Chapter 7, Settlement
by SilavinTranslator: Kazumi
Editor: Kabur & Silavin
The Leader Hate Horse chased after the same Leader Hate Horse and about twenty other monsters.
“Oh no…”
Layla, who had been following along with Kousuke and his group, raised a voice of despair.
Defeating just one Leader Hate Horse would be quite a challenge.
In the first place, Layla was thinking that Kousuke and his group would be able to defeat it on their own.
Of course, after seeing Collete’s technique, she thought that they could manage, but the fact there was another Leader Hate Horse was completely unexpected.
Of course, there was no report of anyone witnessing the other one on their reconnaissance report.
Layla looked at Kousuke and wondered what they would do about this.
While Layla was wondering what they would do, Kousuke was thinking about ways to deal with the situation.
Originally, the plan was to anger the Hate Horse and lead it somewhere close to the base where the trading caravan was in order to take it down together with the other adventurers.
However, that plan was completely thrown off.
The addition of one more Hate Horse would definitely bring some serious damage.
The other Hate Horse had probably joined the group to recover from the attack.
Kousuke had a feeling that the two Hate Horses would not chase after them even if they left, but it would not be a good idea to leave the second Hate Horse behind, so he was thinking about what to do next.
After a while, he decided that it was necessary to take down the Hate Horse after watching the situation.
“Nana! I’ll leave the other one to you!”
“Yeah. You can take them down as you like.”
Nana replied happily when Kousuke agreed.
She understood that she did not have to hide her abilities.
“Collete…first, deal with the monsters surrounding it!”
Layla was by his side, but he had already stopped calling them by their fake name.
When it was decided to take down the number 2 hate horse, he gave up hiding it from Layla.
This was partly because of the danger of making a mistake when giving instructions on the spur of the moment.
Collete replied and immediately gave instructions to the spirits.
The spirits followed the instructions and caused an explosion.
It wasn’t enough to bring them down, but at least the monsters, except for the Hate Horse, took a lot of damage.
“Layla-san, I’m sorry, but we need you to help us take down the surrounding monsters.”
“Oh, okay.”
Layla, who had been watching Kousuke when he suddenly started giving instructions, looked somewhat impatient when the instructions came to her as well.
However, being a high-ranking adventurer, she quickly followed the instructions.
Peach, without Kousuke’s direction, was distracting the Hate Horse that Nana was not aiming at.
Kousuke and Peach both held off one of the Hate Horses while waiting for Collete and Layla to join them.
Peach was using her shield, and she was successfully avoiding the Hate Horse’s attacks.
Kousuke was sending spirit magic with the help of the wind fairy.
While they were doing this, Collete and Layla came to join them, perhaps having finished clearing away the surrounding monsters.
“Here it comes!”
The Hate Horse was trying hard to avoid the attack, knowing that it couldn’t afford to receive two people’s spirit magic.
Peach was attacking it in close quarters.
In addition, Layla who was also a melee fighter followed after Peach, and her attacks also connected, so the Hate Horse was gradually getting more and more wounded.
While the Hate Horse was being slowly worn down, Kousuke and Collete released their magic which directly hit the Hate Horse, Peach then followed after with a dagger to its neck.
However, because she was using a dagger, she couldn’t cut off its neck, but it was surely cut open and blood gushed out.
She was able to accurately hit its carotid artery.
It was still moving for a while, but the sudden strike to its neck made it slow down, and soon finally collapsed.
“We, we beat it…”
Layla watched in disbelief as the hate horse collapsed.
Normally, in order to defeat a leader species, it was common sense to surround it with a large number of people.
However, only four people, including herself, were able to defeat the leader species.
Layla looked at the fallen hate horse for a while in disbelief, but then she remembered that there was another one.
“What about the other one?”
When she looked in the direction of the other Hate Horse, she heard the Hate Horse cry out, then saw an even more unbelievable scene unfolding.
One wolf was moving left and right, as if toying with the Hate Horse, that was supposed to be a fast enemy.
The hate horse seemed to be completely confused by Nana’s movements and unable to attack.
It was desperately trying to hit her body, but the wolf, Nana was fluttering and dodging its attack, even countering some of the attacks with her claws.
“Ugh, impossible…”
Layla muttered as she watched the scene in dismay.
It was no wonder, because she could have never thought that the wolf she had thought to be a low-ranked monster would be able to play around with a leader species.
Kousuke watched this scene with a wry smile.
“Nana, it’s time to clean up and go back.”
Kousuke could tell that Nana was enjoying her first real combat-like battle in a long time.
Hearing his voice, Nana quickly bit down on the Hate Horse’s neck, to finish it.
The force of the bite was unbelievable.
TheHate Horse, which had been bitten on the neck, flailed about trying to get up for a while, but eventually it collapsed.
After making sure it was out of breath, Nana let go of it.
Then finally to make sure that it did not move anymore, she came up to Kousuke, wagging her tail.
By the way, Nana had not yet transformed into her divine beast form.
Kousuke knew that Nana could beat it without going that far.
Nana wanted a reward, so he stroked her neck to reward her.
In the end, Kousuke and his group alone took care of the two hate horses, including the monsters in the vicinity.
Kousuke was now feeling more comfortable after the battle, and Layla’s probing gaze was fixed on Kousuke.
Of course, Kousuke knew the meaning of that look, but he decided to give priority to joining up with the merchant team first.
“For now, let’s just clean this place up and meet up with the trading party, shall we?”
Layla looked at Kousuke who said this with a smile and let out a sigh when she realized that he was not going to answer her questioning gaze.
Kousuke called Peach by her original name when he was giving instructions during battle.
However, Peach’s name was not as widespread as Collete’s, so Layla was still not aware of the true identity of Kousuke and his group.
If Kousuke’s name had been called, she would have noticed, but fortunately, Kousuke’s real name had not been mentioned yet.
“Clean up…?!”
They had killed quite a few monsters, including two hate horses.
Layla was about to ask how they were going to deal with it, but stopped speaking when she saw the monster bodies disappear whenever Peach and Collete touched them.
“No way, an item box?”
“That is so.”
With Layla surprised, Kousuke also touched the Hate Horse that was lying near him and put it in the item box.
“With this, it will now be possible, right?”
Kousuke, smiling back at Layla, walked up to the second Hate Horse and put it in the item box.
After all, Kousuke and his team worked on the spot for about 20 minutes, and then returned to where the merchant team was located to inform them that they had successfully defeated the beast.