Chapter 448, The Roar of Their Bonds
by SilavinTranslator: Barnnn
~~ Thirty-First Day of the Eighth Month, Ninety-Sixth Year of the War Demon Calendar ~~
The beautiful streets of Regalia, the Royal Capital, had been completely destroyed, trampled into the ground by giant monsters. And now, countless monsters, numbering over a hundred million, were facing south with Regalia Castle behind them.
No matter how weak the monster, all their eyes were fierce, their mouths dripping with saliva, eagerly awaiting the moment of the decisive battle.
On the balcony of Regalia Castle, Cleath, Idïa, Billy, Leon, and Devil King Lucifer looked down upon them. The sun was beginning to set, signaling the approaching evening.
“Now then… will they come to us?”
Billy narrowed his eyes as he posed the question to Idïa.
“It matters not whichever way. We can simply trample everything in our path to them instead.”
Idïa responded with icy eyes, gazing southward.
“This venue prepared by Master Lucifer seems unfit for his… eccentric adversary.”
Cleath said, implying an opinion that clashed with what Billy had said.
In turn, Billy glanced at him before turning his gaze back to the south.
“In any case… you should count what little time you have left.”
“…! I won’t die! Not today!”
Cleath’s impassioned response to Billy was carried by a sharp, piercing glare.
However, Billy appeared unaffected.
As Cleath started unleashing his arcane energy, Idïa made no attempt to stop him.
Leon, too, seemed indifferent to him — as well as everything else.
At this moment, Lucifer, who had observed in silence until now, finally spoke.
“…Here he comes.”
In an instant, Cleath’s anger transformed into tension as he surveyed the desolate southern expanse.
Naturally, Idïa and Billy’s reactions were the same. The two, their faces equally tense, were the first to lay eyes on the figure approaching from the distance — the figure of what could be considered the Devilkin’s natural enemy.
It was a single man, approaching them on foot.
He wore glasses, donned a wine-red mantle, and carried a staff adorned with crimson and black mottled patterns.
The man’s name was Asley, the Eternal Fool possessing a righteous heart — considered the enemy of evil throughout the world.
Cleath, Billy, and Idïa were gripped with fear in the presence of this Asley.
[[…The magnitude of his arcane energy… it’s incredible…!]]
At first glance, Asley seemed to emanate a gentle and tranquil aura of arcane energy.
However, in reality, the three discerned that he was forcibly restraining an overwhelming surge of power. Among them, only Lucifer could contend with the current Asley — and likewise, Asley stood as the only match for Lucifer.
Should the three confront Asley, it would be a life-threatening endeavor. After all, this Asley, the Eternal Fool, was an existence dubbed a threat even among the Devilkin.
No one among them would dare stand in front of Lucifer. It was inconceivable due to the staggering gap in strength that they all understood. Therefore, while glaring at Asley, the three spoke,
“Impressive, Asley…” Billy said, offering reluctant praise.
“He stands along against us, our army, and Master Lucifer…” Cleath remarked.
“The strength to envy, indeed,” Idïa added, expressing admiration for the enemy.
“He needs all the strength he can muster — to not make this a dull battle.” Lucifer overwrote everyone’s praise with his dismissive words, leaving only submission to himself.
In the presence of Lucifer’s dimension-warping arcane energy, the three took a step back and bowed.
The arcane energy in the vicinity threatened to drive them insane, causing Leon’s forehead to glisten with sweat.
“Hmm… I suppose it’s too much to expect you to do this alone.”
Lucifer glared at Asley, who glared back in kind.
Seemingly uninterested in the army of a hundred million — the looming despair before his eyes — Asley proceeded to draw his Spell Circles as he usually would.
“Rise, A-rise, A-rise, Teleportation: Count 10 & Remote Control!”
With Asley’s command, Teleportation Spell Circles appeared at two locations to his left, two to the right, two behind him, two in front, and then two further ahead in his front.
All ten were invoked instantly, heralding the arrival of numerous warriors and mages as they emerged from the radiant Circles.
On the left flank:
The first to emerge was Charlie the Thousand Morphing Blade. Following him were Jennifer the Black Fist, Natasha the Unholy War Princess, Russel the Glorious Dark, Jacob the Demon Blader, Catherine the Benevolent Petal, Amil the Super Silver Spirit, Duncan the Gatekeeper of Beilanea, Guild Master Scott, and Barun the Scale Tipper with his familiar Ricky. Subsequently, numerous adventurers teleported in.
On the right flank:
First up was the former Royal Capital Magic Guardians Brigadier, Viola. Following her were former Six Braves Egd, Hornel and his Familiar Maïga, Jeanne the Lightning Flash, Lina the Silent Witch and her familiar Baladd, and elite members of the former Magic and Warrior Guardians Brigades, as well as other seasoned warriors.
On the rear center:
First came Tangalán the Meteor Battle Mage. Following him were Dragan the Dainty Tiger, Tifa the Dark Ruler, Lala, Fuyu, Gaston’s former familiar Konoha — who was now the familiar of Baladd — as well as Fuyu’s Familiar Platinia, and Natsu with her Familiar Shiny. After them, mages from the Magic University and warriors from the Warrior University teleported in.
In the center:
Irene the Invincible Sprout and her familiar Hawk appeared first. Following them were Warren the Black Emperor with his Familiar Latt, Trace, and Tūs the High-Order Muscle. Members of The Resistance also started appearing.
In the front center:
Bruce the Silver Wolf was the first to appear. Coming right after him were Blazer the Silver Lion, Betty the Silver Tiger, Argent the Old Silver, Belia the Old Silver’s Confidant, Haruhana the Silver Princess, the former Faltown Chief Ryan, Reid, Mana, Reyna, Adolf, Idéa, Midors, Dallas the Scarlet Blade, and Tūs’s familiar Bull. Also present were Eigul, leading the Eddo Boars of Eddo, Lala’s familiar Tzar, and Tifa’s familiar Tarawo. Subsequently, powerful warriors teleported in.
In the meantime, Asley, positioned between the center and front center, placed another Teleportation Spell Circle beneath his feet. This one, however, differed significantly — it was a gigantic variant capable of accommodating ten individuals.
As it was invoked, Lylia the former Holy Warrior and her familiar the Crimson King Ox Weldhun, as well as the entirety of the Heavenly Beasts — Kokki the Black Tortoise, Haiko the Ashen Tiger, Kohryu the Yellow Dragon, Shi’shou the Violet Phoenix — materialized. Lastly, Asley’s familiar, Pochi, made her appearance.
Asley greeted Pochi with a quiet smile.
Pochi approached him, and wordlessly seated herself.
Then she gently lowered her head, seeking comfort from the resilient and gentle hands of her Master and friend.
Everyone present watched over them.
Asley and Pochi made the best of what could be their final moments together.
Yet, all things come to an end. Reluctantly, their eyes, once filled with fondness, gradually transformed into resolute gazes, strong and focused for survival on this battlefield.
Pochi fixed her gaze upon Goku’ryu, Hell Emperor of the Blazing Dragons, floating gracefully in the distant sky behind Regalia Castle.
As Asley, flanked by Lylia and the Heavenly Beasts, walked toward the spear-like formation, he crossed paths with Haruhana, Ryan, Reid, Adolf, and others. Approaching the tip of the spear, closest to the hell that was about to unfold, Asley arrived at Bruce’s position.
“Hahaha! It really looks like hell up ahead!”
Bruce filled the battlefield with a solitary, lighthearted laugh.
However, Asley understood — This was Bruce’s best attempt at a performance.
Anyone close to Bruce would notice. Bruce was forcing himself to be optimistic.
Yet, everyone listened attentively to Bruce’s final words of encouragement.
“Thanks, Asley! Without meeting you, I would’ve ended up just a nameless warrior!”
Bruce’s voice trembled, and so did his body.
Behind Asley — in front of Bruce — was an overwhelming army of a hundred million.
It was nothing but pitch-black darkness.
Yet, Bruce kept speaking,
“They used to call me the Silver Special Forces Captain, but now, I’m the world’s greatest special forces captain! Hah! We’ve been through so many fun and thrilling moments, haven’t we? It’s been so fun…! Really, it’s been so much fun, my dear friend!!”
Thus the highest baton of honor was passed to Asley.
On Asley’s left shoulder was the right hand of his friend, trembling with fear.
On Bruce’s left shoulder rested the right hand of his friend, the fool who had overcome fear.
…And now, the time for encouragement concluded.
Anything more was deemed meaningless by everyone.
Thus, Asley, facing his friend bearing the burden of a hundred million enemies, spoke words only for him,
“Bruce, we’ve been through a lot.”
“The Colorful Food District project, the combat training, that lecture in Faltown…”
“You… you’ve always been there to help me.”
“Uh, really?”
Bruce, crossing his arms, briefly averted his gaze from Asley.
In response, Asley’s right hand tightened its grip.
Bruce’s gaze returned to the hand firmly grasping his left shoulder.
“Listen… I believe in you, Bruce. Not as the world’s greatest special forces captain, nor as the Silver Special Forces Captain, nor the Silver Wolf. I believe in Bruce. In my friend.”
Bruce’s focus was fully on Asley.
“So… Bruce, you believe in me too. Trust me, charge in straight, just like you usually do.”
The field of view displayed a hundred million enemies — the sight of despair.
However, what Bruce saw was a single glimmer of hope emanating from Asley’s back, erasing everything else.
Then, after shaking his head and looking at Asley again, Bruce saw that he was smiling as always.
Caught by that, Bruce awkwardly smiled as well.
As Asley released his hand from Bruce’s shoulder, he turned his attention to those behind him.
There, Blazer and Betty were smiling, just like Bruce.
“I’m counting on you guys.”
Asley spoke while looking at the two,
“Leave it to me!”
“We’re the best ever…!”
And Blazer and Betty said to him.
“All right, here goes… Rise, Levitation!”
With the invocation, Asley’s body floated in the air.
Asley, hovering above the main forces at the front, once again stared at Regalia Castle and Devil King Lucifer.
The fool raised his fist, holding up the staff filled with numerous wishes — the Infinite Hope.
The fool’s cry, reaching for hope, echoed through the final battlefield.
“I live with death close by my side!!!!”
“”I live with death close by my side!!!!””
The roar of their bonds shook hell itself.
The war between humanity and Devilkin — a conflict staking their entire existence against each other — now began.
Thirty-first day of the eighth month, ninety-sixth year of the War Demon Calendar — Now was a pivotal moment, in which humanity had placed everything on a single glimmer of hope.