Chapter 13, Return x 2
by SilavinTranslator: Kazumi
Editor: Silavin
Kousuke found himself in a predicament as both the World Tree Fairy and Spica gazed at him expectantly, awaiting his suggestion for a name. Though he struggled to devise something meaningful, he eventually settled on sharing the first name that came to mind.
“…How about Yuta?”
The World Tree Fairy tested the name, repeating it softly to herself several times. After a moment of consideration, her face brightened with a smile, and she bowed gracefully to Kousuke.
“Thank you. From now on, I will call myself Yuta.”
“Are you ok with that? That’s good then,” Kousuke replied, relieved that his impromptu suggestion had been well-received.
Seizing the moment, Spica tilted her head and made an unexpected proposal. “So now Yuta is also going to be part of Kousuke’s… ahem. Joining his group?”
“Eh? Wait, what do you mean by that!?” Kousuke exclaimed, looking around frantically.
Kouhi and Mitsuki shared his startled expression, while Collete appeared equally surprised. Only Shiomala maintained her composure, matching Kousuke’s bewilderment.
After brief contemplation, Yuta nodded. “I don’t really mind.”
“Why would you say that?!” Kousuke protested, but this time even Shiomala remained silent on the matter.
Overwhelmed, Kousuke crouched down, and Nana, ever faithful, offered comfort by gently licking his cheek.
“Anyway, I’ll be going soon,” Yuta announced, vanishing before anyone could respond.
“She is as selfish as ever,” Spica muttered, watching the Fairy depart. She then placed a reassuring hand on Kousuke’s head. “Kousuke, give it up already. It’s not like there’s any problem with one more World Tree Fairy with you, you know?”
“…Is it just me or do I feel like I’ll be defeated here even if I say something?”
Kousuke rose reluctantly, casting a resentful look at Spica, who simply ignored his protest.
“That can’t be helped. That’s how it has been until now, right?”
“Ugh…” Faced with this undeniable truth, Kousuke’s will to argue dissipated.
Spica’s mild smile shifted into a more serious expression as she turned her attention to Shiomala. “Anyway, you—”
“Eh!? Ah, yes?” Shiomala straightened immediately, startled by the Goddess’s direct address.
“Who’s the representative here? It would be weird to go back to Sanctuary like this, so I’ll leave a souvenir here.”
“A souvenir?”
“I’ll tell you what it is later. Anyway, who’s the representative?”
Prompted by Spica’s urgency, Shiomala hastily scanned the crowd. A commotion arose in one section as her gaze settled there.
“Hurry up! Are you planning to keep the Goddess waiting?!” Shiomala’s tone, though slightly discourteous, was justified given the circumstances. While Spica was not known for her quick temper, other Goddesses might take offense at being kept waiting, especially given their limited time in the Mortal Realm.
An elderly Elf woman, carrying herself with the dignity befitting a village representative, stepped forward. “I will be the representative of this village. I have been appointed, Lady Spica—”
Spica cut off the formal greeting. “No need to greet. Rather than that, I would like to talk to you about the matter that is currently causing a commotion in this village.”
“The village? You mean…”
“That’s right. The issue of people here being kidnapped by people from outside the village.”
The representative appeared confused by this sudden shift in topic.
“It seems that the human country is also taking action, so I think it will end soon.”
Spica shook her head decisively. “I don’t think so. It’s true that the military is moving, but some of them are connected to those people.”
A collective gasp rose from the gathered villagers. This was, without doubt, a divine message, and none dared question its validity. The representative’s jaw tightened at this revelation.
“I see. Humans can’t be trusted completely after all…”
“Do not mistaken my words. That’s not what I wanted to say,” Spica interrupted again. “Not only the military of the human country is connected to criminals, but some Elves are connected as well.”
The assembled Elves froze in shock at this casual pronouncement. Kousuke, observing the scene, expected panic to break out, but an eerie silence descended instead. The information seemed too overwhelming to process.
“It is as I said. Otherwise, it would be impossible for people other than selected demi-humans to cross the barrier of this forest and kidnap an Elf.”
The representative’s face paled at this logical deduction, then quickly flushed with anger at being exposed by an outsider, particularly a Goddess.
“Th-That’s a foolish thing to do, no one from this village would do such a thing!”
As the representative’s powerful denial sparked movement among the previously stunned villagers, Kousuke’s voice cut through the chaos.
“Kouhi, Mitsuki, I’m counting on you!”
The pair vanished instantly at his command. Moments later, several pained grunts echoed through the crowd.
“Collete, catch them!”
“Got it!”
While Mitsuki’s voice rang out from within the crowd, Collete instantly grasped the situation. Six Elves suddenly flew through the air, hurled by Kouhi and Mitsuki onto the stage where Kousuke and the others stood.
Though thrown roughly, Collete’s perfectly timed Spirit Magic caught them just before impact, allowing them to float momentarily before settling on the ground.
All six remained unconscious from Kouhi and Mitsuki’s initial strike.
As the crowd watched in stunned silence, Kouhi and Mitsuki returned to Kousuke’s side.
“Thank you, Kouhi” Kousuke acknowledged Kouhi’s report before addressing the Elf representative. “I think we should hear from them. I don’t know if they will tell us their reason for doing this, though.”
The representative bowed deeply to Kousuke, evidently understanding his status despite his lack of Divine Aura.
“Thank you… Hey! Put these traitors in a cell right away!”
Following the representative’s orders, several Elves dragged away the unconscious conspirators for later questioning. The representative bowed again to both Spica and Kousuke.
“Thank you very much for taking action for our sake.”
“It’s fine. If you want someone to thank, thank Collete. She was the one who called me over.”
“What!?” Collete exclaimed, flustered by the sudden attention, but Spica had already turned to Kousuke.
“When you return from your journey, come to Sanctuary right away. My Sisters want to hear your side of the story as well.”
“Yeah, I understand.” Kousuke nodded, recognizing that his return to Sanctuary was imminent.
The moment he finished speaking, Spica vanished from the stage.