I Level Up By Absorbing Everything

I Level Up By Absorbing Everything – Chapter 17, Dual City Assessment, Chen Xiwei Steps into the Martial Artist Realm!

| I Level Up By Absorbing Everything |

Translator: Silavin


As time passed, night gradually fell. In the wilderness, dangers were abound. This was especially so at night. Many powerful and dangerous Ferocious Beasts would become active at this time.


Experienced Martial Artists would prepare hidden places to take shelter in advance.


On a tree about ten meters thick, Chu Mo used his saber to carve out a hole and covered it with a thick layer of leaves to use as a place to stay.


Sitting in this hole, Chu Mo began to take stock of today’s gains.


Although Mount Dashu had numerous Ferocious Beasts and was full of danger, his Wind Splitting Blade had already been mastered till Level 1, able to cover the blade with a layer of Sword Aura, greatly increasing its power.


If he encountered fast Ferocious Beasts, he could also rely on his Wind Element Talent and Luo Yan Steps to engage them.


After a day, his harvest was quite rich. He slew eight Level 2 Ferocious Beasts! Obtained ten portions of Level 2 Ferocious Beast Blood! Plus some precious Level 2 Ferocious Beast Materials!


Adding it all up, it was worth at least several thousand Spirit Stones. For ordinary people, this was the wealth they could only earn in decades!


But for Martial Artists, it only took a day!


This was the difference!



After organizing all the materials by category, Chu Mo took out a bottle of Ferocious Beast Blood and drank it.


The berserk energy rampaged in his body.


Chu Mo didn’t hesitate and performed the Twenty-One Forms Body Tempering Technique, slowly absorbing it.


Although his strength had reached the limit of Martial Apprentice and could only increase after breaking through his shackles, Chu Mo still didn’t give up and continued to hone his cultivation bit by bit.


In the following period of time, Chu Mo would fight Ferocious Beasts during the day to train his Martial Skills, and drink Ferocious Beast Blood at night to increase his strength.


Although his strength never increased, as he continuously drank Ferocious Beast Blood, Chu Mo discovered that his Physique was gradually improving, and his mastery of his Talents was becoming more and more profound.


Hunt, cultivate, hunt again…


Day after day, Chu Mo’s Saber Technique and Movement Technique were rapidly improving.



While Chu Mo was immersed in his cultivation… in the First Academy of Luyang Base, all the students had gathered, preparing for this year’s school-wide hunting trial.


The academy plaza was already filled with a dense crowd of students. At the very front, an old man stood on a high platform.


Although he had an aged appearance, his figure stood tall and straight, with his entire body exuding a powerful aura, like a spear about to pierce the sky!


This person was the principal of the First Martial Arts Academy of Luyang Base.


At the same time, he was also one of the five pillars of the base, Shen Jin, who had cultivated to the Grandmaster Realm!


“Students, this academy hunting trial will be different from previous years! This year, our Luyang Base will join with Changfeng Base to conduct a dual city trial! In other words…”


Principal Shen Jin continued in a deep voice, “This hunting trial will not only have students from our First Academy, but also from other Academies and Martial Arts Halls in the base, as well as all the Martial Arts Academy students from Changfeng Base!”




“A dual city trial?”


“All Academies and Martial Arts Halls from the two bases will participate. The scale of this trial is going to be huge!”


Hearing Shen Jin’s words, all the students present changed their expressions.


Luyang Base and Changfeng Base were both small bases. Because the two were relatively close in distance, they would occasionally have joint trials in previous years.


Generally, the final rewards for such trials would be richer, but correspondingly, the danger would also greatly increase.


For a moment, many felt a bit uneasy in their hearts.


On stage, Shen Jin took in all the students’ expressions and loudly announced, “I know what you’re worried about. As you can imagine, the location of this trial assessment will be in the outskirts of Mount Dashu. I don’t need to say much for you to understand how dangerous this will be! Therefore, this assessment allows students to freely form teams and also allows students to give up the exam!”


“Along with danger comes opportunity! For this assessment, both bases have put out generous rewards. The top ten teams or individuals have the possibility of obtaining rewards including but not limited to storage bags, Martial Skills, Ferocious Beast Blood, Spirit Stones…”


At this moment, all the students’ expressions changed. Although they had anticipated that this assessment would be very dangerous, they never thought it would actually be in the outskirts of Mount Dashu!


That place had quite a few Level 3 and even Level 4 Ferocious Beasts!


In an instant, many students who judged their strength to be low backed out.


There were also some students who were eager to give it a try. Those especially keen were those mere twenty-odd people standing at the very front of all the students.


They were the elite class students of Luyang’s First Martial Arts Academy!


Only twenty-three people! But every single one could be called a proud prodigy of Luyang Base!


In the elite class lineup, Chen Xiwei looked at the crowd and didn’t see Chu Mo’s figure. She couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.


This assessment trial was too dangerous. She herself could barely take care of herself, and if Chu Mo, who had no cultivation, participated, accidents could easily occur.


Now seeing that he didn’t sign up for the assessment, Chen Xiwei sighed in relief, but her heart also couldn’t help sighing a little.


After all, who doesn’t hope that the person close to them to be a genius as well?


[Three days ago, I successfully became a Martial Artist and my strength has greatly increased! In this trial, I must enter the top ten and slay a Two-Headed Python! This is the only way I can grant Chu Mo the opportunity to change his cultivation talent!] Feeling the powerful and vigorous energy in her body, Chen Xiwei couldn’t help but clench her fists tightly.


“Xiwei, why don’t you team up with us?” At this time, A youth with a long sword on his back, holding a carefree temperament, came in front of Chen Xiwei. He revealed a gentle smile as he gently asked.


He looked at Chen Xiwei, eyes not withholding his admiration.


Guo Qun!


He was the genius of the elite class of First Martial Arts Academy!


At only nineteen years old, he already had the strength of an Early-Stage Martial Artist!


It was said that he not only had Mid-Tier Cultivation Talent, but had even awakened a Mid-Tier Sword Talent!


In terms of killing power and potential, he was unmatched in the entire Luyang Base!


Naturally, with Guo Qun’s good-looks, he was extremely popular in the academy.


It was just heartbreaking for many people that other than cultivating, Guo Qun didn’t give others the time of day. He also uniquely only held feelings for Chen Xiwei.


Now that Guo Qun came to invite Chen Xiwei to team up, it naturally attracted the attention of many people.


It was just, feeling the gazes of those around her and seeing Guo Qun’s fervent gaze, Chen Xiwei frowned.


“I appreciate the kind offer, but I don’t plan to team up with anyone.” Chen Xiwei shook her head and said.


“Chen Xiwei actually refused?”


“Guo Qun personally invited her and she actually rejected?”


“Oh my god!”


Seeing Chen Xiwei refuse, many students were shocked.


Many people in the academy looked quite favorably upon the pair – Chen Xiwei and Guo Qun. After all, both of them had outstanding appearances and unrivaled Talents. In the future, they would definitely climb to the peak together.


Who knew Chen Xiwei would just stubbornly guard that waste of a fiance and not give others the time of day.


Even to Guo Qun, she wouldn’t yield half a step to converse more.


This also made many feel regretful.


“Alright then, since that’s the case, remember to be careful!” Guo Qun’s face revealed a hint of disappointment, but he didn’t persist and just reminded her to be careful before returning to his own team.



“It’s about time. Everyone, get into the vehicles in an orderly manner. We depart in five minutes!” Once Principal Shen Jin finished speaking, all the students got on the Spirit Stone powered vehicles.


These vehicles started and headed towards the wilderness.



| I Level Up By Absorbing Everything |

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