The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage)

The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage) – Volume 3 Chapter 102, Grateful to the Saint/Monster

| The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage) |

Translator: Nonon

Proofreader: Silavin


My father was killed on my tenth birthday.”

The curtain rose, and the first person to appear was His Highness Vermillion, basked in a single spotlight in the darkness.
Unlike the knight-like attire he was wearing when we met him before, he began his monologue dressed and equipped like a foot soldier. 

My father was a hero. He fought in many battles and took many lives, but he also saved many more.”

While I’m an amateur when it comes to the theater, I can still say that His Highness’ acting was pretty good.
His voice, breathing, pitch, timing. All of those were well-balanced for an amateur. Even though I was in a VIP seat, which only had a good view and was actually quite far away, his acting skills made him look like he was closer. His Highness was truly an actor in this moment.

“I bear no grudge against the killer. It was a natural consequence of my father’s deeds and a common sight in the world. Still, I must accomplish this vain goal known as revenge.”

It was hard to imagine given his blatant display of undisguised dislike for Lady Violet earlier, but maybe that’s what they call the aura of royalty. In any case, the fact that the audience who came to see His Majesty was watching him without making a fuss from the moment he appeared on stage was proof of that.

“—Even if it means making my beloved cry.”

The story of the play, to put it simply, was about ‘revenge and love’.
Basically, the child of the hero, who was determined to avenge his father, tried to take revenge on the family of the person who killed his father, and found out that one of their family members was a girl he had been close to since childhood. His feelings waver and he hesitates in his choice. That’s the synopsis.
To be honest, I don’t think this is the kind of a story you would expect from a student play, but stories with this kind of plot seems to be common in Azalea academy. Maybe they also performed plays like this outside of Japan in my past life. 

“Hey, bro! It’s been a while, glad to see you’re doing well!”

After the monologue ended, the actors came out one by one, and the 5 actors stood on the stage.
I had never met some of them directly or hadn’t had a detailed conversation with them since meeting them, but they were people I knew one-sidedly.

Vermillion Randolph. The third prince with red hair and purple eyes, who’s been blessed with talent and excellent overall abilities.
Ash Austin. Third prince’s excellent valet with bluish brown hair and black eyes.
Chartreuse Calvin. Dark-green hair and chartreuse-colored eyes. A knight candidate with the best physical abilities amongst the five.
Eccles Forsythe. A glasses-wearing second-year student with white hair and yellow-brown eyes from an earl family who excels at magic.
Silva Seyfried. The only commoner among the five, with silver hair and red eyes who uses a scary special magic.

All of them are love interests in the otome game, ‘When the Ring of Fire is lit, World is painted red’.
There are more of them if you include sub love interests, but those 5 are the main ones. And they were currently performing on stage. All of them had their unique characteristics, and although they were not on the same level as His Highness, they had probably practiced and were quite good for amateurs. However, while Chartreuse did appear, he had almost no lines and looked sullen… I think it’s probably because he looked better when he was silent

—- Standard deviation of the face quality sure is high, damn

Maybe it’s only natural, but all of them are different types of handsome men.
As long as I’m on Lady Violet’s side, they, who sided with Ms. Mary during the duel, are equivalent to my enemies. But if I were to join them, I’d look extremely out of place.
If Lady Violet and Ms. Mary were added to the mix, I’d pale even more in comparison. I don’t know whether Ms. Mary is as beautiful as them, but according to Ms. Kriemhild, she’s a pretty girl.
In any case, even if they’re enemies, there is no need to go out of my way to stir up trouble with them. Seeing them all on the stage and the reactions of the audience, entranced by their entrance, I once again felt that I didn’t want to become their enemy. The only ally I need within the school in Ms. Kriemhild.

“Yes, it’s her. She’s at the church currently, but she’s somebody who’s supposed to be called the saint. Looks like she’s here—“

Just as I was wondering when Ms. Mary, the leading character, would show up, we reached a scene where the dialogue suggested that she would make an appearance.
Lady Violet must have sensed it too. Her expression stiffened for a moment and she bit her lips lightly.

—- However, a saint, huh?

Maybe the fact that she’s in the church must have something to do with why Cyan was called. We might see Cyan in a supporting role in some scenes. Anyway, just what kind of a woman is she to be hailed as a saint even in the play?
It’s only natural that the woman one likes will appear attractive in their eyes.
But I don’t have a very good impression of Ms. Mary, who I’ve only heard about from rumors. Even if she’s hailed as a beautiful girl and a saint, she stole Ms. Kriemhild’s role and caused Lady Violet to be expelled. Furthermore, I only see her as an unpleasant woman who seduced His Highness and the others ――

“I see everybody is here.”

In my eyes, she was nothing more than an unpleasant woman, however.
When it stepped onto the stage, the atmosphere of the play undoubtedly changed.
Her beautiful golden hair fluttered, as if everything was calculated.
Her red eyes were overflowing with compassion, as if accepting everything.
Her entire body was perfectly proportioned.
She had the presence that made it seem like she was right beside you even though she was far away.
Despite overflowing with womanly charms, she mysteriously made you want to protect her. That was my first impression of her when she stepped on the stage.

— Oh, that is definitely a saint (monster).

Those who see her will likely be either mesmerized or intimidated.
Her presence and acting skills that would put a pro to shame despite being a student is truly a violence. The audience might love her, but for those who walk on the same path, she’s too perfect for them to catch up to.
Her gaze, breathing, voice and every move are all natural; those watching her can’t help feeling that that the myth itself is being reenacted. It truly does feel like the descent of a mythical saint.
This is all being done by a 15 years old girl who has only been acting for about a month. It’s truly abnormal and bizarre.
If she performed the same way during the promotional campaign it’s not surprising that many people at the promotional venue perceived her as a saint fitting her role.

— I see, no wonder she was able to enchant not just His Highness and the others, but also the students of Azalea Academy.

If she treated everyone equally, brought salvation, brightened up the place, solved the rotten parts of the school, and solved the problems of not only the love interests but also the students just like the heroine of the Ring of Fire, of course she would become popular.
Even if she’s a reincarnator like me and knows the way to resolve things from the game, from the perspective of the people who have been saved, it doesn’t matter. After all, the fact remains that the negative feelings they had been harboring for many years had been resolved.
Furthermore, if you add her beauty, that you would hesitate to tarnish, and seductive voice, you would start to feel as if you were dealing with a Messiah. Her acting gave that illusion.

— That aside, isn’t Lady Violet more attractive?

Ms. Mary is certainly a beautiful and charming woman. That’s clear even at a glance.
She has beautiful skin and hair, and her acting skills and voice are wonderful. As I said earlier, it’s not unreasonable to mistake her for a saint, because of the mighty aura she exudes. It feels as if you’re dealing with the world on a different scale.
But putting that aside, if I was asked to choose the more charming woman, I would choose Lady Violet without hesitation. Nine times out of ten. Or maybe 10 times out of 10.
Of course, I understand that one shouldn’t judge someone’s attractiveness based on their appearance alone. Personality, in particular, is something that someone can’t tell from a first impression. Right now, I don’t know if Ms. Mary has a good personality, always wanting to save others, or if she’s just a calculated villainess aiming for power and pretty boys.
Regardless of which it is, His Highness fell in love with Ms. Mary, and in the end, Lady Violet and I got married … Alright, in a way, I have to be grateful to Ms. Mary.
Thank you, Ms. Mary Sue.
I can’t forgive you for getting Lady Violet expelled, but putting that aside, thank you for letting me meet Lady Violet as a result. I can’t thank you for that directly, so I will express my gratitude in my heart. Also, your acting skills are amazing.
However, I can’t help but think that if Lady Violet had played Ms. Mary’s role, the play would have been even more fascinating. I don’t know how good Lady Violet’s acting skills are, but I’m sure she would shine with some polish.
Ah, I want to see it. I’d rather watch a play starring Lady Violet.
But that would mean a large audience like this would see her. It may be a good thing for many people to find out about Lady Violet’s charm, but I kind of don’t like it. I don’t know why, but I don’t like it.

For now, there is something I can say with certainty.
At this stage, Lady Violet is the more attractive woman.
This probably won’t change.



| The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage) |

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