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    Chapter Index

    Translator: Kazumi

    Editor: Kabur & Silavin


    The town on the 5th Floor was steadily expanding, and a production area called Kennelsen came under the control of Amamiya Tower.


    In a town that was expanding at a rapid pace, there was never enough food, so the arrival of the 6 Marquises at this time was just right for the Tower.


    When talking about not having enough food, did not mean that the inhabitants would starve.


    To be more precise, the Tower had been adjusted so that only the number of residents who could be provided food would live there.


    Since there were plenty of people who wanted to move from one city to another, it was actually easy to increase the population.


    The people who wanted to move would come to the new city seeking employment.


    In the rapidly developing Tower town, there were plenty of jobs available as long as they weren’t picky, so the number of people who wanted to move to the new town would never decrease.


    In addition, the jobs with the highest demand were those related to craftsmanship.


    As the construction rush continued, there were plenty of job opportunities.


    However, settling only artisans would increase the number of unemployed people later on, so the artisan guilds in other towns also sent out requests to hire them.


    After craftsmen, adventurers were the most in demand.


    As for adventurers, they gathered on their own without any particular recruitment efforts.


    They were no longer allowed to pitch their tents wherever they wanted, as was the case in the early days, but the number of lodging facilities and rental housing complexes have increased.


    Adventurers used such places as bases for their activities.


    The town on the 5th Floor was definitely a town where adventurers were at the center.


    The economy revolved around the materials collected from each Floor.


    At first, they expected the number of adventurers to disrupt the balance of materials collected from each Floor, but that didn’t happen.


    In particular, the naturally occurring medicinal herbs were not taken until they were depleted to an alarming degree.


    For Kousuke, adventurers had a rough image, so he felt betrayed in a good way.


    Thanks to this, he was happy that he didn’t have to spend extra points maintaining those areas.


    As expected, most of the monsters around the city had already been hunted.


    The city would continue to expand in the future, and they were rather welcoming about this.


    Along with the living space, there was an urgent need to secure farmland, so it was better to have no unnecessary monsters.


    Adventurers who had been hunting monsters in the vicinity would probably be assigned to patrol the surrounding areas in the future.


    There were other openings as well, so there would be no shortage of adventurers who have grown to the point where they could be called full-fledged.


    There were plenty of miscellaneous jobs available in the new town, so they won’t have any trouble finding work until you become a full-fledged adventurer.


    The town on the 5th Floor was a great place to work for adventurers, whether they were just starting out or were a full-fledged adventurer.


    Of course, this assumes that they were registered with Crown.


    It was only natural that this kind of work would be offered through Crown.


    In a town with no official guild, Crown’s adventurer division was considered the most trusted, so requests for work inevitably gathered at Crown.


    It was not that there aren’t other guilds, but most of them belong to Crown, so there was no need to go to them.


    On the 5th Floor, the word “guild” had become synonymous with a group of parties.


    Guilds were used to resolve requests that cannot be resolved by a single party.


    Soloing, partying, guilds, and Crown were becoming the norm among adventurers who worked in the Tower.


    However, solos and parties do not necessarily belong to a guild.


    The only time a request was made to the guild was when Crown made the request directly.


    Other than that, the requests were basically handled by parties.


    Of course, if the adventurers decide that six people would not be enough, they may ask for more.


    In these cases, the request fee may become cheaper.


    It was only natural, since the recommended number of adventurers was set and the request fee was determined.


    Mid-level adventurers and above would sometimes take requests, but they were usually occupied with challenging the Tower.


    Many of the monsters that mid-level adventurers were able to target were very valuable, and they could make a living off them.


    The same went for the merchants who bought them.


    Basically, these materials were bought from stores in the safety area.


    The safety area could be considered almost a monopoly, as only Crown stores were allowed in the safe-zones.


    This saves time and effort for adventurers instead of having to go all the way to the 5th Floor and back to sell to other stores.


    In the beginning, there were some peddlers who hired guards to go to the other Floors to purchase items, but after it became known that they couldn’t compete with the stores in the safe area, the number of such peddlers decreased.


    The stores in the safe area have transition gates, so in a sense, this was to be expected.


    Some people or groups of people knew this and tried to negotiate with Kousuke to let them use the transfer gate, but were rejected.


    Neither Kousuke nor the Floor Department on Crown had any intention of selling the advantage of the transfer gate cheaply.


    The advanced adventurers were still earning money in the Dungeon Floors as usual.


    There was a party that made it through to the 71st Floor, but unfortunately, they didn’t make it to the safety area.


    There was no safe area in the Floor above the 72nd Floor.


    There were no plans to do so in the future.


    From there on, it was up to the challengers to conquer the Floor on their own.


    The 71st Floor and the 72nd Floor were Floors where advanced monsters appear, and Kousuke thought that it would be difficult for the adventurers of this world to conquer them.


    The Dungeon Floors above it, from the 61st to the 70th Floors, were intermediate regarding the monsters that appear at the beginning, but have vicious traps.


    In the middle to the latter half of the dungeon, advanced monsters appear, so there was probably no one who could conquer this level.


    If they could conquer a dungeon of this level, they probably won’t have trouble with the current Dungeon Floor.


    From this situation, Kousuke had concluded that no one would be able to conquer the advanced dungeon at this time.


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    “Huh-that~? That’s unusual. Was that alcohol?”


    While Kousuke was enjoying a drink by himself, Peach arrived and noticed that he was by himself.


    “Ah. Schmidt gave me some rare sake that he got. It’s so good that Schmidt recommended it.”


    Kousuke then held up a cup filled with the fruit wine towards Peach.


    It was not that he always drank every night, but Kousuke sometimes drank like this.


    Schmidt knows about this, so from time to time, he brings him drinks to enjoy.


    “Would you like some, Peach?”


    Kousuke said, offering Peach a drink as well.


    Incidentally, Peach was the only member of the Tower who would drink up to the point of getting drunk.


    Schlein and Colette were naturally not influenced by alcohol at all.


    Sylvia and Floria could get drunk, but they don’t have good memories of drinking.


    He also heard from them that alcohol was just a way to get them drunk.


    He could imagine what had happened by the way they said that.


    Colette, who was beside him at that moment, said, ‘Men are stupid’, which hurt him a bit, but Kousuke couldn’t say anything at that moment.


    “I’ll take it.”


    Peach got herself a glass and started drinking the fruit wine after Kousuke poured it for her.


    “Oh~… It’s really delicious.”




    “And? What were you worried about?”


    Peach’s words made Kousuke look as if he had been caught off-guard.


    “Troubled? Huh? Did I have that look on my face?”


    As for Kousuke, he didn’t think he was thinking too deeply about anything.


    “I was just thinking about how to run the Tower in the future.”


    “Is that so~?”


    Peach stared at Kousuke, who stroked her cheek.


    It was strange that Peach seemed to be able to see everything at times like this.


    Kousuke thought that this was an aspect of the Succubus clan that was famous for fortune-telling.


    “Hmmm. That’s good then. It’s just that I had a feeling something happened.”


    “Really? Thanks for thinking about it.”


    “You’re welcome~”


    Kousuke and Peach said and laughed at each other.


    In the end, they continued to drink until they had finished the bottle of fruit wine that Schmidt had given them.



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