The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley” – Chapter 436, Pochi the Grand Heavenly Beast
Translator: Barnnn “Rise, A-rise, A-rise! Middle Cure!”
Translator: Barnnn “Rise, A-rise, A-rise! Middle Cure!”
Translator: Barnnn The area around the southern gate of Eddo, the capital of T’oued, was a gathering place for many warriors and mages.
Translator: Barnnn “How do you like it?” “We worked really hard on it! You know, to make sure it’s strong enough for you!”
Translator: Barnnn Countless warriors and mages were called to the magic classroom venue.
Translator: Barnnn At one point, Lina’s mediation calmed everyone down and got them to agree on a set of conditions for the name: It mustn’t be too lengthy, and using an individual’s own name or title is inappropriate.
Translator: Barnnn The Army of Twelve. The Twelve Signs.
Translator: Barnnn Warren’s statement momentarily left me frozen. Well now call the Duodecad the ‘Twelve Starsigns’… which is likely a reference to the E’to, the astrological system traditionally passed down in T’oued.
Translator: Barnnn Just as Warren finished his sentence, the sliding doors of the venue opened, accompanied by a loud bang that drew Asley’s gaze.