Chapter 119, Where’s the Resolve?
by SilavinTranslator: Tamon
What is a rumor?
The more it was talked about, the more validity it gained. Rumors had the power to sway the public in any direction.
Immortal Alliance’s explanation lacked many crucial facts about the event to hide the existence of devils. It was obvious to any disciple that something was off.
Yang Jun attacked Wang Qi.
For real?
Could Yang Jun even attack Wang Qi? An insta-loser the other day did the impossible the next and hurt Wang Qi?
The most deviation could’ve done was make him lose his mind from the raw power and, at most, give Wang Qi a bit of a hard time, if any. That’s how most saw it.
To those with ulterior motives, the self-convinced know-it-alls, and troublemakers looking to blow things out of proportion, the harsh, cold ‘truth’ was in the open.
Young Yang Jun had a dark past, his mind ever on revenge. With a meager talent that held him back, retribution felt so far away. It was then he met Wang Qi, the bookworm. A man with a nasty personality, looking to harass people and make fun of them instead of minding his own business. As Yang Jun suffered his ridicule as well, the “Why does this petty guy have such a talent, and I don’t?” came to mind. The dark and demonic thought drove him to retaliate against Wang Qi. Wang Qi took advantage of the deserted area they were in and killed Yang Jun. The Immortal Institute valued his talent to such a degree that they explained it as a Foundation Establishment cultivator’s carelessness that killed Yang Jun. Nothing but lies…
[Well yeah, the Foundation Establishment cultivator carelessly killing Yang Jun was made up, sure, since it was an Unfettered who did him in. Besides, that clear and focused strike was by no means ‘accidental.’]
“To reiterate, is this how everyone sees me from the rumor?” Wang Qi smiled still, the only sign his mind wasn’t as calm was the slight twitch of his mouth.
Wu Shiqin said, “Most of it is true.”
“Nasty personality? Harassing people?” Wang Qi slammed the table. After class, self-study was done with everyone else there!”
[You’re not gonna deny you enjoy making fun of others?] Wu Shiqin quipped back in her mind.
Wu Fan finished his meal and stood up to return the tray. Wu Fan pulled his clothes. “Hey, hold up. You also believe this gossip?”
Wu Fan lowered his head, avoiding his gaze. “No… I know that Yang Jun is clearly the culprit, but the way he ended up is a bit… hard to accept.”
“So you blame me.”
Wu Fan’s eyes looked away. “I’d never… but for Yang Jun to attack the enforcer escorting him j-just so he could hit you… Wang Qi, I’m not sure, but m-maybe you are somewhat…”
“So you do blame me.”
Wang Qi slammed Wu Fan back on the chair and shouted, “Tell me then, what did I do wrong?”
Wu Fan was put on the spot. “A-actually, Yang Jun was so pitiful. He was only thinking of revenge, but… talent…”
Wang Qi sneered. “So it’s my fault for having a better brain? My mother’s fault for making me so smart?”
Wu Fan finally clarified his thinking. “No. I’ve never seen Yang Jun smile once since he arrived. Wang Qi, you have the ambition to seek Dao, laugh all the time, and have a talent Yang Jun could never hope. He was, generally speaking, jealous.” Wu Fan gave a bitter smile. “I don’t have many friends. I didn’t know how to face you after what happened between two of my friends…”
The corner of Wang Qi’s mouth perked up. “Then tell me, where’s the resolve?”
“Eh?” Wu Fan was baffled.
Wang Qi shouted, “Where’s your resolve? What are you heaven-damned set on?”
Wu Fan never got to reply, for Wang Qi continued. “He wanted revenge? If that was true, he should’ve studied till his eyes bled! Is it torture to ask me for my help, for anyone’s help? And did my talent have anything to do with his revenge? Are we both competing for the same sect’s true disciple spot? Do we? Since revenge doesn’t tie us together, why did he resent me?
“Does this fricking thing count as harmony in self as well, of being yourself?”
Wu Fan stammered under Wang Qi’s barrage of questions. “Y-Yan Jun isn’t like others…”
“His whole family and village got massacred, so what?” Wang Qi said, “Let me tell you something; no one should take anyone too seriously!”
Everyone in the mess hall was stunned. Ignore his family got slaughtered? The rumor shouldn’t have triggered Wang Qi into becoming so antagonistic.
Wang Qi’s next words ruined any understanding they had of him. “If I were to tell you that this year, in spring, my home village was leveled by a passing ancient cultivator and that a Senior Brother with whom I kicked it off died to save me, would you believe me?”
That was Wu Fan’s first reaction. But Wang Qi’s look made him choke on those words.
[He’s serious.]
He gave a nervous chuckle and continued. “I owe my entire village closure; I owe my savior my life. Look at me, do I look crazy to you?
“Is my burden any lighter than anyone else’s? So I’ll ask again. Am I crazy?”
Wu Fan shook his head in fear, his heart racing in his chest. [I didn’t know this aspect about Wang Qi.]
Wang Qi leaned closer. “Do you know then what’s different between me and Yang Jun?”
Wu Fan shook his head.
“Does the joy of seeking Dao conflict with the pursuit of revenge?” Wang Qi said casually. “I thirst for vengeance much the same way Yang Jun did. While that loser’s mind was consumed by it, I still maintained a clear thought!”
“Once your mind is obsessed with hatred, what’s left once it’s gone, once you’ve got revenge? Ending up as a walking corpse is the greatest blasphemy survivors can have toward those that met such tragic ends.”
Wang Qi took a deep breath. “I won’t ever forget the sudden and incredible thrill I got when I discovered Dao!
“Harmony in self, endurance in purpose. I have succeeded in my introspection!” Wang Qi stood and looked around, smiling at the disciples tensing from meeting his eyes. “What of the rest of you? Where is your resolve?”