Let's Manage the Tower

Let’s Manage the Tower – Book 2: Volume 16 Chapter 10

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Translator: Kazumi

Editor: Silavin


A graduation ceremony was being held at the academy in Razequa Amamiya.


The academy was built to accommodate Towa, the next King of the kingdom, and if they included this, there would have been a total of six graduation ceremonies so far.


The first graduation ceremony had a few students, but this time, the number of graduates was the largest yet.


The school’s academic standards were clearly defined, and those who did not meet the academic standards were mercilessly held back a year. As a result, there were many students who were enrolled in their final year of school but did not have the required academic ability to graduate.


Initially, the system of the academy was not well established, so the fact that students were being held back was not a big deal.


However, recently, staying at the academy for a long time was becoming negatively evaluated.


One of the reasons for this was Towa, who was graduating. Once he was gone, the social significance of staying in the academy was going to fade. That would mean students would no longer be able to use ‘socializing with Towa’ as an excuse for being held back.


There were his Younger Sisters and Younger Brothers at the academy, but compared to Towa, who was already recognized as the next King, their importance was greatly diminished. For this reason, people who cannot graduate from the academy were gradually being seen as what they were. Students who had not reached a certain level of academic ability.




After the solemn graduation ceremony, it was time to start socializing like a noble. Those who graduate from the academy would be recognized as adults in aristocratic society.


Until now, people were recognized by their age even if they had not graduated from the academy, but it was thought that this would no longer be the case from now on.


To begin with, the academic standards set by the academy were not particularly high. If they enter a specialized course, that would be a different matter, but for the basic course, it was all things that they should know if they lived in a noble society.


Conversely, if anyone did not meet the graduation criteria, they would be embarrassed when they entered the aristocratic world.


Incidentally, Towa had naturally completed the basic course and had also completed several specialized courses. Among these, there was also a magic course, and he had achieved excellent grades in all of them.


At a party attended by former students and their relatives, one corner of the room was attracting a lot of attention.


That was because the royal family had gathered there.


Those who wanted to make connections with Queen Floria were showering them with their burning stares.


Of course, there were students who formed close bonds with Towa while they were at the academy, but most of them only knew each other well enough to exchange greetings.


Considering their future, it was only natural that they would want to form relationships now.


In this situation, Towa and the others were having a conversation, with Towa taking the lead.


“Congratulations on your graduation, Big Brother.”




“Oh, thank you.”


First, Mia, who was dressed in a luxurious dress, greeted them, a complete change from the time they went to investigate the Tower the other day.


Riku, who also had a different atmosphere to usual, followed.


Towa, who smiled in response, then turned his gaze towards Floria.


Floria, who had been looking at, nodded magnanimously and then said a few words of congratulations to Towa.


“Congratulations on graduating.”


“Thank you.”


It was a formal greeting, but it was unavoidable as this was a public event.


After that, he exchanged pleasantries with friends he had made during his time at the school, and managed to dodge the verbal attacks of the parents who wanted to form a connection with him.


If he could not handle such advances, he would not be able to handle the socializing that comes later. Of course, Towa knows this, so he did not run away from such responsibilities.


In a sense, one could say that this party was his social debut.


First impressions could sometimes have a lasting effect. If he gets the image here that ‘the prince is bad at socializing’, then that would continue on into the future.


As a side note, it was against the rules to speak to Mia or Riku at this event.


In this context, the main characters were those who have graduated, so talking to anyone else would be seen as ignoring the main characters.


This was how one would be judged by those around them as an amateur who did not know how to socialize in high society.


The party, which was progressing calmly but with great enthusiasm, reached its climax when the dancing began.


Towa, who was expected to choose either Floria or Mia, started dancing with a single woman.


In a dance situation like this, the first person to be asked to dance was basically being asked to become their future partner.


Of course, it was not something concrete like an engagement, but even so, those around them would perceive it as being similar to an engagement.


The ones who panicked at this were the parents who had been plotting to send their future partners to Towa.


Even if they did not go to the same academy, those who had children or relatives around the same age naturally thought about sending their own Daughters.


This was a brilliant move that left them out in the cold.


Naturally, the woman in question would become the focus of attention. Even after the party was over, the talk of the town was all about it.




Daniela Baltorp was the Eldest Daughter of a Baronial Family in a certain town in the Central Continent. Even though she was a member of that family, she lived a life that was almost no different from that of Commoners.


Of course, they called themselves nobles, and they did have a business, but it was on such a small scale that it was almost an insult to compare it to the big merchants who had infiltrated the town.


Towa was able to nurture his love for Daniela because of the support of his close friends.


Towa and Daniela’s close friends had never told anyone around them, including their own parents about their relationship.


They could truly be called loyal subjects.


It was precisely because of this that Towa trusted them.


As one would expect, they have both told their parents about their relationship.


Incidentally, when Towa introduced Daniela to Floria, she simply said, “That’s fine”.


Daniela was actually worried about this laissez-faire attitude.


Floria, seeing Daniela like this, laughed, as if referring to herself.


“After all, a partner is a partner. It doesn’t matter who Towa chooses. In fact, I will trust the person Towa chooses.” Floria, who said this had a kind look to her as her expressed her true feelings to the woman Towa had chosen.


It was someone else who ended up making a big fuss instead.


When Daniela introduced Towa to them just before graduation, her Father turned pale and her Mother looked as if she was about to faint.


After that, they said things like ‘My Daughter is not good enough…’ and ‘There’s no balance between them…’ but Towa patiently and carefully persuaded them one by one.


In a nutshell, it came down to “In the end, my Father will accept her, so there won’t be a problem”.


Although they had not yet met, Daniela knew that Towa’s Father was a living god. As expected, Daniela’s parents also knew about this, so that could truly be called the ‘magic words’.




A few days after the party, something happened.


Finally, Daniela was to meet Kousuke.


Having heard the story from Towa beforehand, Kousuke was able to calmly assess the person his Son had brought home.


Although he was a living god, he still had not lost his human sensibilities over these kinds of situations.


Kousuke’s first impression of Daniela was, ‘I’d say she’s cute rather than beautiful.’


Even though he had become a living god, he still could not see through to a person’s true nature upon first encounter.


He could see her Status, but that was only an external factor.


On the other hand, he also thought that it would be fine if it was his overly perfect Son Towa who had chosen this particular girl.


So, Kousuke and Daniela’s first meeting ended without incident.


As an added note, Peach’s secret fortune-telling revealed that they had excellent compatibility.


Silavin: Damn. Literally pulled out the ‘My Father is God, and if God says it is okay, who are you to question it’ card.



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