I Became The Chief Of A Primitive Village

I Became The Chief Of A Primitive Village – Chapter 156, Yellow Earth

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Translator: Silavin


Cheng Shi flapped his black wings, circling continuously in the air. They had already been searching for a day.


He slowly descended and landed under a large tree. This tree was the gathering point Shu Feng had mentioned earlier.


“Brother Shu Feng, I didn’t find anything on my end.” Cheng Shi shook his head and sighed.


Ai’er also folded her wings and shook her head as well. “I didn’t find anything either, but I did encounter a Ferocious Beast.”


“Are you okay? Remember to avoid any Ferocious Beasts you encounter.” Shu Feng also folded his large brown wings and helplessly said, “I don’t have any luck either. But, I did hunt down a few wild animals.”


Cheng Shi looked at the few wild chickens on the ground with their necks wrung and he rubbed his stomach. He grinned and asked, “Brother Shu Feng, should we eat something first?”


“Yes, let’s eat something. I’m hungry too.” Ai’er revealed her cute tiger-like fangs.


“Alright, let’s roast some meat to eat.” Shu Feng took out two fire starters stones.


“I’ll go find some firewood,” Cheng Shi turned and left.


“Then I’ll go find some stones.” Ai’er also ran off cheerfully.


A few minutes later, a simple fire pit was set up under the big tree, and the flames were burning brightly.


*Crackle… crackle… Sizzle… sizzle…” The wild chickens sizzled as they roasted over the fire, emitting waves of meaty aroma.


Cheng Shi crouched by the fire pit, waiting for the chickens to be ready. He blinked his narrow black eyes and asked, “Can we eat yet? I’m so hungry.”


“Don’t rush. It’s only been roasting for a short while.” Shu Feng took out a Beast Bone, removed the stopper, and poured out some salt. He began to sprinkle it evenly over the roasting chickens.


The salt sizzled as it hit the roasting chickens, intensifying the meaty aroma.


Cheng Shi excitedly bobbed his head, happily saying, “We can eat meat soon. I want to eat a whole lot.”


The thoughts of a fifteen, sixteen-year-old were always the most direct. They were happy as long as there was food to eat.


“There are only three in total. The both of us can share one.” Ai’er knew that she was just a Warrior Trainee. She could not ask to eat a whole one directly. Meat distribution always favoured the Shaman, Chieftain, and Totem Warriors, followed by Warrior Trainees, with ordinary people getting even less.


“Oh right, I almost forgot.” Cheng Shi scratched his head embarrassedly.


Shu Feng waved his hand and calmly said, “It’s fine. Today, let’s have one each. You two eat without worry. There’s no one else here.”


He did not place too many restrictions on Cheng Shi and Ai’er, thinking they were still just children. Also, since they were outside the Tribe, he was more than willing to let them eat more.


“Brother Shu Feng is the best!” Cheng Shi was so happy his wings spread out.


Half an hour later, after finishing the roasted chickens and resting a bit, they spread their wings and continued their search.


Ai’er flew towards the right side of the big tree. Her purple butterfly wings shimmered in the sunlight, looking particularly beautiful.


The scorching Sun in the sky was unbearably hot. Ai’er wiped the sweat from her forehead and began to slowly descend. She entered a forest, and with the shade of the trees, she felt much more comfortable.


“Who knows how long we’ll have to search like this…” Ai’er blinked her purple eyes and muttered to herself.


She moved, continuing to avoid the scorching sun above as she flew towards areas with more tree cover. The further she flew into the dense forest, the cooler it felt, and the more comfortable it was.


“It’s so cool here.” Ai’er stopped flying forward and began to hover in mid-air. She stretched out her slender hand and flew towards a large tree. After looking around to ensure there was no danger, she sat on the tree and began to enjoy the coolness of the area.


Although she was sitting on the tree to rest, Ai’er’s purple eyes continuously scanned her surroundings, always staying very vigilant.


When she looked at the ground, she rubbed her eyes and puzzledly questioned, “Huh? Why is there no grass on that patch of soil over there?”


The butterfly girl was looking at a large patch of yellow soil with no plants or gravel on it, just a patch of moist earth.


She looked around again, then spread her butterfly wings and slowly flew towards that patch of soil.


As she flew, she remained vigilant, fearing something might go wrong. At the slightest movement, she was ready to fly high into the sky.


“What is that? It looks like something I’ve never seen before…” Ai’er muttered to herself.


She dared not be too careless and did not fully land on the ground. Instead, she hovered while observing the yellow soil.


After ensuring there was no danger around, the butterfly girl reached out to dig up a small piece.


Ai’er pinched the small piece of yellow soil and found it different from other soils. She pinched it several times and mumbled, “It’s so sticky, and it feels so wet. Wait…”


The butterfly girl’s purple eyes widened as she began to recall something. She felt like she had heard about this yellow soil somewhere before.


“That’s right! Isn’t this the kind of soil the Shaman was looking for? Yellow and sticky!” Ai’er excitedly exclaimed.


When the Hunting Team received this mission, the Warrior Trainees more or less knew about it too. They would even go out with the Hunting Team to search, though of course, they would only search nearby and not stray off too far.


Ai’er was very excited because the Hunting Team had been searching for this soil for a long time without any success. She happily looked at the large patch of yellow soil and muttered. “I should bring some back for the Shaman to check if this is what he wants.”


If this yellow soil turned out to be what the Shaman wanted, the butterfly girl would get a good share of meat.


Ai’er flew up to a big tree, plucked several large leaves, then flew back to the yellow soil and started digging it up, bit by bit.


As she dug, she kept looking around. Even while working, she maintained her vigilance. This was a basic skill for any warrior.


After about fifteen minutes, the girl had dug up quite a bit of yellow soil, all cradled in her arms. Once done, she excitedly flew back towards the big tree.


Her face was full of smiles. This was the first time she could help the Tribe, which was certainly worth being happy about. Moreover, she had thought it through, [If what I found is what the Shaman wants, I would be able to get a good portion of meat! I would be able to share it with my Sister. She would surely be very happy. She sadly isn’t a Warrior Trainee or a Totem Warrior. Since she is just an ordinary person, she would only get a limited amount of meat each day…]


The more she thought about it, the happier she got, and her purple butterfly wings flapped with more vigour.



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