The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage)

The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage) – Volume 4 Chapter 117, A Desperate Big Move (:Grey)

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Translator: Nonon

Proofreader: Silavin


POV: Gray


“*Pant pant*… I finally… got away…”

“Are you okay, Lady Cyan?”


The day got shorter, and just as it was about to get darker and colder, Lady Cyan, wearing a normal habit, the one that did not have a slit like her usual uniform, and without a hood, came running up to us unusually out of breath.

Since Lady Cyan’s physical strength and athletic abilities are comparable to Lord Clo’s, it’s rare to see her out of breath like this.

Lord Burnt casually offered Lady Cyan a drink.


“Please take this, Lady Cyan.”

“Ah, okay, thank…you, Burn… fuu, I’m back to life…”


As always, I can’t help admiring the keenness of the Bulstrode siblings. The way he handed over the drink without wavering or missing the timing is something I aspire to in the future.


“By the way, why are you out of breath?”

“Hm…? Ah, Ash. I ran into a little problem when I snuck out.”


After Lady Cyan calmed down, Lord…Ash, who had been looking at us since a while ago and was the only one who was not participating in the extra tournament that allowed outsiders in, asked. By the way, it seems that he managed to sneak out once to perform his part in his class’ haunted house.

“Did something happen?”

“Nah, I got into a verbal battle with the Archbishop that almost led to a fistfight, and I ultimately ended up running away after instigating him.”

“Isn’t that a big problem?”

“Eh, it’s fine. Actually, speaking of problems, I heard that His Highness collapsed. Is he okay?”

“I don’t think your issue can be dismissed with just ‘it’s fine’ though… anyway, yes, he’s okay. Both His Highness and Mary have recovered enough to take part in this tournament.”


She probably means the time His Highness collapsed during the finals of the first year division finals.

His Highness won in the end, but after he was declared victorious, he also collapsed, causing a bit of commotion in the arena. Though, it was quickly determined that it was simply mental fatigue.

Although the reason was determined right away, when he collapsed, Lord Ash and Lord Chartreuse took a detour from the spectator seats because of the magic barrier that had been put up to protect the spectators from any damage and rushed to the infirmary where His Highness and Ms. Mary were.

Lady Violet had a complicated expression on her face, but she simply said, “If I go, it’ll only put an additional burden on them… I’m sorry, but I’ll leave things to you”, to Kriemhild before the latter headed for the infirmary.




And I feel like Lady Violet started speaking less after that. I don’t think it was because she was worried about His Highness or Ms. Mary’s wellness. She’s worried about Lady Cyan now, but she seems somewhat distracted.

It is frustrating to admit, but that match was wonderful. The exchange of spells and the way each side used their bodies was enough to get me on the edge of my seat.

And although Lady Violet has gotten over her feelings, she must have felt something after seeing His Highness, or Ms. Mary act in ways or use magic she had never seen before,



‘Yes, is anything wrong— huh?”


As I was worried about how to talk to Lady Violet, Lady Cyan put her arm around my neck and, somewhat forcefully brought her face closer to mine,


“Did anything happen to Io?”


She asked quietly next to my ear.

Looks like Lady Cyan noticed something too. After I told her that she had been like that since the finals and that I did not know the details,


“I see, thanks… Well, it doesn’t look like she has any residual feelings for His Highness so it’s fine, I guess.”


Saying so, she walked up next to Lady Violet, still holding me close with her arm, and after telling her “well then, let’s sit and watch”, she sat down, sandwiching Lady Violet between us.

She caught Lord Ash with her right arm once again and made him sit right of her, while Lord Burnt and Lady Amber sat on my left.


“It’s about to start.”


As Lady Cyan and Lord Ash were discussing whether there were any problems with church related events, a referee appeared in the center of the arena and gave an opening greeting, and a brief explanation of the rules.

According to the explanation, not only could non-students participate, students of all grades would also be taking part, so there would be mixed matches with more participants than the matches separated by grade.

After the general explanation was done, the participants of the first match took their vows and got to their positions. Just as I was looking around to see if there was anyone I knew,


“Gray, Cottie is over there.”


Lady Amber pointed in a certain direction with her palm, and when I followed that direction with my gaze, sure enough, I saw Lady Apricot.

It looks like I will be able to see Lady Apricot in action from the very first match.

Also, is it my imagination or does it look like people in the audience around Lady Apricot are yelling ‘do your best, missy’ at her?


“I wonder if Lady Apricot will be able to win…?”

“Oh, are you worried? You won’t say ‘My master will definitely win!’?”

“There are no guarantees in the world when it comes to winning in a battle. That’s what I’ve been taught. Besides, Lady Apricot’s stamina is lower than mine. I’m worried that she’ll collapse even if she wins in a close match.”

“You’re pretty harsh, Gray.”


It’s a fact so I can’t do anything about it.

Lady Apricot is physically healthy, but without assistance, her physical abilities are below the average for a human female. Though she does have enough mana to make up for that.


“Gray, can I ask you a question?”

“Yes, what’s wrong, Lord Ash?”

“You don’t call Miss Apricot Master or teacher, instead you use her name. Is there any reason for that?”


Just as the match was about to begin, Lord Ash asked me from the seat a little far away.

Judging from his tone, it did not seem to be an important question, but rather a casual one. It seemed like he had suddenly become curious about something.

The reason why I call Lady Apricot by her name… I did think it would be better to call her like that at first.


“Because she asked me to call her by her name.”

“Huh, that’s unexpected. I thought she was the type of a person who would want to be called Master.”

“That’s true. I also tried to call her that at first… but she said would be happier to be called by her name. Even Lady Apricot did not know why though.”


Lady Apricot’s magic was incredible, so I tried calling her by various names when I studied under her, but I eventually settled on just calling her by her name.

As for how I was to be called, when she first called me her disciple, it felt special so I immediately decided to be called so.


“… Hmm, is she perhaps…”

“What’s wrong, Ash?”

“”No, it’s nothing, Ms. Cyan.”


… Come to think of it, when was the last time Lady Apricot called me by my name?

I feel like she’s always referred to me as her disciple, and never called me Gray.

I’ll ask her to call me by name next time. No, I’ll ask her to call me by name when she recognizes me as a proper mage. Right now, I have to keep Lady Apricot’s accomplishments in my sights.


“— [Inferno]!!


Yes, I must commit to my memories how Lady Apricot, who had been treated as a non-threat that could be left to be dealt with later, attacked all her opponents in the area with fire magic at once.


“Ahahahaha! You all thought I was just a little girl and underestimated me, didn’t you?! Bow down before my high level darkness and fire magic!”


As expected from Lady Apricot. Even the audience was in an uproar at the sheer power of her magic. As her disciple, it’s an honor to see her in the center of attention.

I’m sure I just misheard most of the audience reacting with, ‘Did she use some kind of a cheat item?!’. Lady Apricot is obviously an incredible mage, so there’s no way people would react with ‘a kid in such weird clothes did it?!’


“Fuhahahaha! Take my fire magic [Purgatorio] and the darkness magic [Paraiso] too! My song is now complete!”

“She used several high level magic at once?! I expected nothing less, Lady Apricot!”



Lady Apricot also used dark magic at the same time, trying to overpower the other participants with her overwhelming magic.

It was probably just my imagination that she looked like she was using powerful techniques in a desperate attempt to avoid being ridiculed.

For some reason, Lady Violet had her hand on her head, gesturing as if her head hurt.

And for some reason, Lady Burnt and Lady Amber had their hands together in prayer. Were they worshiping her?


“… I might have been mistaken, after all.”

“Ash, I understand what you assumed about Cottie, but I think your reaction is rude. I can understand why you’d react that way though.”

“My apologies. I’m a little wary of women who annihilate their opponents while laughing so loudly.”


I think Lady Cyan and Lord Ash were talking about something curious, but in any case, Lady Apricot won the first round.


Author’s note:

Inferno (Black Flame Evil Dragon)

An amazing mixed spell of darkness and fire, that summons a fire dragon mixed with dark magic. It’s in the shape of a dragon simply because it looks cool.


Purgatorio (Impurity and Purification)

An amazing fire spell that covers the ground in fire. It has no particular purification function.

Paraiso (Welcome to Heaven)

Nobody knows what it does, but it’s an amazing dark magic spell.



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