Let's Manage the Tower

Let’s Manage the Tower – Book 2: Volume 16 Chapter 4, Reprimand

| Let's Manage the Tower |

Translator: Kazumi

Editor: Silavin


For a while, opinions were exchanged on how the academy should respond to such situations in the future, with Floria’s close aides also required to give input.


Rufino was present to hear their opinions, as a parent who has a child currently in the academy.


While they were talking, Rufino remembered what was expected when he got summoned to the Queen’s office, which was to either a demotion or a reprimand.


It could be said that he was being reprimanded for his Son’s misbehavior, but in Rufino’s eyes, this could not be considered a reprimand.


“Um… so, I wasn’t called in to be reprimanded?”


Floria and her aides exchanged glances at Rufino’s words.


Floria then replied with a wry smile. “Seems like to the bureaucrats, being called to my office is not perceived in a positive light. As you can see, that’s not always the case.”




Floria shrugged her shoulders at Rufino, who was dumbfounded. “If I had to punish someone every time I called them into my office, wouldn’t that mean I have been constantly punishing Sylvia?”


“Oh!? That’s true…”


One would assume so if they only knew based on those rumors. However, it was a fact that whenever Floria had something that involved Sylvia, she would call for her presence in her office.


Still, Rufino had never heard of Sylvia being punished after leaving this office.


Rufino, who had finally come to realize this, was secretly relieved. He had a hard to read expression of relief on his face.


“Well, it is too early to be relieved since your Son still needs a proper scolding for what he did.” Unfortunately, Floria saw through Rufino’s thoughts and was really planning to reprimand him now.


“Yes, of course.” Rufino, who had expected as much, tightened his expression as if to admonish himself once more.


Those vile words spoken by his Son could have had repercussions not only for his whole Family, but for the entire country!


Since it was a child who said it, it was overlooked, but if he had been an adult, it would not be surprising for not only his Son but also his Family to have been punished.


Of course, it could also be the case where this was something only done during childhood, the most ignorant period of a person’s life.


In the end, most of the discussion ended up being about how to properly educate the children on their behavior towards the teachers and the priests who serve at the academy.


If things continue as they were, it was anyone’s guess how those children would grow up to become. If such things become a bad habit in the future, who knows what would happen in the future?


After all, Razequa Amamiya had a stronger connection with the Gods than any other country on any continent. They were in a place where a living god could actually speak directly to their people.


Floria and Sylvia knew that Kousuke was not the type of person to directly interfere in such matters. In fact, he did not care too much about it. However, that was only him. If the other Gods got involved before Kousuke could mediate, the damage they could do would be much greater in comparison.


So they had an urgent need to review their education policy.




Rufino returned to the department where he usually worked, and found himself the subject of various stares.


Those who avoided getting involved immediately looked away. There were smiles from those who were competing for the career ladder, even if they were not enemies.


Naturally, there were also a few people who approached him out of concern.


Of course, this included some who have pretended to be worried to get information.


However, this was just another facet of this line of work.


After all, bureaucrats were mostly people who obtained information to their advantage and were assigned their position because of their value.


No, it was not just bureaucrats. If one was living in a group, some of those in the group would also act like that most of the time.


“Rufino, why did the Quess summon you?”


In the midst of all this, the first person to speak to him was one of his colleagues, whom Rufino trusted the most. He had already sorted out what he could and could not say about his discussion with the Queen.


He told his colleague about what had happened in the office without holding anything back. Incidentally, he was deliberately speaking out loud so that the other colleagues who were eavesdropping could hear him.


His colleague looked relieved to hear that Rufino had not been called in to be reprimanded or anything of the sort. Still, he frowned upon hearing what happened in the academy.


“I see. It looks like the Education Department is going to have a lot of work ahead of them.”


“Oh, well… they might be calling me to join the investigation as someone who is directly involved in this.”




As expected, there were other people besides the colleague he was talking to, who were taken aback by this.


“Well, that was just brought up. We don’t know if they would follow through with it.”


Even so, Rufino could tell that nothing would change that quickly. They had just called him into their office to make an inquiry after all.


Rufino also did not specifically refuse the offer. So, if everything proceeds, he believes he would be changing departments once he gets summoned again.


Rufino personally wanted to be involved in a department that was going to directly deal with this matter. It would be a way to rectify what his Son had done.


Although his friend could not read Rufino’s thoughts, he let out a sigh.


“I see. If that happens, it’s going to be tough for this department to deal with business as usual.” His colleague, who was aware of how excellent Rufino was at work, muttered to himself.


“Haha, you must be kidding me. Even if I leave, they will definitely assign other replacements.”


Rufino laughed and said aloud, so that his colleagues, who were having complicated expressions, could hear him.


“That’s not what I mean… but whatever.”


“Oh, that’s right. What I said earlier isn’t official yet, so don’t spread it around too much.”


Rufino said this even though he knew that it would definitely spread.


Information about personnel change spreads like wildfire, no matter what world or era they were in.


In fact, what Rufino said had spread among all the bureaucrats stationed at the castle by the end of the day.




Rufino decided to scold his Son that very night.


Rufino had one Son and one Daughter, but he had asked his Daughter to leave the room on purpose.


At first, his Daughter seemed unhappy with his order. However, once he told her that he was going to scold his Son, she quickly went into her room. A clear sign she wishes to avoid him when he was in a bad mood.


His Wife was standing at the side. He had not yet told her the details of what his Son did.


She was surprised when Rufino suddenly mentioned it at the dinner table.


Meanwhile, the Son in question, who had been told he would be reprimanded, looked as if he was desperately trying to remember what he had done wrong.


“Well, you seem to be trying to remember what you did. Have you remembered what you did wrong?”


When Rufino asked him this, the Son desperately shook his head.


When Rufino saw this, he sighed at the direness of the situation. After all, his son had not even realized what he had done wrong!


Seeing this, Rufino decided to cut straight to the chase.


“It was yesterday, after school.”


At those words, his Son’s expression instantly changed.


“Oh, that! I was attempting to ask her to play with us since she is always alone!”


Rufino raised a hand to stop his Son, who was desperately trying to make excuses.


“Stop. You say this even when you were the one who threatened her in a group? Well, I don’t intend to put blame on your motives. The problem is what you did.”


When Rufino said this, his Son looked suspicious.


To begin with, Sylvia, Kokoro’s Mother, was grateful that Kokoro had been invited to play. She also recognized that everything, including the means employed, had simply been a childish outburst.


While being grateful for Sylvia’s consideration, Rufino told his Wife, who was listening nearby, about what he had heard from Floria and the others earlier.


Once his Wife heard what had happened, her face turned pale. When she had finished listening to the end, she screeched.


“What have you done!?”


And started scolding her Son.


Incidentally, Rufino’s Wife had a greater faith in the God Kousuke than the Three Great Goddesses, as he was the reason for her life improving after Rufino’s rise in the world.


She also knew from Rufino that Kokoro was Kousuke’s Daughter, which further enraged her.


After that, it was almost as if Rufino had no part to play. His wife completely took over the show.


Rufino, who was now left to watch the scene unfold, thought that perhaps a Mother’s words would be more adhered to in situations like this.



| Let's Manage the Tower |

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