The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage)

The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage) – Volume 3 Chapter 72, Ash’s Suffering_2 (:Seaweed)

| The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage) |

Translator: Nonon

Proofreader: Silavin


POV: Ash


Taller stature than most women. Fine, translucent white skin and long, slender limbs. Her each and every gesture is so refined you can’t help admiring them. A woman so perfect she seems to have no flaws no matter where you look.
She—Mary—was looking at me with a worried expression, her beautiful golden hair fluttering in the wind.

“Yes, good morning, Ash. You had a very serious expression on your face… if there is something worrying you, I will be happy to listen.”
“No, it’s fine. I was just thinking about next month. I was worried about the budget and guests.”

I was embarrassed that her red eyes, which would put any jewels to shame, were reflecting me with worry, so I smiled from the bottom of my heart to stop Mary from worrying. Mary, who could easily tell a fake smile from a real one, felt that there was no hidden meaning behind my expression and smiled with relief… She’s as beautiful as ever. If I had to describe her now, the word saint would be the most appropriate.

“When you say next month, do you mean… the school festival at the end of the semester?”
“Yes. I have many things to do as the class representative. There are a lot of issues to take care of.”
“You have to start this early? Even though you’re also a student…”
“Well, most things are done by the teachers, but it seems like the purpose is to help students develop the ability to take charge while they’re young.”

The school festival.
The school festival held at Azalea Academy, is a major event that rivals the graduation ceremony and will be held over several days at the end of the next month.
First, there are tournaments divided by grade and theme held at the arena. This event is a great opportunity for students to showcase themselves, because the military personnel and people from all sorts of occupations are also evaluating students. However, due to the problems caused by match fixing stemming from the pressure from differences in social status and illegal betting, monitoring mustn’t be neglected. 
I plan on teaching those who attempt to apply pressure based on social status differences among the nobles what real pressure is.
Then, there are the projects by each class. I have to monitor the magic used for the projects and make sure that there are no profit-oriented projects. I also have to make sure that sanitation is maintained. There are many other problems too, like participation in the aforementioned arena and the lack of cooperation between nobles and commoners.
On the final day, there’s a party to wrap up everything. It’s a social gathering with alumni and various other related parties. In other words, it becomes a place where students who attracted attention through their matches or projects are scouted.


 “I see. I can help you if you’re fine with it. It looks like it’ll be a good learning experience.”

… That’s an attractive offer.
Mary isn’t saying this just to be polite. If I asked for help, she’d help me without a word. And with Mary’s own abilities and charm, the school festival will become even better. Mary is a wonderful woman, enough to make me sure of this.
And if she’ll be helping out, we’ll have more chances to be alone—

“No, that won’t be necessary. I might ask you for help in case of an emergency, but if I borrow your help too early, I’m afraid I’ll turn into a weakling who cannot do anything by myself.”

However, if I borrow somebody else’s help from this early on, I would be pathetic not only as a member of the Marquis family, but also as Ash Austin. I don’t just want to rely on her, I must also make an effort in the right direction to make her see me as a lover.

“Fufu, I don’t think that you can’t do anything, Ash. From what I’ve seen so far, you’ve worked harder than anyone else to support Vermillion.”
“I’m happy to hear that, but I can’t say that my efforts until now have all gone in a positive direction. That’s why you slapped me, after all.”
“Uuu… please don’t mention that.”

When I said it teasingly, her face turned a little red and she looked away… how cute.
A slap is something Mary did to me in the past. Before, I did everything behind the scenes to make Vermillion the King. I thought that it was fine if my hands got dirty as long as Vermillion ascended the throne.
However, Mary, who saw through me, slapped me without a regard for her position on the campus. She even tearfully expressed her concern for my safety. Having always thought of myself as disposable, those words came as a shock to me. Mary has taught me that I had a different worth too.
Many people saw what happened and since Mary wasn’t a noble, she was at risk of being suspended or even expelled, but I remember how happy I was that she risked all this because she was worried about me.

“I can’t ever thank you enough for the favor you did to me at that time. There is no way I would ever forget it or stop talking about it.”
“You’re so mean, Ash.”
“Yes, I’m fine with being mean as long as I can see your cute expression.”

When I said that, she puffed her cheeks a little and turned away… adorable!
No, calm down, Ash. Mary being adorable is an objective fact, but I must calm down. I want nothing but to hug this adorable girl and steal her sensual lips, but that would make me the same as the lustful demon from Shiki.
No! I’m different from that man who hits on every female in sight because I love Mary and I don’t have a desire to commit sodomy either. That’s why I have to restrain myself.
… I wonder if being in Shiki has really infected me with something. Should I quarantine myself?

“Oh, by the way, the school festival reminded me of something.”
“Yes, what’s wrong?”

Mary stopped pouting and turned to me as if she had remembered something.
If she remembered something in association to the school festival, it has to be something related to the party. The party at the end of the first semester… Violet once gave Mary some advice about her dress before the party where she challenged her to a duel. This time is different from the previous student-only party, so maybe she wants some advice on how to conduct herself.

“Is it true that Lady Violet is invited to the school festival?”

However, Mary asked me something completely different from what I was expecting.

“…Where did you hear that?”
“It’s just a rumor. I didn’t really believe it because it’s a rumor… but judging from your reaction, it must be true.”
“… Yes, it’s true.”

What Mary asked is the truth.
Violet… Baron and Baroness Heartfields are indeed invited to the school festival. Nominally, it’s treated as an invitation sent to former students, however—while I don’t know all the details, for some reason in addition to being invited as people who have been involved with the academy, they have also received an invitation in the name of the royal family.
Since it’s effectively an imperial order, it can’t be refused. If they try to refuse it, the position of Baron Clo Heartfield will become even more unstable than it is now.
However, for us, the problem is that Violet received an invitation. That duel incident still hasn’t faded and there are many other students, in addition to the involved parties like Vermillion and Eccles, who hold a grudge against her. Honestly, troubles can’t be avoided no matter how this situation is handled… My head hurts.

“Mary, she’s—“

But what I’m the most worried about is Mary.
The relationship between them is definitely tense. Mary is kind, so even if she doesn’t hold a grudge against Violet, Violet might still —

“It’s fine.”

However, Mary took my hand and smiled to reassure me.

“I have all my friends. As long as they’re with me, I’m not afraid of anything.”

I felt my heart jump at the sudden touch. I understand that this action is just to put me at ease, and that this is a compassionate action, like a mother comforting her child, but I can’t help feeling nervous… Can I not get her to see me as a man?
I might as well hold her body close and —

“Besides, I thought that I would never see her again after she became a nun.”

―― Stop. That’s not good. I want to steal her away, but that would be meaningless. I held down my rising emotions and returned my attention to Mary’s words.
Come to think of it, Mary did ask us if Violet became a nun after she left the academy, but what made Mary think that she would become a nun? 

“But I’m happy if I can still meet her. Since she’s safe, I look forward to seeing her.”

I was worried that Mary might have felt anxious or fearful towards Violet, but it looks like I was overthinking—No, Mary is a strong woman. She might just be acting brave to not make me worry.
I don’t have so much hatred towards Violet like before, but I haven’t actually forgiven her. If something happens that makes Mary sad, I have to protect her.
But what does she mean by ‘she’s safe’? Was she worried that Violet would be put under house arrest by Duke Valentine?

“Yes, I’m really— looking forward to it.”

But Mary’s smile, that captivates everybody who sees her, blew away all my doubts.
When I look at her, I feel like everything is bewitching. To the point that it makes me think that her actions are backed by the prior knowledge of what will happen.
Is this also a part of the weakness that comes from being in love?
“By the way, Ash. I was looking for you because I had one more thing to ask.”
“You wanted to ask me something?”

In response to my question, Mary smiled suspiciously in a way different from before, and as if she were playing a mischievous joke,

“—Have you heard of Carbuncle?”

She said a spirit’s name.



| The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage) |

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