I Am the Fated Villain

I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 854, Didn’t Get the Chance to Call Him Master Yet, Radiant Yang True World’s Chosen One

| I Am the Fated Villain |

Translator: Fate

Translation Checker: Silavin


Gu Changge did not leave immediately. After several days, he got Ah Man to return to her settlement and reunite with her people, including her Adoptive Father.


Instead of showing himself, he simply watched everything in the shadows.


Ah Man was the one who told her Adoptive Father and the others about the Primitives and the secrets behind the Primeval Deity.


Gu Changge did not care how they dealt with this situation.


However, the annihilation of the Primeval Deity Sect in a single day, as well as the destruction of its whole territory, stirred a huge wave across this world.


Many Forces sent their people over to investigate, but Gu Changge helped Ah Man by wiping all traces of her.


Ah Man was not worried about being tracked down by the other experts of this world. As it was, with the power she could wield now, she did not need to fear the other Forces of this world.


At night, all was silent. The moonlight trickled through the settlement.


Gu Changge stood atop the distant mountain. His clean robes bathed in the moonlight. He stood silently in his immaculate white robes and surveyed the bustling settlement beneath. Fires were lit as many people sang and danced.


The chilly breeze made his robes flutter. He looked like a celestial being who rode in with the wind.


“I hope you won’t let me down.” Gu Changge’s gaze fell on Ah Man.


The young woman was smiling brightly as she joined the people in their revelry, drinking wine and helping herself to the feast. She looked blissfully carefree.


After finding out the so-called truth, she thought she no longer needed to feel as worried or pressured.


She could finally relax a little.


Gu Changge did not say anything to her. After all, she still needed time to learn and grow.


He would not be wasting so much time on her if he could be the one informing her of the entire truth herself.


During this time, Gu Changge taught many things to Ah Man.


He taught her Divine Techniques as well as Forbidden Techniques. He also taught her some of the secret techniques he created himself. To some extent, he fulfilled his job before leaving.


Even though he did not ask Ah Man to address him as her Master, Ah Man treated him like her one true Master.


[I look forward to the next time I see you, Ah Man.] Gu Changge shook his head. He chooses not to bid Ah Man farewell.


He did not care about such formalities, so he did not think it was necessary to have a proper goodbye.


At the very next moment, his silhouette disappeared.


All of the auras, traces, and karma that were related to him vanished from the world. It was as if he had never appeared in this world.


Just then, Ah Man, who was partaking in the feast with the other people in her settlement, stiffened. A strange feeling came over her. She subconsciously clutched her heart in a panic.


The smile on Ah Man’s face swiftly disappeared. She turned a little pale.


“Why does my heart feel so uneasy…” At this moment, an intense sense of loss flooded Ah Man. She stood up and ran towards the back mountain, ignoring the shocked and confused gazes from the others.


“Senior…” Ah Man rushed into the still, moonlit mountain and yelled. She looked deeply flustered and panicked. It was as if she had suddenly lost something incredibly precious to her.


Alas, the echoes of her voice were the only sounds that could be heard in the still and empty mountain.


“Why…” Ah Man murmured.


She thought Gu Changge would continue to accompany her for much longer. At least, she thought she had a few more days before his expected departure.


And yet, he left without any notice. He did not even say a word of goodbye.


Ah Man deflated. She slumped against an aged tree, feeling like all her energy had been sucked out of her.


She thought that once she was done with matters here at the settlement, she would embark on her journey to avenge her Father.


And, to give Gu Changge a good impression this time, she even prepared a plan of action in advance.


Alas, she did not even have the chance to tell Gu Changge about her plans. She did not get to hear a word of praise from him.


“I-I didn’t even get the chance to call you Master yet… I haven’t even returned your outer robe to you,” Ah Man whispered.


Then, she carefully took out the white outer robe and buried her head in it. It was as if this were the only way she could sense his presence.


Ah Man’s mood dipped low. Her beautiful eyes had dimmed.


To her, Gu Changge was not just her Senior.


Their recent interactions allowed her to see that Gu Changge was not as cold and indifferent as he seemed when they first met. Slowly, his patient side came out as he taught her several things.


He was able to remain calm and patient with her even when he had to teach the simplest of concepts.


Ah Man also tried to get closer to Gu Changge. She purposely hunted the meat of wild animals and roasted them in front of him.


Although he seemed averse to it at the start, eventually, he accepted her roasted meat.


In Ah Man’s eyes, this was a sign that their relationship had deepened.


But… Gu Changge left without her noticing. He left this world just as silently and unnoticeably as he came.


“Still, I believe I’ll see you again someday. I’ll address you as Master then.” Ah Man did not wallow in her sadness for too long.


She soon regained her composure. She knew she had a long road ahead of her. Her eyes glittered with resolve.


“I will find the Celestial Deity and kill him myself. I’ll see to it that my name spreads all across this vast universe.”


Ah Man bowed towards the silent forest before turning around and leaving.



Meanwhile, in a distant universe.


It was a vast universe with countless stars filled with life dazzled brightly. There were Ancient Star Beasts, even larger than the clusters of stars, roaming across the Star Territory. They were so massive, they had countless worlds atop them.


The universe rumbled as terrifying sounds swept over, time and time again. All stars in the vicinity were shaking, as if they were on the verge of falling.


A majestic palace stood among these stars filled with life. It dazzled so brightly that it lit up the universe. From it, divine light shone in all directions.


An ancient inscription of the words ‘Universe Destroyer’ atop the palace. The words gleamed with light.


A middle-aged man who was dressed in simple attire was attending to matters within the palace. His eyes gave off the aura of one who had experienced much in life.


“Master, a plaque in the Life Hall has shattered.”


A report from beyond the palace doors made the middle-aged man pause briefly. Then, he asked calmly, “Who did it so quickly? Which one of my children did that plaque belong to?”


“The plaque belonged to a trial executor assigned to Lady Ah Man.”


The respectful voice responded from outside.


“Ah Man?” The middle-aged man’s eyes narrowed. He finally stopped what he was doing.


His smirk became a little cruel. “Excellent. As long as she passes the final trial, there’s no reason why she can’t take over the Universe Destroyer Residence in the future. She might even become the Chosen One of the Radiant Yang True World someday.”



| I Am the Fated Villain |

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