Chapter 16, A Bed of Thorns
by SilavinTranslator: TipToe
Translator (October 18, 2024 Version): Barnnn
When Tsutomu stepped into the morning light, the air felt tense, the stares from passersby sharp and accusatory, as if they saw a criminal in him. Garm moved beside him like an unyielding wall, deflecting those silent judgments. With his companion’s presence shielding him, Tsutomu straightened his posture and pressed forward, no longer troubled by the piercing glances.
Arriving at the Guild, they found it quieter than usual. It was early, and only a few Explorers lingered, their eyes fixed on the fifty Monitors displaying live feeds of various parties in action. Those present barely acknowledged Tsutomu and Garm, letting them pass unnoticed. With Garm leading the way, they walked past the reception desk and into the restricted area.
Deeper within, beyond the meeting room they had visited the day before, they approached a door flanked by two guards in deep blue uniforms that matched Garm’s. Tsutomu paused, feeling the weight of their stern gazes.
“Inform the Guild Master of my arrival,” Garm said.
One of the guards gave a curt nod, verifying the golden badge gleaming on Garm’s chest before slipping inside. Moments later, he returned.
“You may enter,” came a clear, commanding voice from beyond the door.
Garm inclined his head and stepped forward, Tsutomu following close behind, nerves tightening in his chest.
The room they entered was every bit as grand as Tsutomu had imagined — lavish like the suite of an elite hotel. A red carpet lined the floor, and the walls were adorned with all manners of medals, trophies, and heirloom magic tools.
Before a grand desk stood a woman. She wore the same deep-blue uniform as Garm, though her bearing set her apart — her back straight, hands clasped behind her. There was an otherworldly quality to her, as if she were carved from something sacred. Tsutomu found himself rooted to the spot, captivated by the presence that radiated from her.
“Something wrong? Sit.”
Her fiery red hair, tied in a long ponytail that cascaded to her waist, seemed to glow in the light, and when she gestured to the armchairs before her desk, the motion revealed a hand armored in crimson scales that shimmered like molten stone. Her face, though dignified and composed, bore faint lines of the same scales, accentuating her Dragonewt heritage.
She was Absolute Camille, a Dragonewt Deity — an apex of her race, renowned for her formidable power.
Tsutomu hesitated for a moment before taking his seat, and Garm sat beside him. Camille, having waited until they were both seated, lowered herself into her own chair.
“Allow me to introduce myself properly. I am Absolute Camille, Guild Master. You may call me Camille. While the situation could be better, it is still a pleasure to meet you.”
Her lips curved into a faint smile as she extended her hand, palm up, silently urging Tsutomu to speak. He fought the tremor in his hands, forcing them to rest still on his knees, and swallowed before responding.
“H-Hello, I’m Kyoutani Tsutomu. It’s an honor to meet you.”
“I’ve heard much about you from both Garm and Amy. They tell me you helped them clear the fiftieth layer while still at level 20. Quite a feat, especially with those strategies you devised to defeat the boss monster. Both of them spoke highly of your contributions. To achieve such success in only a month is impressive. I hope you’ll continue lending your talents to this Guild.”
“I-I’d be honored,” Tsutomu stammered, the formality of his speech betraying his discomfort.
Camille paused, a flicker of amusement passing over her face before she regained her composure. Without another word, she opened a drawer and pulled out a folded newspaper, placing it on the desk.
“Now, to cut to the chase… I assume you’re already aware of this, as Garm must have shown you.”
She picked up the newspaper again, crumpling it in her hand. Rising from her chair, she faced Tsutomu, the sense of responsibility evident in her eyes.
“The fault lies with us — this Guild, and myself as its leader — for allowing Solit Company to cause such trouble. I offer my sincerest apology.”
With a deep bow, Camille humbled herself before him. Tsutomu sat frozen, stunned by the sight. When he finally moved to stand, Garm’s firm grip on his shoulder kept him seated.
Tsutomu glanced between Garm and Camille, the latter still bowing. After a brief hesitation, his voice came out flustered, the words tumbling out unpolished.
“It’s Solit Company that’s responsible for all this. The Guild doesn’t need to apologize.”
Camille remained as she was. “I, too, bear some blame for entrusting Solit with the coverage. I believed, perhaps naively, that the focus would remain on Garm and Amy. You’ve brought immense value to the Guild — not just through the treasure you discovered, but in helping to bridge the gap between Garm and Amy. Yet now, through our negligence, your name has been tarnished. I ask again — please, accept my apology.”
Her words, layered with sincerity, stirred something in Tsutomu. A faint smile tugged at his lips as he saw the parallel between Camille’s humble posture and Garm’s own. [Like leader, like subordinate,] he thought.
“I accept your apology, Guild Master,” Tsutomu said at last. “I don’t hold any ill will toward the Guild, so please, raise your head.”
Camille slowly lifted her gaze, and Tsutomu exhaled, relieved to see her sit upright again. Watching someone so noble bow to him had unsettled him in ways he hadn’t anticipated.
“Thank you,” she said, then, with the weight of the apology now lifted, she resumed a more businesslike tone. “Now, regarding Solit Company, we’re putting every effort into amending the article. It will take time, but I assure you, the revisions will be made. And should Solit offer any… monetary compensation, the entire sum will go to you. That decision has already been finalized. The only remaining concern is Amy…”
Tsutomu nodded slightly, already thinking ahead. “I’ve been considering taking Amy off the team for now — at least until this blows over. Keeping her involved would only make things worse for both of us.”
Camille’s brows lifted slightly, impressed. “Quick thinking. That’s good. However… do you have anyone in mind to take her place?”
Leaning forward, Camille rested her elbows on the desk, her eyes probing for Tsutomu’s response. He pressed his lips together, feeling the knot of frustration tighten. This was the heart of the issue: finding a new Attacker.
“…Honestly, I don’t expect to find anyone suitable anytime soon,” he admitted. “If the Guild has any recommendations, I’d appreciate the help.”
Camille gave a thoughtful nod. “Replacing Amy won’t be easy, but I do have two potential candidates in mind.”
Tsutomu hadn’t yet formally requested the Guild’s assistance in recruiting, partly because he doubted anyone they suggested would be a good fit. In the worst case, he had steeled himself to continue the Dungeon explorations with just Garm by his side. But Camille’s offer eased some of the pressure weighing on his shoulders.
“From my assessment,” she continued, her tone more decisive now, “only the Deputy Guild Master or myself could fill Amy’s role adequately. And I believe it’s time for the Deputy Guild Master to focus more on administrative responsibilities… So, I will be joining your party as her replacement.”
Tsutomu blinked, the room falling into a stunned silence. “…Huh?”
Camille’s smile broadened, bright and unwavering, while Tsutomu sat frozen in disbelief, struggling to comprehend her unexpected declaration.
The Guild was buzzing with unusual energy, the cause of which was unmistakable: the Guild Master’s unexpected announcement of an indefinite leave. And now, here she sat, unconcerned, in the dining hall, as if she hadn’t just upended the entire organization. Around the round table with her were Garm and Tsutomu.
“It’s been ages since I last had a meal here! Ahahaha!”
“Miss Camille…” Garm began hesitantly.
“Garm, how many times must I remind you?” she interrupted, still grinning. “We’re teammates now — equals. No more formalities, remember?”
“Please don’t ask the impossible…” Garm muttered under his breath, his dog-like ears drooping in defeat.
Camille reached over, giving his back a light pat. Tsutomu, watching their interaction, managed a tight smile.
It had happened so quickly. One moment, Camille was Guild Master; the next, she had joined Tsutomu’s party as Amy’s replacement. And now, they found themselves waiting in the Guild hall for the Director of the Security Team… But then, who they got instead was a jittery rookie, barely able to keep his new uniform straight, who approached them with awkward, jerky steps.
The rookie relayed a message to Garm, his voice trembling with inexperience. Garm listened, his face hardening, before releasing a long, weary sigh. Amy had apparently stormed into Solit Company’s offices, causing a scene so disruptive that the Security Team had been called in to handle it. Whatever businesses they’d had on schedule — including Tsutomu’s hearing — would have to wait; Amy’s latest outburst had pushed everything else aside.
Camille suggested they strengthen their bonds as a party in the meantime. Which led, inevitably, to the current conversation over a meal that felt oddly casual despite the weight of recent events.
“So, Miss Camille,” Tsutomu said, “Could you show me your Status Card?”
“Just call me Camille.”
“I’m afraid that’s going to be difficult… I can’t call someone older than me without being polite.”
Camille chuckled, covering her mouth as though his formality amused her. She had a presence that seemed to transcend mere rank or age, an aura that made her feel almost unapproachable. Tsutomu couldn’t simply brush it aside.
“You’re the party leader — and age doesn’t matter in a party. The leader is the one everyone follows.”
“Well, in that case, why not make you the leader instead?” Tsutomu suggested.
Camille’s smile broadened as she pulled a document from a pocket of her shirt. “Ah, I knew you’d pull that card,” she said, unfurling the parchment. “Here’s the contract I drew up. Look closely — it clearly states you are the leader. If this contract is violated, I’ll be forced to leave the party. So, like it or not, you’re in charge.”
Tsutomu blinked, staring at the contract. “…You really can’t ask the Deputy Guild Master to step in for this?” He glanced at Garm, who looked as uneasy as he felt. “This is going to be even more awkward than that time Garm had to deal with swamp poison…”
Camille turned her gaze toward Garm, who straightened up in his seat, startled by the sudden attention.
“Is it THAT bad?” she asked, raising a brow.
“N-No, of course not,” Garm replied hastily.
“See?” Camille said, looking back at Tsutomu. “He’s fine. He’s probably just mulling over how to handle the fallout from Amy’s mess.”
Tsutomu couldn’t help but smirk at the dynamic playing out before him. Camille’s commanding presence, paired with Garm’s reluctant deference, made for quite a curious combination — it reminded him of a wolf pack.
“Still,” Camille sighed, her perfectly arched brows drawing together, “it’s been a while since I’ve felt this… rejected. I may not have the raw strength of the Scarlet Devil Squad, but I’ve reached the fifty-eighth layer. Surely I’m not lacking as a combat asset.”
“Well, I don’t doubt your abilities at all…” Tsutomu responded quickly, assuring her.
“Then we’ve no issue, do we?” Camille’s smile sharpened, all confidence again, the momentary crack in her composure sealed.
Her abrupt shift in tone left Tsutomu momentarily speechless. But it was undeniable — Camille’s strength had already been proven with the remarkable accomplishment of reaching as deep as she had. He realized, somewhat uneasily, that pressing too hard for a replacement for Amy might offend Camille, leaving him in a far worse position. With a sigh, he conceded.
“All right, fine. So… Camille, your Status Card?”
“I’ll have it ready in a second!” Camille responded with a brightness that contrasted Tsutomu’s reluctant tone.
“And… I guess I’ll have to start addressing everyone a bit more casually. Garm, you okay with that, ‘buddy’?” Tsutomu asked, half-joking.
“I-I don’t mind,” Garm stammered, ears twitching slightly, his discomfort all too apparent.
Camille watched him with amusement, her sharp eyes catching every subtle movement. Meanwhile, Tsutomu accepted the Status Card handed to him by a passing Guild receptionist, glancing over it with a thoughtful sigh.
Camille was level 67 — her average status rating was a tier above both Garm’s and Amy’s. Her Job was listed as “Greatsword Fighter,” and as Tsutomu’s gaze moved down to the list of skills, one unfamiliar term caught his eye.
“What’s this <<Dragon Form>> skill? I haven’t come across that before,” he asked, intrigued.
“That’s my unique skill,” Camille explained, her tone filled with pride. “When I activate it, all of my status ratings get a huge boost, though only for a short time.”
“A unique skill? That’s… amazing!”
“But it has its drawbacks,” Camille added. “When I use it, I lose a bit of my mental control — my instincts take over, and I tend to act more… recklessly. It’s not something I rely on unless I have no other choice.”
“I see…” Tsutomu leaned forward, his curiosity piqued even further. Camille, noticing his genuine interest, brightened once more.
“It also lets me breathe fire,” she continued, “and I can sprout wings to fly, though only for short bursts.”
Tsutomu’s eyes widened. “That’s incredible! Wait… so does <<Dragon Form>> turn you into a full dragon?”
Camille laughed, shaking her head. “No, not quite. If it did, I might’ve made it past the sixtieth layer by now. As it is, my flight isn’t nearly as fast or powerful as a Fire Dragon’s.”
“Still, it sounds like a remarkable ability. I’d love to see it in action. How about we run some drills together in the Dungeon? That way, we can get in sync.”
Camille nodded, clearly pleased by his enthusiasm. Garm, on the other hand, remained quiet, his nod of agreement slower — he was still grappling with the unusual dynamic that had suddenly formed.
“At last, Camille lifted her head and took a breath, as if relieved. It wasn’t hard for Tsutomu to get a noble to bow.”
Excuse me, what?
This has to be a mistranslation.
Also, it should be “as if she WAS relieved”
The second phrase makes 0 sense. Absolutely out of place.
thanks for chapter
yeah. thanks for the chapter ❤️
Thanks for the chapter.