The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage)

The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage) – Volume 3 Chapter 86, Pre-Trip Jitters

| The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage) |

Translator: Xini

Proofreader: Silavin


“Somehow our numbers have multiplied.”


It was the morning of the day we were set to depart for the capital.

When I initially received the invitation, I had planned for just the Heartfield family to attend the festival, but before I knew it, many more people had decided to join us.


A sulking Cyan, whose bad mood was a result of her temporary separation from the priest.

A boastful Apricot, whose visit to the capital made all the children in Shiki green with envy.

The chaperones Mr. Burnt and Ms. Amber whose presence inside the carriage gave rise to a lot of concerns.



Just like that, the number of people leaving for the capital had more than doubled.

We had fewer issues with transportation as House Valentine had made preparations and sent over a rather luxurious carriage, but as our numbers had increased, we would obviously have less room despite the extravagance. This was a cause for concern as it made me worry if Mr. Burnt and Ms. Amber would find the cramped space a little too stimulating.

As for me, I find it a tad uncomfortable that the male to female ratio is a bit skewed in favor of the latter. I just hope the air inside the carriage isn’t filled with the scent of makeup or perfume.


“By the way, will you be riding with us, Robot?”


“I. Will. Be. Flying. Parallel. To. The. Carriage. Until. We. Reach. The. Next. Town.”


“I see. Take care not to spook any peddlers or people passing by.”


Knowing Robot, it’s probably not easy for her to fly at a relaxed pace. Even so, since she wants to tag along with us, I don’t have any complaints. The more the merrier on a trip. Not to mention having her by our side considerably reduces threats from monsters, so she’s all the more welcomed.


“I’m okay with you wanting to attend the academy festival, but make sure not to get yourself arrested, alright?”


“Don’t. Worry, I. Will. only. Be. Dropping. By. If. I. Have. Time. To. Spare.”


“Oh. If you do decide to come, let me know. If I’m free, I’ll vouch for you.”


“Thank. You. If. There. Happen. To. Be. Any. Tournaments. Open. To. People. Unaffiliated. With. The. Academy, I. Might. Participate. I. Will. Be. Counting. On. You. Then.”


“Don’t. Your opponent will die.”


Robot participating in the academy tournament(I believe a duel) sounds dangerous on many different levels.

Though I’m sure she’d hold back and not injure her opponent, that still doesn’t erase the concern of the arena mysteriously getting blown to smithereens.


“I. Was. Kidding. Should. The. Situation. Call. For. It, You. Can. Count. On. Me. To. Have. Your. Back.”


“Count on you for what?”


“Like. Confronting. The. Sender. Of. The. Invitation. Or. Violet’s. Duel. Partner. From. Before.”


That’s… yes, she’s got a point. I would love to get her help in dealing with them, but I think they are problems I need to somehow resolve using my own strength. We especially can’t afford to screw things up with the sender, who might try to make life difficult for us.


“Thanks, Robot. I’ll request your help if there’s an emergency but other than that, those issues are something we need to resolve by ourselves.”


“I know. But I want you to remember, if my precious friend is in a crisis, then I won’t just stand still twiddling my thumbs.”


Friend. I’ll admit it makes me happy to hear that.

If possible, the best solution would be to take shelter somewhere safe like one’s parents’ home until the storm passes, but I’m grateful for this opportunity to learn who our allies are. Even if Robot only considers Lady Violet a friend, it still makes me happy.

Robot nodded in affirmation and continued to talk as if she were merely laying out facts.


“I just have to cause an uproar by unleashing Maximum Cluster Cannon upon your signal with enough vigour to usurp the throne.”


“Knock it off. You’re scaring me because I wouldn’t put it past you to do something like that. I feel like at the end you’d just say,‘Ack. Seeing as they’ve driven us into a corner, there’s only one way out of this. Time to blow myself up.’”


“I totally would. I’d come back to life, though.”

“So you would. And you’d also come back to life.”


I can’t tell if she’s serious or joking because she’s speaking normally, but for the love of God she’s gotta stop. I do appreciate that she’d go that far for us, though.

According to the events in that otome game (Ring of Fire), the dragon slumbering in the depths of the academy is supposed to wake up sometime soon. Even so,  I wish Robot would stop trying to take its place in plunging the citizens of the kingdom in fear. If something like that happens, then us and all of Shiki’s residents would end up being fugitives.


“Then, You. Make. Sure. To. Stand. Firm. So. That. Doesn’t. Come. To. Pass, Alright?”


Well if she threatens(cheers for) me like that, then I gotta do my best.

There are a lot of pressing issues like the sender of the invitation, the love interests starting from High Highness Vermillion, the hostile academy students, House Valentine and last but not the least, Lady Violet’s worst enemy – Ms. Mary who has charmed everyone.

Either way, I just have to do my utmost to support Lady Violet to the best of my abilities.


“Muahaha! Hearken! My name will echo all throughout the capital very soon! This invitation will be my first step towards making history!”

“Never mind all that. Just gulp these down in time of need.  Here’s a potion to put your body in suspended animation, a revival potion and a potion to stop revival. Also take these, they are pellets made from puffer fish poison.”

“You bastard, what are you trying to do to me?”


“Hey, Sister Pervert. Take this.”

“What is it Dr. Perverted Groper? Medicine…?”

“A salve I made myself that can heal any kind of wound. It’ll be of use if you get hurt over there. It would be best if you never have to use it, so make sure to look after yourselves.”


“None of your business… but thanks. I’ll show you I’ll have no need for it.”

“By the way, the salve is considered illegal in the capital, so you’d best keep it hidden.”

“What the hell are you trying to make me carry?!”


“Gray, the promised eternally radiant boy, take care in the capital. And especially watch what you eat, alright?”

“Thanks for your concern, Lord Bligh. Is there anything you’d like me to bring back as a souvenir?”

“The clothes you wore in the capital… No, I mean, any simple clothing item. You don’t have to go out of your way, though.”

“Clothing? Then you won’t be disappointed.”

“If anything should happen to you, I’ll charge the capital armed with all kinds of weapons including magic swords and tools.”

“…? Thank you?”


“Sitting close to Milady, sitting close to Milady… no, calm down. Calm down, take deep breaths and expel all the air from your body so it can be filled with Milady and Gray’s scents instead!”

“Amber? What is it? What has got you so excited?”


“Sharing the same space as Milady, sharing the same space as Milady… no, calm down. Calm down, take deep breaths and expel all the air from your body so it can be filled with Milady and Gray’s sounds instead!”

“Burnt? What is it? What has got you so excited?”


My list of worries grows ever longer, but it also means that we’ve got just as many allies, so it’s okay, it’s alright.

Well… to start with, I should make sure we don’t lose our heads.


“Clo, if you find any fine ladies in the capital, introduce them to me! I’m really into dwarves at present but I’m fine with any species! … Wait, I changed my mind. I’ll come along and appraise their value myself! Also, how do you feel about making love with me in the carriage, Amber?!”


Okay for now, I should start with knocking the living daylights out of this bastard to shut him up.



| The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage) |

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