I Level Up By Absorbing Everything

I Level Up By Absorbing Everything – Chapter 31, The Death of Zhou Cheng, Uprooting the Problem!

| I Level Up By Absorbing Everything |

Translator: Silavin


At this moment, Zhou Cheng’s entire body erupted with energy, his Qi boiling within as he spun around with the speed of wind and lightning, charging towards Chu Mo.


Halfway there, a saber slashed out repeatedly, each strike containing the terrifying power of a Late-Stage Martial Artist. All attacks assaulting Chu Mo.


This was Zhou Cheng’s signature ultimate skill, the Wind Splitting Blade! This Saber Technique was a Bronze Grade Martial Skill with three levels.


When cultivated to perfection, it could slash out dazzling saber light with boundless power!


Previously, although Zhou Qi knew this skill, his power was ordinary since he had not mastered it. But now in Zhou Cheng’s hands, it was completely different.


Zhou Cheng was enveloped in a terrifying killing intent. The power was so fearsome that even the void screeched from the unbearable pressure as it bore down on Chu Mo.


Although it had not reached Chu Mo yet, the fierce saber light already made one’s skin sting!


At this moment, Zhou Cheng had used his strongest ultimate skill! He was determined to slay Chu Mo in one strike!


Facing this terrifying slash, Chu Mo remained calm and unflustered. Possessing his Absorption ability, Chu Mo now had three Talents.


The Low-Grade Wind Element Talent gave Chu Mo speed far surpassing ordinary Martial Artists and even Martial Masters.


The Lightning Element Talent could also grant Chu Mo several times more power!


Moreover, the High-Grade Saber Talent allowed Chu Mo to have greater mastery over the saber!


On top of having cultivated the Bronze Grade Wind Splitting Blade to perfection and having mastered the Silver-Grade Raging Tempest Thunder Saber, Chu Mo’s current strength, while he dared not say he was unrivaled among peers, ordinary Martial Artists were definitely not his match!


As for Zhou Cheng before him—


“I shall use you… to test how much I have grown!”



“Why isn’t he dodging? What is he doing!?” Zhou Cheng’s attention had been focused on Chu Mo the whole time. But what he found strange was that from the moment he attacked with his full power, this person had been standing in place, seemingly stunned.


Even now, when his saber was about to land on this person’s head, he remained motionless.


[Could it be that he got frightened silly?]


[Nevermind! No matter what he’s up to, as long as my slash lands on him, even if he is a Martial Master, he is sure to die!] Thinking of this, the viciousness in Zhou Cheng’s eyes intensified. His determination to slay Chu Mo grew firmer.


However, right at this moment, a sudden change occurred.


The dust under Chu Mo’s feet suddenly billowed outwards, stirring up countless air currents and smoke. His clothes fluttered violently despite the lack of wind!


Even more terrifying, the saber in Chu Mo’s hand actually started trembling at this instant.


“Buzzzz!” A faint quivering sound arose. Slow at first, then abruptly intensifying.


“This is…” Zhou Cheng’s eyelids twitched as dread grew in his heart.


An unprecedented unease spread from the depths of his heart.


‘Clang!’ In the blink of an eye, a metallic sound suddenly rang out. Chu Mo’s saber swiftly left its sheath and slashed out in an instant.


The Saber Qi shot out like a bolt of lightning, overtaking Zhou Cheng’s attack with unimaginable speed.


In a flash, Zhou Cheng only saw a cold gleam slicing towards him!


Threads of chill appeared in the surroundings with this slash!


This was a slash brimming with power! A slash filled with killing intent!


It was an unstoppable slash!


‘Crack! Crack!’ Under this slash, Zhou Cheng’s saber light instantly crumbled and disintegrated!


“Not good! I need to quickly retreat!” Knowing the outcome if he did not retreat, Zhou Cheng was shocked out of his wits and wanted to immediately withdraw.


But before he could even retract his hand, his saber shattered into dozens of pieces with a ‘clack’.


That Saber Qi sliced down on his body like a hot knife through butter as he watched in disbelief!


It was like gold being cut. The saber went through smoothly as it flashed by.


Time seemed to stop in that instant!


A long while later.


‘Shick~’ The slow sound of the saber returning to its sheath abruptly broke the silence.


With one slash, Chu Mo strode past Zhou Cheng without even a glance.


Behind him…


‘Thud!’ Zhou Cheng fell to his knees, eyes vacant. A red line extended from the left to the right of his neck, slowly splitting open.


‘Splurt splurt~’ Spurts of blood flew out.


“I, don’t, accept… this…” Feeling the rapidly fading warmth and disappearing vitality of his body, Zhou Cheng used the last of his strength to utter those last four words.


As his voice fell, with the heavy thud of a falling object, Zhou Cheng’s body collapsed to the ground.




All his future prospects, all his ambitions vanished like smoke.


This was how Zhou Cheng had perished!



After killing Zhou Cheng, it was time to collect the spoils.


Chu Mo searched the villa and quickly found a storage room with several safes inside.


Using his Saber Qi, he directly sliced them open and saw them filled to the brim with Spirit Stones and Ferocious Beast Materials.


A rough estimate showed there were at least hundreds of thousands of Spirit Stones.


The beast materials were also piled like mountains, extremely valuable.


“‘A horse cannot get fat without more feed!’ I’ve really struck it rich this time!” Seeing all this, Chu Mo’s eyes lit up.


As an influential expert of the base, Zhou Cheng had become a Martial Artist for over a decade now. The wealth he accumulated was naturally immense.


But now, it all belonged to Chu Mo.


Without hesitation, he stored everything in his storage bag.


After searching carefully again to ensure nothing was missed, Chu Mo prepared to leave.


Although his battle with Zhou Cheng was brief, it caused quite a commotion and had likely drawn the attention of many. The law enforcement would arrive at any moment.


“Time to go home!” Chu Mo decisively turned and left.


Just a short while after Chu Mo departed, the base’s law enforcement swiftly arrived on scene.


Seeing the ground littered with corpses, everyone couldn’t help sharply inhaling.


“They’re all dead, even Late-Stage Martial Artist Zhou Cheng!” After investigating, one of the law enforcement Martial Artists reported.


Hearing this, the captain felt his scalp tingle.


Although Zhou Cheng’s strength wasn’t exceptionally great, he was still a formidable expert in the base.


Now his entire power structure was nearly wiped out from top to bottom. This was no small matter!


“Judging from the wounds, the one who killed them is a skilled saber wielder. Zhou Cheng didn’t even have the strength to resist and was killed with one slash. It seems Zhou Cheng’s enemy was seeking revenge!” After examining the causes of death, the law enforcement captain said gravely, “This was done by a powerful Saber Master. This is already beyond what we can handle!”


“Immediately gather intel and report this up the chain. Let the higher-ups make the decision!”


Hearing this, the subordinates all responded, “Yes sir!”


The law enforcement began dealing with the aftermath. Meanwhile, Chu Mo had already returned home at this point.


He even started taking stock of his gains.



| I Level Up By Absorbing Everything |

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