I Am the Fated Villain

I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 842, Ruthless and Merciless Young Woman, Who Are You?

| I Am the Fated Villain |

Translator: Fate

Translation Checker: Silavin


An attractive young woman with a haughty air came over with a group of servants behind her. She held a silver whip in one hand. As she walked, she used her whip to smash and destroy the bricks, jars, and medicinal ingredients along the way.


“What’s the meaning of this, Song Qing’er?”


Ah Man asked with a grim expression as she stared at the medicinal herb fields in the distance, all of which had already been destroyed.


The medicinal herb fields had been the hard work of her Master. He would be furious if he found out that Song Qing’er destroyed them in this manner.


Ah Man would be punished for it too.


Regardless of everything else, Ah Man’s Master was her biggest source of support in the Primeval Deity Sect. She could not afford to anger him if she wanted to stay here and continue with cultivating.


“Hah. They’re just a bunch of eyesores. Why are you making a big fuss over trash like these?” The young woman named Song Qing’er sneered in response. She did not care about her actions.


Ah Man eyed her with a stoic expression.


Song Qing’er had the support of a Peak Master. She was famous within the sect for being the arrogant and domineering child of a Peak Master.


Furthermore, Song Qing’er was childhood friends with Zhao Xuan, the one who was pursuing Ah Man.


All Ah Man cared about was her cultivation and restoring the Primitives to their former glory. She never paid any attention to Zhao Xuan, but he kept pestering her anyway.


That was the reason why Song Qing’er kept causing trouble for her.


“You think you can seduce Zhao Xuan just because of your looks. I’ll admit that you have a pretty face. But, if you let me add a few cuts to it today, I’ll begrudgingly forgive you for offending me…”


Song Qing’er’s eyes swept over Ah Man’s face, flashing with jealousy when they lingered on her exquisite features.


Her jealousy was even more unmistakable when her gaze fell onto Ah Man’s extraordinarily long and slender longs.


It had to be said that Zhao Xuan did have good taste. In terms of figure and appearance, Ah Man was a lot more attractive than ordinary Human women. She stood out like a goddess among them.


“Actually, forget I said that. I won’t be able to assuage my resentment unless I break your legs,” Song Qing’er sneered icily.


Ah Man continued to stare emotionlessly at Song Qing’er while observing the servants behind her.


She was pondering how she should deal with the problem today. If this had been back at the Primitives’ settlement, she would have simply found a way to kill Song Qing’er.


However, they were within the Primeval Deity Sect right now, and even if her Master was here, she could not kill Song Qing’er.


“Hah. Don’t bother looking. I know that your Master left the Sect this morning. He has gone off to the outside world in search of his medicinal herbs. I know it’ll take him at least ten to fourteen days to get back. Who’s going to protect you now? Your cultivation is only at the third level, but two of my servants have fourth-level cultivation. You shouldn’t try to resist if you know what’s good for you. Otherwise, I’ll make your life a living hell. My servants have never had the pleasure of playing with a Primitives’ Princess.”


Song Qing’er was even more furious when she did not see Ah Man showing any sign of fear or anxiety, so she could not help but scoff out a threat.


Even so, Ah Man’s expression remained as indifferent as ever. She was busy formulating a plan.


An ordinary person would have panicked by now, but Ah Man did not.


Either way, Song Qing’er would only dare to humiliate her. She would not dare to kill her right under broad daylight while inside the Primeval Deity Sect.


Song Qing’er Father had reached the seventh level of cultivation. The Primeval Deity Sect was one of the most powerful Forces on this continent. Apart from the Peak Masters, there were also other powerful figures such as the Sect Leader who possessed indiscernible strength, as well as the other Elders.


There were even rumours of a supreme expert who was nearly on the verge of reaching the ninth level of cultivation. The expert would be just as powerful as the Primeval Deity.


There was no telling whether Song Qing’er had some kind of mysterious treasure with her right now. Therefore, Ah Man decided to play it safe and chose not to launch an outright attack.


“Go ahead and kill me, if you dare. I doubt your Father has complete control of the sect.” At last, Ah Man spoke up. Her voice was as cold as ice, chilling to everyone who heard her.


“Hah. You’re right. I don’t dare to kill you. But I have other ways to destroy you. The Primitives doesn’t seem to be doing all that well right now. As you know, my Father’s a Peak Master here in the Sect. He has a lot of friends. Even a random handful of them would be able to easily destroy a few Primitives’ settlements. You should obey me if you know what’s good for you. You can’t possibly win against me.”


Song Qing’er was still sneering. The fury that flashed across Ah Man’s face pleased her greatly.


“Song Qing’er, you’re shameless and despicable. There is no enmity between us, so why do you insist on targeting me at every turn?”


Ah Man was beginning to look angry. Her fists were clenched as if she were filled with hatred.


“It’s your fault for having a pretty face that made the man I like interested in you. You can’t blame me.” At last, Song Qing’er saw the furious yet helpless look on Ah Man’s face. Her heart was singing with glee. She smiled smugly and said, “Don’t even bother fighting back if you know what’s good for you. Perhaps I’ll go a little easier on you…”


“Is that so?” Ah Man cut Song Qing’er off before the latter could finish speaking. There was no longer any trace of anger in her expression which had resumed its indifference.


“You…” Song Qing’er expression hardened. She suddenly realised that something was wrong. Her throat had become extremely itchy. She felt as if tens of thousands of centipedes were crawling around inside her.


She grabbed her throat and began to heave. However, the feeling didn’t stop. Instead, it became even more intense.


She began to scratch her throat with her nails until her skin broke. Her eyes were bulging out, making her look like an evil spirit.


She was not the only one. Her servants had all been affected too. They were rolling on the ground in agony.


“This is a poison I invented. I call it the Throat Ripper Vapour. You inhaled it just now while you were speaking.”


“Without my antidote, you’ll continue to scratch and tear at your throat just like you did earlier. Until… you rip your throat apart. You can try and look for your Father to see if he can help you with this… But first, you’ll need to be able to leave this place alive.”


Ah Man’s calm, nonchalant voice rang out. Her exquisite features were shrouded in hostility.


In reality, she was taking a gamble. She was betting on the chances of Song Qing’er being a coward who did not have the guts to risk her own life.


She tossed a white porcelain bottle over to Song Qing’er.


Song Qing’er expression was contorted hideously as she suffered through the excruciating pain. She was not in a position to care about anything else as she hastily swallowed one of the tiny pills inside the bottle. Finally, the overwhelming sense of itchiness slowly subsided.


She looked like someone who narrowly managed to escape death.


“Don’t blame me for being merciless. You can’t expect me to stand by and do nothing while you attempt to destroy me, right? Feel free to ask your Father to get back at me for this, but don’t worry. Your death will be far more grotesque than mine. You won’t be getting a second dose of the antidote either.”


“Look. All I want is to focus on my cultivation without any trouble. You’re the one who keeps messing with me. If you truly wish to court death, I have a hundred ways of ending your life for you.” Ah Man eyed Song Qing’er, who was currently lying limp on the ground and gasping hard. All colour had drained out of her fear-stricken face.


Ah Man walked over to Song Qing’er. She crouched down and grabbed Song Qing’er by the hair. A bone-chilling coldness emanated from her stoic expression.


“S-spare me… I won’t do it again… I’ll never do it again…” At the end of the day, Song Qing’er was a pampered Young Lady who grew up in a sheltered environment. She was well and truly terrified. She had never experienced something like this before. Naturally, she agreed without hesitation as if she feared that a delayed response could change her fate.


“Get out of here and take your people with you. Remember to replace the medicinal herb fields you destroyed.” Ah Man let go of Song Qing’er hair and commanded icily. She did not show any mercy despite the look of absolute terror in Song Qing’er’s eyes.


If this had taken place outside the Sect, Song Qing’er would have been nothing more than a corpse by now.


After seeing Song Qing’er and her servants who had taken the antidote leaving in a rush, Ah Man finally exhaled in relief.


However, her brows knitted once more as she looked around helplessly at the broken jars of medicinal herbs.


She had no choice but to use this method to frighten Song Qing’er.


She had to thank her Grandfather for being an expert in herbs and their properties.


Thanks to the guidance she had received from him when she was a child, she was extremely proficient in the properties of various herbs and in achieving various effects by combining them. She was an extraordinary talent in the art of making poison.


“Who’s there?” However, just as Ah Man returned to the courtyard, she abruptly started eyeing the closed door warily.


“Not bad. Not bad at all.” At the very next moment, a crisp and gentle male voice rang out. The courtyard fell into a peculiar state. The wind, time, and even space seemed to be frozen.


The door opened by itself and a young man dressed in a simple green robe appeared.


All at once, it felt as if the world existed solely for him. It had come to a complete standstill.


“Who are you?”


Ah Man’s face tensed up. She had never seen such a shocking scene before and could not remain calm



| I Am the Fated Villain |

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