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    Chapter Index

    Translator: Kazumi

    Editor: Kabur & Silavin


    Count Remezhov’s appointment to the Razequa Amamiya residency was officially announced in the country.


    Upon hearing the announcement, the reaction of the nobles in the country was divided.


    Some were saying, “I’m sorry to hear that,” while others said, “He got what he deserved”.


    The former were those who thought they would do something similar, and the latter were those who did not.


    Along with the announcement, the King made another announcement regarding the Crown Branch.


    The Transfer Gate at the branch could now only be used with the King’s or Christophe’s permission.


    To be precise, only the King or Christophe could make the gate available.


    Crown’s permission was also required to use the gate.


    However, the nobles could ask Crown for permission.


    After getting permission from Crown, they could then be arranged as an applicant that would be able to use the gate.


    They did not mention that some problems had happened.


    It was only announced that they “absolutely” needed the Crown’s permission in the meantime.


    That was not the whole story, but they didn’t bother to specify.


    This was just how the world of politics work.


    In addition, there were also some topics about treatment of the Transfer Gate had also changed in some areas since Remezhov became the representative of their country in Razequa Amamiya.


    The Country of Razequa Amamiya had given Remezhov a card that allowed him to use the gate at any time.


    It was a problem for a noble to receive a card that had not been given even to the King, but it was a big step forward considering that there had never been one given to them before.


    It was important to note that the card would be issued by Razequa Amamiya, not Crown.


    To complicate matters, it was the merchants of the Crown who would usually use the Transfer Gate in the Crown branches of Summit Kingdom.


    Most of their usage was only for transporting goods for trade.


    If Summit Kingdom wanted to have a meeting or to discuss something, they would still need to ask Crown merchants to deliver the letter if they wanted to hold a meeting in Summit Kingdom.


    In such cases, of course, the officials of Razequa Amamiya Kingdom would use the Transfer Gate to move from one area to another.


    It was a hassle of the highest order, but since this was the first time that Transfer Gates had been set up in another country, it was being managed too tightly and strictly.


    Nevertheless, the reason why the card was issued to Remezhov this time was because it also served as an identification which was also a tangible object, and had been created for his position being a representative.


    The appointment of a representative in Razequa Amamiya meant, of course, that he would be responsible in the in managing the connection between the two countries.


    Simply put, if something were to happen with the card that was given to him, the Summit Kingdom could be held responsible.


    In this case, it could be clearly stated that the liability would not be against the individual, but against the country.


    The reason for this was because if the card was issued to an individual, it could be treated as a lizard’s tail and the individual could be easily cut off if some problems occurred.


    Even with the King’s or Christophe’s permission, if it was known that an individual was deemed bad, that would be the end of the talks.


    Adding to that, if a person in position caused a problem the involved an officer-in-charge, Summit Kingdom could be held accountable.


    However, there were administrative reasons for Summit Kingdom to not be able to go through with some of the procedures.


    The issuance of a card that allows the use of the Transfer Gate would also allow Remezhov to freely go back and forth to Razequa Amamiya at his discretion.


    It was strange by common sense that a noble, not the King, was holding such a card, but the Summit Kingdom decided to push aside the issue because it was originally part of the request issued by Razequa Amamiya.


    Also, the King and Christophe’s real intention was to use Remezhov as a human sacrifice to see how things go.


    If no problems arise, they were willing to negotiate once more.


    Apart from such political speculation, Remezhov and Christophe were to asked to head to the capital of Razequa Amamiya in order to receive the card.




    Christophe and Remezhov went to the Crown branch with several escorts.


    The full-scale mission would not start for a few days, but today they were waiting for people with cards to pick up them to be able to use the Transfer Gate.


    Christophe was also scheduled to meet with some of the Razequa Amamiya dignitaries.


    The exchange itself had already taken place many times, so they did not bring an exaggerated amount of people.


    Christophe, the crown prince, was accompanied by a small entourage, but that was all.


    Only a dozen or so people had been assigned to the Summit Kingdom embassy of Razequa Amamiya.


    Since Remezhov had been officially appointed as the resident representative, it was decided in previous discussions that the embassy would be the building in which he would stay.


    For Razequa Amamiya, this would be a memorable first embassy.


    Christophe suspected that other countries have not yet built embassies in the past for similar reasons.


    There was no Crown branch outside of Summit Kingdom, so naturally there was no other Transfer Gate in other Kingdoms.


    After sending a few guards through the gate, Christophe and Remezhov also used the gate in the same way.


    The first time at the Transfer Gate was not particularly strange in any way.


    The feeling was that they were in a different room when they found themselves there.


    “Welcome to Razequa Amamiya.”


    The person in charge of the Transfer Gate bowed to Christophe and the others.


    “The guide will be waiting for you at the end of this door.”


    They did as they were told and went through the door indicated.


    Of course, the guards were on full alert since it was their first time in this place.


    “Is this…?”


    The door was supposed to only be a hallway.


    A few of the escorts who had gone ahead of them noticed the difference, and they were greeted by a few people they had never seen before welcoming them with a bow.


    “This is the Crown headquarters. We will continue on our way to the room where the Queen and her family are.”


    The gate used by Christophe and the others was supposed to be an exclusive gate for use by Summit Kingdom officials.


    However, the place they ended up in was different, and instead they were guided to a place where only a limited number of people were allowed to enter, as explained by one of the guides.


    “No one else can enter this placer?”


    “Yes. Also, can you leave behind your guards in the next rest area? You should be able to hear about the details at the meeting.”


    “I will do so.”


    Christophe nodded in agreement.




    In the room where the queen was said to be waiting, there were several other dignitaries besides her.


    After a quick greeting, they got down to business.


    “So we were brought to Crown Headquarter instead of the Castle?”


    Christophe was surprised at the informality of the meeting, despite the Queen’s presence.


    “I would have been happy to welcome you at the castle, but that would after your embassy is prepared.”


    Queen Floria shrugged her shoulders as she said so.


    “Since we are handing you an important object, I can’t just casually put people in between to hand this over, so I’ve decided to give it to you in person.”


    Saying this, Queen Floria took a card from her pocket.


    “This is…?”


    Christophe, who had been handed a nondescript card by Queen Floria, took it and tilted his head.


    It didn’t look like it had any tricks in it.


    “Oh, yes and there’s more.”


    “You mean to tell me that there is more than just the card?”


    “There is. That card currently doesn’t have any specifications on it right now. We are going to synchronize it with the Transfer Gate and make it usable.”


    Christophe nodded to Queen Floria, who was about to start the procedure.


    Since the assignment of Remezhov the preparations for the card had already been finished, it meant that Remezhov was now going to become of of the owners of a similar card used by Crown.


    “So, let’s go through the formalities.”


    As if they were waiting for Queen Floria to say so, her entourage started to move hurriedly.



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