Chapter 226, The Attempted Assassination
by SilavinHey there, Silavin here. The translator is on hiatus at the moment due to work.
I’ll update this chapter in regards to what will happen. It will also display the original chapter if he comes back.
Hey there, Silavin here. The translator is on hiatus at the moment due to work.
I’ll update this chapter in regards to what will happen. It will also display the original chapter if he comes back.
The text-to-speech engine is an experimental browser feature. It might not always work as intended. On Android, you need the following app permissions for this to work:
[Microphone] and [Music and audio]
You can toggle selected features and styles per device/browser to boost performance. Some options may not be available.
of you to assume I have a plan.[i]
by this.[li]
… me like my landlord![/quote]
Spanish Inquisition![/spoiler]
more bad puns![del]
your browser history!
Well this is certainly surprising.