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    Chapter Index

    Translator: Nonon

    Proofreader: Silavin


    POV: Violet

    “I don’t know how to say this, but sorry.”
    “No. It. Is. Fine.”

    Due to various things happening, we landed a little outside Shiki.
    Ms. Robot took really good care of me. I wish she held back on suddenly accelerating and killing monsters with a single blow, but it became an unexpectedly good opportunity for me to let out the things I had pent up.
    …The only things I threw up were the words that cut off my feelings for His Highness and the thoughts of wanting to become happy. Other than that, I haven’t thrown up… yet…

    “Well. I. Did. Speak. Like. I. Was. Better. But. Even. I. Have. Things. I. Am. Afraid. Of. In. Fact. I. Am. Afraid. To. Show. My. Real. Face.”

    Where’s that coming from after lecturing me so much?

    “I. Mean. You. Were. Being. Wishy-washy. So. It. Irritated. Me.”
    “… You know, I’m sorry.”

    I can’t admonish her when she says this.
    Besides, I’ve heard that Ms. Robot doesn’t want to show her face because her parents and the surrounding people shamed her for her appearance. It must’ve been similar to a trauma, like in my case, and her current form could be taken as a way of her facing forward and a reflection of her character.

    “So. What. Will. You. Be. Doing. From. Now. On?”

    Ms. Robot asked me.
    From now on… from now on, huh? I feel somewhat refreshed, so I want to actively pursue Lord Clo. But when I think about my classmates and the sources of the trauma being here, I lose my nerve.
    I feel like if I suddenly show them that I’m close to Lord Clo, it’ll create issues for him too. Ash and Chartreuse are from exceptionally influential families even among the nobles in the kingdom. As long as they still resent me, I cannot provoke them carelessly. I should probably apologize to them at some time, but that doesn’t have to be now. So, when I go back home without being seen by them… 

     “Well, once I get home, I’ll hug Lord Clo first and foremost.”
    “And I’ll press my chest against him.”
    “I. Feel. Like. That. Would. Happen. Naturally. As. You. Hug. Him. But. It. Is Fine. Men. Should. Like. That.”
    “After hugging him for a few seconds, I will get away for a bit…”
    “Get. Away?”
    “… and I’ll strip?”
    “Why. Would. You. Do. That?”

    I also don’t know why things would come to that either.
    My maid had said to me that since I had such valuable assets attached to my body, all men would fall easily as soon as I got naked in front of them. Thanks to that, I had refrained from exposing myself until now.
    Honestly, I only understand that self-appeal is something like that. Behaving well and resolutely at the social gatherings and the academy is surely different from acting proactive in this kind of situation.

    “Should. You. Not. Just. Kiss. Him. Then. And. There?”
    “I mean, I’d like for our first kiss to be more romantic.”
    “Acting. Innocent. Now?”

    No matter what people say, I want the first time to be memorable.
    In a secluded place with nobody else around, where the only audible sound is the sound of us breathing and my heartbeat, which I perceive to be extremely loud due to my nervousness. Lord Clo will initiate — that’s how I imagine it to be. Something I read from a book.

    “That. Part. Is. Fine. Because. You. Are. Free. To. Do. What. You. Want… but you two haven’t even kissed yet? Wow…”

    Stop with that pitying look, it hurts my heart. Also, please stop talking fluently when it matters. It’s causing me a lot of damage when I realize that it’s true.
    As I became depressed, Ms. Robot hurriedly added that she was joking. In fact, a married couple that hasn’t even kissed yet might as well be the same as a married couple that’s only married on paper. Maybe Ms. Robot’s initial reaction was natural.
    “In that case, cooperate with me, Ms. Robot. I will have you take responsibility for spurning me.”
    “Fine. By. Me. However. Something. Romantic. Eh?”
    “Yes, romantic.”

    Ms. Robot took a thinking posture and started pondering about romantic gestures.

    “After. Playing. In. A. Field. Of. Flowers. And. Making. Flower. Crowns. Hold. Each. Other’s. Hands. While. Watching. The. Sunset. And. Kiss. As. You. Get. Closer…”

    Despite making fun of me, Ms. Robot came up with a pretty cute idea. Good grief, after calling me out on acting innocent, this is what she came up with? Isn’t playing in a flower field, making flower crowns and watching sunset too childish?

    “—that’s pretty good.”

    It’s childish? But that’s what makes it good.
    The whole point is for Lord Clo to do something childish.
    He would clumsily make a flower crown and I’d show him the example with a little, after which we would gift our flower crowns to each other. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?

    “Wait, I forgot. I’ve never actually made a flower crown. Kuh, the plan is all ruined…!”
    “Then. What. About. Something. Like. This? A. Suspension. Bridge. Effect. Caused. By. A. Dangerous. Situation.”
    “I’m listening!”

    Suspension bridge effect… If I remember right, it refers to the situation where people mistake a life-threatening situation for the excitement of love. But for Lord Clo, who could even Kill Fenrir, to experience a life-threatening situation, we would need at least A-rank monster–

    “First. I. Will. Kidnap. Clo.”
    “What are you even talking about?”

    Ah, there was a strong enemy close to A-rank standing before me all this time.
    It might be easy for Ms. Robot to put Lord Clo in a life-threatening situation, but kidnapping is different. It’s Lord Clo, after all.

    “And. When. Clo. Is. In. A. Critical. Situation. After. Being. Kidnapped. You. Will. Make. Your. Dashing. Entrance.”
    “That’s a terrible match pump.”

    Lord Clo, who’s been weakened after being kidnapped, huh? No matter how much I want to be liked, I’m still reluctant to go as far as kidnapping the other person. I wouldn’t want to traumatize him, after all.
    Lord Clo, who was kidnapped, dirtied and anxious, only to feel relieved after seeing my face – stop, don’t think about it. I feel like if I think about it, I’ll want to see it.
    “Besides, it’s not good. It’ll be a problem if Lord Clo developed Stockholm syndrome!”
    “…! In. Other. Words. There. Is. A. Chance. That. He. Will. Start. Liking. Me. Instead!”
    “Yeah, and besides, when you think about it, if you kidnap him, the culprit will be obvious.”
    “I. See. That. Makes. Sense.!”

    But in that case, we should come up with another way…
    I can send Lord Clo his favorite things, cook for him, drink with him and create the right mood… I’m not feeling any of those.

    “Would. You. Like. Me. To. Light. Fireworks? I. Can. Do. It. If. I. Prepare. Them.”
    “Is it possible? Still, fireworks, huh… I don’t know why, but I can just see the future where I muster up all my courage only for my words to be drowned out by the sound of the fireworks.”
    “Certainly… Ah. Then. Go. To. The. Hot. Spring. That. Appeared. Recently. With. Just. The. Two. Of. You…”
    “We already did that.”
    “… And. You. Still. Did. Not. Kiss…”

    Stop with the pity. I don’t want to blame anybody, but we couldn’t do it because Gray interrupted us. That’s right, that must’ve been it.

    “A place we both like… a good environment… hug… pajamas… stripping…”
    “Presents…. fireworks… suspension bridge effect… Stockholm Syndrome…”

    Creating a situation where we can both be proactive. If we extract good points from all those suggestions and put them together, we should be able to come up with a good idea.
    In other words, to summarize– 

    “I will make a flower crown for Lord Clo, then I’ll pretend to give it to him and hug him instead.”
    “Press. Your. Chest. Against. Him. And. Take. Off. His. Clothes.”
    “As he panics, I will apply force to him and make him feel threaten to his life, after which,”
    “You. Will. Make. Clo. Faint. And. Move. Him. Somewhere. Else.”
    “I will comfort Lord Clo, who’ll be anxious after waking up at an unknown place.”
    “You. Will. Drink. Together. And. Once. You. Both. Feel. Hot.”
    “The combination of anxiety, excitement and intoxication will activate the suspension bridge effect!”
    “And. In. The. End. I. Will. Light. Fireworks. To. Liven. Things. Up!” 

    ““This is it!””

    When I remember this moment in the future, I can’t help but think one thing.
    That our excitement went in a strange direction.

    “… As expected, it wasn’t a mistake. Violet Valentine…!”



