Chapter 5, Movement of the Church
by SilavinTranslator: Kazumi
Editor: Kabur & Silavin
Sylvia was receiving guests at the residence of Razequa Amamiya.
Lirica was also waiting by her side.
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Temple Director.”
“I am glad to see you well, Priestess-sama.”
It was Laurelle, one of the heads of the Temple of the Mixen, who answered Sylvia’s greeting with a gentle smile.
Before and after Razequa Amamiya was established, there was a bit of a ruckus with Mixen, but now, they have a reasonably good relationship.
After the three Mixen temples decided to worship Kousuke in their temple, they started to keep a reasonable distance from Amamiya’s Temple.
There was no longer any demand to have their Priests or Priestesses to join Amamiya’s Temple.
The reason for this improvement in relations could be attributed to the increased recognition of Kousuke as a living god on the continent.
Because Kousuke was a new deity, he had been accepted by temples as one that could be worshiped in a direction.
Nowadays, priests and priestesses from the three Mixen temples as well as other temples on the continent only come to the temple on the fifth floor to clean it.
This helped the worship of Kousuke gradually take root among adventurers.
It was a common rumor among the clergy that they could feel Kousuke’s divine authority in the temple of the Fifth Floor, which served as a way in helping them recognize divinity.
Laurelle had visited the temple several times, and she could feel the divine authority more strongly than what she could feel in the three temples in Mixen.
Therefore, it became a perfect training ground for the clergy, who considered sensing divine authority as part of their training.
The most promising of them all was Lirica, who was now standing by Sylvia’s side.
It was incredible to think that she was just a regular adventurer before she became Sylvia’s right-hand woman.
When she was first discovered by Sylvia, there were rumors surrounding her that were almost slanderous.
But those rumors had already disappeared.
Not only Sylvia, the Priestess of God Kousuke, Lirica was also gaining recognition within the Central Continent.
“So? What can I help you with today?”
Sylvia cut her off after a brief greeting.
Laurelle had occasionally visited the temple, but it was rare for Laurelle to request a meeting with Sylvia in person.
Laurelle smiled at Sylvia.
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you that I just came to check on you, would you?”
“I don’t think you’d take such a risk when you know better than to mess around with us.”
“Well, yes, but…”
Laurelle let out a sigh and then cut to the point.
“…It seems that the north has been doing some suspicious activities again recently.”
Hearing those words, Sylvia let out a sigh of exasperation, as did Laurelle.
“Have they not learned their lesson yet?”
When Laurelle referred to the north, she was referring to the churches on the northern continent.
In an attempt to gain influence, Razequa Amamiya had been dealing with some affairs of the church since it was founded.
One of the churches involved had completely lost its power due to the turmoil it caused before the founding of the country, but it was only one of many.
On the northern continent, where the power of faith was greater than on other continents, there were also many established churches.
These churches would use their influence trying to take the lead, and they were always thinking that they would bring much value to the Temple.
Of course, it was not as direct as in the case of the Kingdom of Gates, and it was only a matter of sending priests and Priestesses to the temple of the Fifth Floor to bring in their influence.
And since they were only doing things within the scope of activities of a normal church, it was not something that offended the Gods compared to what happened with the kingdom.
“For them, I guess they really want to make up for the things that happened at that time.”
“In the first place, Kousuke-sama is not usually… ahem, They know that they can’t ask Kousuke-sama to do anything out of the ordinary for them, don’t they?”
“I guess they simply could not understand such simple things.”
They both let out a sigh again.
“I don’t think they’re hard-headed or anything, but I really want them to be a little more perceptive of what’s happening around them.”
“That’s a bit of harsh news for them to hear, isn’t it?”
The Temple of Mixen, which now had a different approach, used to act in the same way as those other churches.
Hearing Laurelle’s words, Sylvia shook her head from side to side.
“Mixen, or rather temples on this continent, are way better in comparison. Because all the temples here have done the proper adjustments to accommodate Kousuke-sama. But it seems that the ones on other continents don’t seem to be following that route.”
“So it was not just the north?”
Sylvia nodded at Laurelle’s question.
“The temples in other continents are in a similar state. They just don’t seem to be as obvious as those in the north.”
Unlike the churches on the northern continent, those on other continents tried to pass their demands through the state, which could sometimes make things even worse.
Some of those demands were things that Sylvia had to deal with directly.
“And also…. I’d like you to hear this as a suggestion only, rather than a demand, okay?”
“…What is it?”
“I think it’s time to add more people to your staff, right?”
At Laurelle’s suggestion, Sylvia raised one eyebrow.
Laurelle saw the look on her face and waved her hand.
“I am not asking you to accept Priests or Priestesses from our place. What I’m asking is to increase your own staff if possible, like Lirica, or any other clergy in your community, you know?”
Sylvia understood Laurelle’s point, but still shook her head from side to side.
The special circumstance of accepting Lirica was because she had the Divine Blessing of Kousuke.
Laurelle didn’t know that information, which was why she was making this suggestion.
“That is difficult, at least as it stands now. It’s not me, but there is also the circumstance with Kousuke-sama.”
“I see. If it is for the Gods’ reasons, then I guess it can’t be helped.”
It is a matter of course that the Gods would not move in accordance with human intentions.
If they tried to forcibly move them or twist the facts, they may end up suffering the same fate as the Kingdom of Gates.
As for the northern continent, they decided to only have a wait-and-see situation as usual, and then Laurelle went back.
There have been several times in the past when signs of a major movement have been noticed, but they were stopped or crushed before escalating into something troublesome.
Sylvia couldn’t help but think that it would be a similar situation as well.
“Are you sure that it will be alright?”
Lirica asked after Laurelle left.
“Things are still good for the time being, but we can’t stay like this forever either, don’t you think so, Lirica?”
Lirica was already approaching the end of her prime age.
Sylvia would like her to give priority to having a good marriage and building a family if she could find one.
Since Lirica had started working as Sylvia’s assistant, she had become more relaxed, perhaps because of her new reposition and the need to improve her public image, so she didn’t act the same way as the tomboyish image she used to have.
Because of this, a good number of the opposite sex turned their heads to her when she walked down the streets.
“Oh, no, no, I mean. I’m not really…”
“Oh, is that so?”
Sylvia smiled at Lirica’s flustered reaction.
“I should warn you, there are some tough hurdles to overcome in order to get close to Kousuke-sama. However, if you insist, I might be able to support you.”
Sylvia’s teasing declaration was followed by Lirica’s shrieking exclamation.