I Am the Fated Villain

I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 844, A True Demon, You Will Not Regret This Decision

| I Am the Fated Villain |

Translator: Fate

Translation Checker: Silavin


The air became hazy once more and even more images appeared in the mirror.


Blood splattered all across the massive and desolate continent as the ancient forests and the settlement slowly fell.


Streaks of divine light shot across the sky. They were cultivators dressed in the robes of the Primeval Deity Sect. They came on the swords and hovered in the air with cold, merciless gazes as they slaughtered the Primitives’ settlement beneath them.


Sword Qi burst forth, accompanied by the sounds of clashing metal. The targets were decimated by the dominant and fearsome attacks.


In an instant, the vast number of Primitives’ soldiers howled in agony as their blood spewed everywhere. They were beheaded in next to no time as they could not defend themselves against the mighty cultivators.


Flames were spreading uncontrollably and turning the mountain red.


Soon, all that could be seen was destruction. Everything was in ruins. Cries of agony echoed all over. It was as if hell had been brought up to the land of the living.


“Xiao Hong! Uncle Lan! Aunt Man…” Ah Man was clenching her jaw and biting her lip. Her eyes were bloodshot. She could not believe that this was the future she had to endure.


The silhouettes she saw in the visions were all familiar to her.


Some were her childhood friends while others were the kind Aunts and Uncles from the settlement, as well as soldiers from the settlement whose names she did not know…


But now, they were all screaming in pain as the cultivators from the Primeval Deity Sect slaughtered them mercilessly without even sparing the children.


It was a tragedy. The high and mighty cultivators from the Primeval Deity Sect hovered up in the sky and looked down on the Primitives’ settlement as if these people were mere ants. Everyone was killed. Not a single Soul survived.


A blazing fire destroyed everything that was left. The billows of smoke stretched out for thousands of kilometres.


“Why does the Primeval Deity Sect want to kill us?” A Primitives’ old man roared as blood and tears trickled down his face.


Alas, the cultivator hovering in the sky merely eyed him coldly before a sword-like beam flashed out and the old man’s head was separated from his body.


The old man died a horrifying death. Even in his last moments, his eyes were wide with fury and despair.


“You’ll have to blame your settlement’s Princess for that. She poisoned one of the Primeval Deity Sect’s Elders. How can we uphold our name and our dignity if we do not avenge him by wiping out your settlement?” One of the cultivators spoke up icily. As he made his way across the place, sword-like beams burst forth and even the strongest soldiers from the Primitives’ settlement could not hold their own against him.


In just half a day, the large settlement turned to dust. All traces of them had been removed from this world.


“T-That’s not real… This can’t be what happens four years from now…”


Ah Man stared at the scenes that surfaced with bloodshot eyes. Her voice had grown hoarse. She kept shaking her head in denial.


“You can choose not to believe it. You can wait four years to see if everything comes true.” Gu Changge’s voice was as calm as ever. He was unaffected by the visions of pain and suffering he saw. To him, the destruction and rebirth of life were merely the ebb and flow of the ocean’s tides.


He did not care one bit about the death of millions, let alone one.


He chose Ah Man simply because she was suitable. If that had not been the case, Gu Changge would not have appeared before her, spoken at length to her, and showed her the future.


Ah Man’s suffering and future had nothing to do with him.


“Four years…” Ah Man’s voice trembled. Her eyes were red and her face was hidden by her scattered hair.


The mirror that hung in the air did not vanish after the massacre of the Primitives’ settlement.


Ah Man saw a familiar silhouette. It was a burly man dressed in a robe of fur. A stone axe hung on his back. He was wandering across a desolate plain with surging sand all around him.


He was looking for something. He moved from ruins to ruins as he tried to look for the long-lost Primeval Deity.


“Father…” Ah Man cried out with a quivering voice as she reached out to touch the figure.


Alas, her hand merely slipped through the mirror, stirring a faint ripple. She had sensed that the Father who raised her wasn’t her Biological Father. Even so, he was her real Father.


“No…” At the very next moment, there was bloodshed once again. The burly figure with the stone axe on his back fell to the ground. His expression was one of shock, disbelief, and heart-wrenching despair.


“Grandfather… Why would he…”


Ah Man’s eyes widened when she saw the stooped figure that killed her Adoptive Father. They turned red again. She could not believe her eyes. She could not accept what she had seen.


The old man was the one who taught her as a child. He commanded the highest respect among all the people in the settlement.


[Why would he show up there? Why would he kill Father?]


Ah Man’s Father and Grandfather were the closest people in the world to her.


“This isn’t real… This can’t be real… Grandfather wouldn’t do something like that…”


Ah Man slumped to the ground as if she had lost all her energy. Her gaze was hollow as she sobbed helplessly.


All along, she proved herself to be far more steady and composed than the rest of her peers. Nevertheless, she was still a teen of only fifteen or sixteen.


Now that she was suddenly learning of the cruel future fate had in store for her, how could she come to terms with it so easily?


“Do you still want to see the future? There are a lot more things in store for you. Those with an Innate Demonic Heart are destined to be plagued by misfortune. They will lose all their friends and Family, doomed to live a life of solitude. This is nothing in the grand scheme of things.”


Gu Changge’s gaze remained unchanged. He was smiling faintly and showed no sympathy for Ah Man’s sense of helplessness.


“I don’t want to see these things…” Ah Man shook her head desperately. Her voice trembled with terror.


At this moment, Gu Changge was far more horrifying than anything she had ever seen. If that was indeed her destined future…


[How does he know about it? How can he speak of it so casually? Isn’t he exposing Heavenly Secrets by telling me about my future? Why isn’t he suffering any kind of backlash or Heavenly Punishment?]


All the horrors of the situation flooded Ah Man’s mind and heart. She was no longer the cold and merciless young woman who stood before Song Qing’er just now. Instead, she looked like a lost and helpless little girl.


“It would be unwise of you to simply choose to avoid confronting the situation. Are you able to become powerful enough to go against the entire Primeval Deity Sect in four years? Will you be able to protect your settlement? Or, are you going to choose to sacrifice yourself and allow your Master to use you as a Human Cauldron? In that case, who will save your Father?”


“Even if you can go up against the entire Primeval Deity Sect four years from now, don’t forget that there’s an even more sinister plot behind all of this. An even more terrifying enemy is waiting in the shadows.”


“Your Grandfather… Why did he want to kill your adoptive Father… Oh, what an intriguing story it is.” Gu Changge spoke calmly and sedately. He seemed to be a mere observer who was witnessing the events of another person’s life.


“Stop saying those things…”


“Stop talking…”




Alas, his words seemed to possess some kind of bewitching quality. Ah Man could not help but think about those things. Her eyes filled with horror and dread.


She did not know what to do.


If this were truly her future, she had no idea what she should do.


She could not think of a way out. She could not come up with a way to deal with everything.


It seemed like she was destined to go down this path. Her fate had been decided. It could not be changed.


But, all she wanted was to live a carefree life with her settlement. She wanted to revive the glory of the Primitives and ensure that the cultivators of this world no longer dared to bully them. [Why! Why did such a simple desire turn out to be an impossible luxury!?]


“S-Since you know all these things, you’ll definitely be able to help me, right?”


All of a sudden, Ah Man recalled what Gu Changge said earlier and her eyes lit up with hope.


She turned around and stared at Gu Changge. She looked like a drowning person who suddenly found a means of staying alive.


“That’s right. I can help you. After all, I told you. I’m your benefactor.” Gu Changge chuckled faintly and walked over to her. He crouched down and took out a clean handkerchief from his robe to wipe her tear-streaked face.


Ah Man stared in a daze as he approached. She caught a wonderful scent.


The natural fragrance reminded one of distant mountains, clear waters, pillowy clouds, and a warm breeze,


Ah Man’s fear and uneasiness began to dissipate.


“What a beautiful lady…” As Gu Changge wiped Ah Man’s tears, he studied her exquisite features and determined gaze.


He could not help but shake his head as he recalled Chan Hongyi.


Chan Hongyi had also seemed timid but determined when he, as the Demon Lord, first met her at the base of the mountain.


However, Chan Hongyi of the past did not have the tragic backstory and future that Ah Man did.


“W-What should I call you?” Ah Man was unused to the sudden change in Gu Changge’s attitude. He had been entirely cold and unfeeling earlier. But now, he was gently wiping her tears for her.


She was not a simple-minded woman. The visions of the future had affected her deeply, and her fear made it impossible for her to stay calm.


Now that her fear had subsided, she regained her cool again.


Miracles did not fall from the sky. There was no reason why someone would do such a great favour without asking for anything in return. She knew that Gu Changge had to have a motive of his own.


“What should you call me?” Gu Changge chuckled and asked, “What do you think?”


Ah Man fell silent. She did not know how to answer the question. Gu Changge looked as young as the legendary Immortals. However, he was also someone who could see the future, so she could not determine his age based on his looks alone.


“Senior?” Ah Man suggested tentatively.


Gu Changge laughed. “I’m fine with Senior. Just don’t call me Master. I’m tired of being addressed as such.”


Ah Man nodded somewhat confusedly. She did not know that Gu Changge was simply teasing.


Naturally, she did not try to question Gu Changge about his motives.


“You’re intelligent and can stay composed under pressure. That’s what I like about you. Someone who’s truly intelligent knows how to judge the situation.” Gu Changge pulled her back onto her feet, and with a wave of his sleeves, everything went back to normal.


The sound of the wind brought the chirping of the birds with it.


“Did you pause time just now?” Ah Man was thunderstruck by such an unimaginable power.


She did not know if the legendary Primeval Deity could do something like this. But, she was certain that the Elders in the Primeval Deity Sect could not.


“Pause time?” Gu Changge chuckled. He did not answer her question. Instead, he informed her of his plan.


“I will now help you awaken your true talents and strength so that you can become a True Demon. But first, have you made your mind up? The moment you choose to walk down this path, there’s no turning back.”


“A True Demon?” Ah Man froze. She felt an endless stream of indomitable energy from those three words.


Gu Changge did not try to force her. He knew Ah Man would choose to become a Demon. She simply had no choice.


Naturally, she still had the option to refuse, but Gu Changge would simply use some other means to get her to accept it.


“What’s a True Demon?” Ah Man muttered out a question. She did not understand what it meant.


“A True Demon is simply the term others use. To me, there’s no difference between Demons and Immortals,” Gu Changge replied.


“I’ve decided. As long as it will change my destiny and my future, I’m willing to become anything.” Ah Man did not waste much time considering her options before she responded with a look of resolve.


“Please help me, Senior.”


“Excellent. You won’t regret the choice you made today.” With a faint smile on his face, Gu Changge lifted his hand. A hazy dark light fell and solidified into a black Grand Rune.


A swirl of infinite mystery weaved itself around the Grand Rune before it bloomed. It hovered in the space for a moment before turning into a seed that shot straight towards Ah Man’s forehead.


“A seed?” Ah Man did not resist. Her sparkling eyes widened as she watched the way the seed rushed towards her.


With a swoosh, the seed disappeared between her brows.


Ah Man felt as if she could see the fuzzy outline of a flask appearing before her eyes. It floated in her mind and channelled a terrifying energy that could crush everything.


A streak of dark light shot out of the flask and fell on her limbs before rushing over her skin, flesh, organs, and bones before finally settling in her heart.


“It hurts so much…” Ah Man turned ghostly pale. Her little face was contorted in pain. Her brows were tightly knitted. She felt as if her heart had stopped beating for a second before being ripped apart.


*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* She could clearly hear the sound of her heart pounding.


Dark light began pouring out of her heart, covering and destroying the meridians she had formed through cultivation.


“My power…” Ah Man’s eyes widened. She could feel her power fading away. The cultivation she garnered from years of painstaking effort vanished in an instant.


Gu Changge simply observed everything from the side with an unruffled gaze.



| I Am the Fated Villain |

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