Chapter 23, Taming the Wolf King
by SilavinTranslator: Tamon
Xu Hei noticed the demon wolf, a three-meter-long specimen as big as an ox, in the 3rd layer of the Awareness Stage.
It was followed by normal wolves.
The early Awakening Stage demon was no match for Xu Hei, but caution never hurt anyone. He stopped and coiled, taking a defensive stance while masking his aura.
The wolf’s eyes were vibrant, its fur was black and white, and has a crescent moon on its forehead.
This was a Moon Wolf, a variant of the demon wolf.
“Awo!” The demon howled.
The wolves behind it spread out and formed a wide circle to block Xu Hei’s escape, or maybe out of caution to not have a third party step in.
“It knows group tactics too.” Xu Hei was amazed.
The wolf king pounced at Xu Hei with its open maw.
Xu Hei flashed sideways just as the crescent moon on the wolf’s forehead flickered. It swiped a paw at him, sharp and deadly.
Even a shimmering wolf fang appeared, attacking him from two sides.
“It knows demon arts?”
Xu Hei started. Such demons had an even higher awareness than average. But Xu Hei’s cultivation was one layer higher, moving out of the way with ease. The wolf king spat fire at him.
“Fire!” Xu Hei’s eyes lit up.
He was now certain the Earthfire Vine helped with fire magical arts.
Xu Hei flashed out of the way of the flames, reaching under the wolf king and shooting up his head.
Slamming his head into its belly, the wolf king coughed blood and tumbled through the air for a few meters. It whined as it hit the dirt hard.
The wolf king’s eyes showed fear and fled with his tail between his legs.
This wolf was especially smart, knowing when to give up.
With the leader gone, the wolf pack scattered like rats as well.
“Running away, are we?”
Xu Hei spat and a golden hoop flew at the fleeing wolf king.
It reached above the wolf king in a flash.
“Grab him!”
Xu Hei used his Divine Sense to drive the Beast Trapping Ring to squeeze the wolf king’s neck.
“Awo!” The wolf king thrashed on the ground and howled in grief.
Xu Hei had an odd feeling. He could have the wolf king move at his whim just by using Divine Sense through the Beast Trapping Ring.
“Come here.” Xu Hei tested it out.
The wolf king struggled, unable to resist control as he stood up and walked over.
“Lower your head, lie down.” Xu Hei ordered.
The wolf king obeyed, his eyes filled with humiliation and endless fear.
Xu Hei sent more orders through his Divine Sense and the wolf king was put through every trick imaginable.
Shake, walk on two legs, crawl, bark, growl, and so forth.
The wolf king would do any and all actions demanded as long as he used Divine Sense.
The wolf king’s early anger and humiliation turned into terror. He even whined, begging for mercy.
“This Beast Trapping Ring is amazing!” Xu Hei praised.
All demons he’d met so far he either killed without meaning to or humans killed them.
The wolf king was his first ever live one.
The moment Xu Hei felt any threat from him, he’d put him down on the spot, but the wolf was harmless, not to mention useful.
“Call your pack over.” Xu Hei ordered.
The wolf king howled and the wolves returned from every direction. But with Xu Hei around, they kept their distance out of fear, hiding behind the wolf king.
“Make a two-mile area and defend it, stopping anything from coming in.”
The wolf king guided the pack per his orders.
Xu Hei crawled to the Earthfire Vine and sniffed, feeling the scorching energy entering his meridians and heating him up. It was pure fire Spiritual Energy.
Xu Hei’s eyes danced in excitement. The only other spiritual herb he ate was the Snake Fruit Tree’s bark.
Human pills were way too benign, lacking the excessive potency of raw ingredients.
Xu Hei cut a piece of it and swallowed.
The wolf king looked on dumbstruck.
The thing was so potent the most he tried was to nibble on its smallest root. [What’s with this snake taking so much? Does it want to blow up?]
Xu Hei’s insides were in chaos from the explosive energy, ready to pop.
A human would’ve died by now in flames of agony. Even the demon wolf was cautious to nibble at it.
“Demon God Cauldron, do your thing!”
Xu Hei activated the Demon God Cauldron to slowly refine the vine piece.
Xu Hei cooled down, from exploding heat to a mere boil. His cultivation, at least, increased.
The wolf king blinked from the side, hoping to see Xu Hei go out in flames of glory.
A shame it never happened. In fact, Xu Hei only got stronger with time, making his jaw hit the floor.
Xu Hei finally finished refining the rest of it after a long time.
He let out hot air and looked at a rock. As he opened his mouth, a Fireball spat out.
The scorching flames engulfed the rock, melting it down to lava.
The wolf king’s eyes bugged out. [That’s no snake, but a monster!]
The most he managed was a tiny flame, singing the ground a little and leaving a black smear.
“I just knew it’ll help my Fireball, even my cultivation increased. Since the vine’s so long, I can take another bite.” Xu Hei did just that.
The wolf king watched Xu Hei swallow more of it and all thought of resisting flew out the window. The snake was beyond strong.