The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage)

The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage) – Volume 3 Chapter 74, A sojourn of some strange people_2

Translator: Nonon Proofreader: Silavin   “I apologize for my earlier impoliteness. Pleased to meet you once again, Lord Clo. My name is Burnt Bulstrode and I served as Lady Violet’s butler. And this is my younger sister…” “I am Amber. Pleased to make your acquaintance from now on.” “Thank you for your introduction. I am the lord of Shiki, Clo Heartfield. Pleased to meet you. Please have a seat.” “Thank you for your concern.”  

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