Invincible At The Start

Invincible At The Start – Chapter 101, First Step and Mighty Wind

| Invincible At The Start |

Translator: Tamon

Translation Checker: Silavin


Chen Changan was holding the Immortal Stone when a System message popped up.


<Detected a Top Grade Immortal Stone. Do you wish to exchange it for 50,000 Domain Points?>


Chen Changan’s eyes shot wide open, too stunned to speak. He just kept staring at the glittering rock in his hand. [This thing’s worth fifty grand!?]


[What about other Immortal Items, System? Like the Immortal Herbs?]


<Only Immortal Stones can be exchanged at this time. Do you wish to proceed?>


[Do it!] Chen Changan did not hesitate for anything in the world, not when he had eleven of those.


[That’s 550,000 Domain Points right there! Wicked!] An even better way of getting Domain Points presented itself.


Chen Changan turned all the Immortal Stones into Domain Points.


His excitement slumped as he found out that only five of them were of Top Grade, with six High Grade and two Mid Grade. The last two types were thirty and twenty grand, respectively.


In conclusion, all Chen Changan got out of the eleven Immortal Stones after the exchange was a meagre 410,000 Domain Points. They at least added nicely to the reward he got from the bumped Demons on Soaring Immortal Mountain and killing the Ghost Immortal.


Chen Changan was sitting on 610,000 Domain Points. Finding so many of them dumped on him practically overnight made him feel like he won the lotto or something.


“I knew I should’ve gotten more Immortal Stones out of Jiang Yuchan.” Chen Changan grumbled.


He was indifferent toward his cooperation with her, until now.


He could barely sit still, waiting for the next time they worked together, all so he could get his hands on even more Immortal Stones. He was totally oblivious to the cruel reality that the Upper Realm was not swimming in those things, as he imagined. Immortal Stones were rarities even among Immortal Kings and Immortal Lords.


The only reason Jiang Yuchan had so many on her was due to the long history of the Jiang Clan and its wealth. Being the best Clan’s greatest woman also helped.


Yet her allocation ended up being spent by giving her storage ring to Chen Changan with a bleeding heart and immense regret, though nothing beats being alive.


As they say, ‘Where there’s life, there’s hope.’


Immortal Stones would come with time, as long as she was alive to collect them.


Chen Changan stood on Soaring Immortal Mountain and stared in the distance with burgeoning ambition. He got the Domain Points, and now he would expand the Domain to become the Soaring Immortal Mountain Lord.


This would be the first true step towards his dream, as well as the first real start of his new life in this fantastical world.


His journey consisted of expanding the Absolute Domain not just across Soaring Immortal Mountain, the Myriad Mountains, and the Nine Provinces Continent. No, his journey, his dream, would carry him and the Absolute Domain to the world’s end, or worlds.


He would become unstoppable, invincible, and godlike!


That was the true form of the Absolute Domain, not cooped up around some no-name hunk of rock, even if it was somewhat tall.


Chen Changan was a deadbeat, sure, but even deadbeats had ambitions!


Standing on the peak, he gazed into the distance at the roaming clouds. [I will leave my mark on this wonderful and magical world!]


Filled with glorious purpose, a line called to him. [‘The mighty wind blows, scattering the flying clouds. Additive and sugar-free.’] (Tamon: the first sentence is from Liu Bang’s ‘Song of the Mighty Wind.’)


Chen Changan fell silent, his brow turning into a heavy frown. [Hmm, why did the wording feel off? Let’s see.]


His eyes lit up in epiphany. “The mighty wind blows, scattering the flying clouds. The clouds disperse, and eggs chill.”


[Yep, now it’s perfect.] Chen Changan beamed at his artistic talent.


Foxy and Ling Bao’er overheard Chen Changan’s verses from inside the Eternity Temple, where they were cultivating. They gasped.


Ling Bao’er praised, per usual. “Master’s words are brimming with emotion and majesty. I can already picture Master’s journey and glory through the six paths of reincarnation as he dominated the entirety of ‘Internet’.”


“Ya, yi, ya, yi!” Foxy bobbed her head in approval, though clueless as to what this Internet could ever be.


Ling Bao’er was in the dark as well, but her Master sure liked to say it a lot.


[The Internet must be a realm spanning endless worlds, filled with mystical and baffling sights. Just how many eons did Master roam it to attain such a level?]


“I understood the first part of Master’s grand poem, but the part with sugar-free and chilled eggs eludes my understanding.” Ling Bao’er spoke.


“Ya, yi, ya, yi!” Foxy nodded.


Having had enough of showboating and parodying, Chen Changan went back to business.


The Domain Points were gone with but a thought.


<Used 490,000 Domain Points to expand the Absolute Domain over the Soaring Immortal Mountain. You earned the title ‘Soaring Immortal Mountain Lord.’>


<Used 40,000 Domain Points, upgrading to Absolute Domain System v4.0. Pending…>


It didn’t even take three seconds.


<Upgrade complete. Trait: Special Effects, is now active.>


Chen Changan blinked, clueless. [And what do Special Effects do?]


Silavin: Sorry for the delay. Will be uploading 10 chapters next week.



| Invincible At The Start |

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