The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage)

The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage) – Volume 4 Chapter 111, One Of The Reasons It Became Obsolete (: Lavender)

| The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage) |

Translator: Xini

Proofreader: Silavin

POV: Violet


I put my hair up in a ponytail and threw on the cap I got from Kriemhild the other day and set off to spectate the tournament. Beside me were Lord Clo, Gray, Apricot, Burnt and Amber. Cyan was going to slip out and join us in the afternoon and Robot was off hunting demons.

Lord Clo’s match is scheduled to take place in the evening and since I don’t have an invitation to it, I don’t necessarily have to be here, but after hearing Kriemhild was going to take part as well, I decided to come down and cheer for her.

While I’m at it, I also intend to observe Lord Clo’s opponent who could also be present here. Moreover, this arena also happens to be a place of trauma for me and I wondered if having my friends around me would alleviate some of the pain associated with it.


“The honor of being the victor shall be mine! Don’t take your eyes off me, Violet! I will give it my all even if it’s royalty I’m up against!”

“I can’t wait! But shouldn’t you rather be more excited about month-long free meals provided to high-rankers than the honor?”

“Haha. You’re right. I wanna eat lots of meat, a ton! I wanna eat a hearty meal without worrying about the bill!”


If I remember correctly, Kriemhild cooks her own meals because school cafeteria food is too expensive. I also heard that the ingredients used in alchemy magic cost quite a pretty penny.

I told her to take care not to get hurt, and she said yes with vigor before running off to the waiting area for participants.


“Lady Violet, do you think Kriemhild is accustomed to taking part in such battles of strength?”


After Kriemhild took her leave, Gray, who was looking at the arena with much curiosity, struck up a conversation with me as the opening ceremony took place. I see Gray still refers to her without any honorifics.


“Well, it all comes down to whether her magical prowess is above or below average. Though her physical abilities do appear quite good. I dare say she can advance through the ranks up to a level if she uses tools made using alchemy magic.”

“Alchemy magic… is something that can transform one material into something else, right? Can she use that kind of power, for the lack of a better word, to make something that will aid her in battle?”

“Alchemy magic in general has become an obscure disciple of magic, so honestly, my knowledge on the topic is limited. However, from what little I know, alchemy magic can be used to create tools that can produce effects similar to bombs or fire stones imbued with mana.”


Alchemy magic.

The obscure disciple of magic, not just Kriemhild but also she practices.

Apparently, this magic was used to not only make gold but also mining tools and medicine and it once greatly aided the country. As it requires special talent to wield,  it was deemed cursed magic in a few regions and its practitioners were persecuted, resulting in only a handful that still practice.

Even I, in my student days, simply wrote it off as forgotten lore and didn’t bother to learn more about it. I only know as much as Gray does: that it can transform one material into another. Also that… depending on the base material used, you could end up with terrifying results.


“But do you think she’ll be fine? I heard that dueling is also part of the tournament. If they ban the use of tools made using alchemy magic, it’s possible Kriemhild could lose…”

“Don’t worry. I found out more details on that earlier and apparently, participants are allowed to take up to two tools to each match and there doesn’t seem to be any restrictions on making more tools while the match is in progress.”


Apricot answered a concerned Gray in my stead.

I remember hearing that alchemy magic basically required a lot of setup beforehand and was rarely, if ever, practiced during a match which made it harder to set official rules involving it. While the officials were at a loss on how to deal with the situation, His Highness apparently lobbied hard to make the rules clear. His involvement in the matter should come as no surprise, as he’s still head over heels for her.


“I see. Maybe being able to take two tools would give her a bit of an edge, but I don’t think it prudent to place all your trust on them either… oh, Kriemhild is making her way into the arena!”


While we were making conversation, the first match… or rather the preliminaries, which the officials decided to hold since there were too many participants, were about to start. Apparently, the winners earn the chance to take part in the tournament.

And among one of those people in the arena was Kriemhild. Surrounded by men of musculature and women overflowing with mana, stood a petite Kriemhild, looking as laidback as usual. She stuck out like a sore thumb, as if she were simply there for the experience rather than to win.

The spectators took notice of this as well and completely misunderstood the situation. They cheered her on, shouting, ‘Good luck, little lady.’


“Well, don’t worry, Gray. Alchemy magic can be a lot more vicious than you think.”



Lord Clo, who seemed lost in thought ever since he met up with us, asked a concerned Gray to calm down. Contrary to the spectators, he wore an expression that said he was more worried for Kriemhild’s contenders than herself.


“Maybe not vicious per se but the pre-made tools can be quite convenient. Well you’ll understand what I mean when you see her in action.”


Gray wasn’t the only one who looked puzzled, as Apricot, Amber and the others also looked equally perplexed. Well, it’s true that alchemy magic is used to make tools but originally it was used to make gold. To claim such a magic could be vicious would naturally confuse anyone who has little knowledge on the subject.

I’m not sure how Lord Clo knows so much about alchemy magic, but I concur with his opinion that seeing is believing. So I decided to quietly observe the match.


“Well then…time to kick off the tournament!”


With an oath similar to the one declared during a duel, the referee signaled the start of the tournament and the first round of preliminaries began.

One charged in with their sword raised, one chanted a spell to build up their power, one executed a silent attack spell and another used magic to enhance their physical strength.

And Kriemhild, opened her bag to pull out a magic tool and then proceeded to pick a spot roughly in the middle of all of the participants and said,




She cried adorably and flung the tool.





The arena was engulfed in an explosion.

Since there was a barrier protecting the spectators, we shouldn’t feel any shockwaves from the explosion, but the effect was so strong and the heat wave so intense that we couldn’t help but instinctively take cover.

The arena was enveloped in flames and smoke filled it entirely, making it hard for the spectators to see anything.


“…Lord Clo…”

“What’s up, Gray?”

“What just… happened?”

“Ms. Kriemhild just set off a bomb she made using alchemy magic.”

“That looks like high-level magic and you say it’s just a bomb?”

“That’s right, Mr. Burnt. It’s akin to a spell of great magnitude that even Gray would need verbal recitation to successfully execute.”

“Is it just me or did she beat all the opponents in one fell swoop?”

“You’re not imagining things, Ms. Amber. I mean, her attack just penetrated protective charms opponents had placed on themselves. She really is something, isn’t she?”


“Ack, we… are only… getting… started…!!”

“Ooh, ooh, ooh, hahaha!”

“What… wait… hold– aarrghh?!”


“Is it just me or is Ms. Kriemhild laughing?”

“You know how she’s always laughing out loud? This is just the extended version of it, Apricot.”

“Why is Kriemhild flinging several bombs?”

“She probably split one big bomb into several smaller bombs.”

“But why are the explosions just as intense?”

“Splitting them up definitely did lessen their power, but they were simply too strong to begin with.”


The spectators who were boisterous until a while ago, had erupted in a confused chaos. I’d venture a guess that none of her opponents knew how terrific alchemy magic could be. If not, they would have taken countermeasures to deal with it.

But I have to say, you’ve improved quite a lot, Kriemhild. As your friend, I’m proud of you.




That said, I did note that Kriemhild’s usual laughter had grown just a tad terrifying in the arena.

… Yeah, alchemy magic is as scary as ever.



| The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage) |

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