from the settlement, a lot of expectations had been placed on Ah Man’s shoulders ever since she had been a child. Everyone hoped that she would lead her people and the Primitives to new heights and restore the Primitives to their former glory.


Ah Man did not disappoint them. Through both her talents and hard work, she managed to enter the Primeval Deity Sect. She became a Sect disciple, and not just an ordinary one.


Even though the Primeval Deity Sect was full of prodigies, she stood out among them. She was not in any way inferior to the rest of them.


She achieved laudable results in all the previous inter-peak competitions.


This time, her goal was to be in the top three.


That was because one of the prizes was an 80,000-year-old Sunstealer Flower. It was an extremely rare treasure that grew only on the extremely dangerous volcano openings. It contained Extreme Yang Energy. So, only an exceedingly powerful cultivator could retrieve it.


It was rarely ever found in society.


Ah Man needed the Sunstealer. By combining it with the Yin-Igniting Heart Technique, she would be able to have a breakthrough and reach the fourth level of the Primeval Deity Technique.


The Primeval Deity Technique was the most powerful technique that was passed down by her Family. It could be used to harness the Power of the Primeval Deity.


Once a person was able to reach the ninth level of this technique, they could refine their bodies and Souls, eventually becoming a Primeval Deity.


However, for several million years now, no one had been able to reach the ninth level.


Even Ah Man’s Father, the tribal leader, could only reach the sixth level. He found it difficult to go any further.


He knew there was no hope of him reaching the next level in this lifetime.


Ah Man had reached the third level at a very young age, and now, there was a high chance that she would be reaching the fourth soon enough. In the history of their race, she had advanced the fastest in the last tens of thousands of years.


Therefore, all settlement’s hopes and dreams rested on her shoulders.


“To protect my homeland, I must reach the sixth level of the Primeval Deity Technique before I turn twenty. Otherwise, Father won’t be able to set out in search of the Primeval Deity in peace… Sooner or later, the settlement will also be swallowed up by the other Forces, and our people will become enslaved and oppressed…”


The young woman, Ah Man, muttered to herself. Her eyes were filled with determination.


According to the Primitives’ traditions, if their leader was unable to reach the seventh level of the Primeval Deity Technique before they turned fifty, it would mean that they had no hope of ever doing so. As they got older, their vitality would wane, and their cultivation would decline.


Therefore, once the leaders reached a certain age, most of them would set off on a journey to look for the Primeval Deity.


Ah Man’s Father was no exception. He was 46 this year.


According to the rules and traditions, in four yours, he would have to leave the settlement and head out in search of the Primeval Deity. It was a search for something that could bring hope to their people.


“Therefore, I must become a Direct Disciple of the Primeval Deity Sect before that. The Sect’s Archived Scripture Chamber contains a lot of the old scriptures and records regarding us Primitives. Maybe it’ll also contain the reason why the Primeval Deity has disappeared… I must uncover the truth. Grandfather is also getting old. I need to find the Divine Wish Grass to treat his chronic illness and extend his life.”


As Ah Man thought about these things, she could not help but clench her hands. She knew she did not have much time.


Ever since she joined the Primeval Deity Sect, she worked hard and focused purely on her cultivation. She did not want to get into any trouble.


Alas, things did not go the way she wanted them to, and some of the other disciples began targeting her.


The fact that she was a Princess of one of the Primitives’ settlements did partly contribute to the reason for that, but her appearance that the greatest contribution to it.


The son of one of the Primeval Deity Sect’s Peak Masters had taken a liking to her and kept trying to find a way to win her heart.


That sparked the dissatisfaction of his childhood friend.


Recently, her admirer’s childhood friend repeatedly came over to pick on her. Things would not have been settled so easily if her Master had not intervened.


However, her Master was in the midst of refining medicine this morning. Her Master lacked an important ingredient and had to head out in search of it.


This meant that Ah Man was the only one left on this large mountain peak.


Moreover, her Master kept a low profile and did not take in any other disciples. Due to that, many of the other Peak Masters were disgruntled with him.


They did not think it was appropriate for him to occupy a large peak and the abundant resources that came with it all by himself.


“I hope Song Qing’er won’t try to cause trouble for me over the next few days. Otherwise, even if she is the daughter of a Peak Master…”


Ah Man grew up in a Primitives’ settlement. She was used to the violence and bloodshed that was an unavoidable part of the circle of life when one lived in the wilderness. Naturally, she was not a soft-hearted person nor someone defenceless either.


Song Qing’er had repeatedly provoked her and humiliated her. Even a pushover would start to get angry.


However, just as soon as Ah Man said those words…


There was a commotion outside. Ah Man heard the sounds of things being smashed and destroyed.


Her face darkened and her brows were tightly knitted as she swiftly stepped out.



| I Am the Fated Villain |

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