The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage)

The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage) – Volume 4 Chapter 118, An Item with a Safety Feature (:Ash)

| The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage) |

Translator: Xini

Proofreader: Silavin

POV: Gray


“Ahahaha! Fly faster and higher!”


I wonder if laughing out loud like this is trending among women right now.

The thought ran through my head as I watched Kriemhild toss her usual powerful explosive and breeze past the first round into the second. Participants who knew about the nature of her explosives ran for their lives and Lady Violet who witnessed Kriemhild chase after them with a bomb in hand, whispered, ‘I hope they don’t get caught.’


Other people we saw advance to the next round were Chartreuse, who displayed his ever impressive swordsmanship and the blonde that chanted some unknown spell when paired against Lord Clo a few days ago. Also Silva and Eclair, the winner in the second year student division, who had come looking for Mary.


It may look like only the academy students have been coming out the victors, but there were instances where participants unaffiliated with the academy have also won. The large number of participants, which included knights and influential people from the society, made for a very grand and exciting tournament.


“Tell me something. Do you think I can jump into the ring now?”

“Perish the thought, Ms. Cyan. They only allow last-minute entries until the commencement of the tournament. It’s too late now.”

“Meaning, I could participate if the round hasn’t started yet.”

“You know that’s not what I meant.”

“Maybe I’ll challenge the victor to a duel.”

“Drop it already.”


And so, Lady Cyan spectated the tournament as she cracked her knuckles in anticipation or fidgeted around as if she would not mind jumping into the tournament at any given moment to spar with strong opponents.

Lady Cyan not only had superior physical abilities but her magic was also mind-blowing. If she was not here as the representative of the church and had been able to participate in the tournament, she probably would have come out on top.


“I’ve been meaning to ask, but what kind of circumstances led to Baron Hearfield becoming a participant?”


Looks like Lord Ash was attempting to play the mediator by trying to switch topics, but he also looked genuinely curious so I suppose he just really wanted to know why.


“Apparently some Second Prince entered Clo into the tournament.”

“You mean His Highness Carmine?”


“But why? Are they acquaintances…?”

“Huh, I thought you knew considering you’re the Third Prince’s attendant but I guess not. Come to think of it, I forgot a gag order was imposed. Well, just think of it as the Second Prince harassing Clo because he hates his guts. Looks like the feeling is mutual though.”

“I see…”


I learned just yesterday that the reason Lord Clo is participating in the tournament is due to the harassment of a certain Second Prince called Carmine.

Something seems to have happened between them in an academy festival back when Lord Clo was still a student, and Carmine apparently has held a grudge against him ever since.

Even if that was the case, knowing that he had Lord Clo drop out of the academy, forced him to become the Lord of Shiki, had him do pointless tasks and pushed him to participate in the tournament, I cannot help but think of him as one petty individual. Well, I am thankful that his pettiness allowed me to meet Lord Clo though.


“Ohhh. Look, Milady. Speak of the devil. It’s Lord Clo’s turn.”


Just as we were talking about Lord Clo, his turn in the tournament came around.

All of us immediately turned around to look at where Mr. Burnt was pointing to find Lord Clo doing stretches.


“I wonder if he’s going to be alright. I know he has talismans protecting him, but that doesn’t guarantee he won’t get hurt…”


Upon seeing Lord Clo, Lady Violet looked beside herself with worry and appeared restless, as if she wanted to jump up and check on him up close.


“I understand you’re worried, but let’s just cheer for him. Lord Clo seemed intent on winning, so I dare say he’d be thrilled if you called out to him.”

“But Gray, I’m not used to shouting so loudly that my voice won’t be buried among the cries of the audience…”

“Oh, then how about we try using this cracker item that I got from Lady Robot?”


I opened the bag and pulled out the cracker that Lady Robot handed to me because she won’t be with us here. She said, ‘Use. This. To. Give. Him. A. Loud. Cheer.’

I was told it was just the item to use to cheer for someone, so this should be the perfect time to try it.


“I heard it’s sort of a weaker version of Maximum Cluster Cannon and can let out fireworks. ‘If. You’re. Looking. To. Get. Someone. Fired. Up, Look. No. Further,’ she said.”

“Gray, no. It’s obviously something we should never use.”


After listening to my explanation, Ms. Amber almost snatched it away from my hand. Other people in the audience are also using magic items to cheer for the participants, so what’s the big deal about us using one as well?


“Wait. This is a rare occasion after all. So why not? Let’s give it a try.”

“Milady?! Please don’t do anything you will regret!”

“I’m not. If it’s just the item to use for cheering then it should be fine, shouldn’t it? If it would make Lord Clo happy, then that’s all I want to do. Since I can’t yell loud enough over the din of the crowd, I have to use other means to make myself heard.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less, Lady Violet, sorry, Mother. Then let’s call out to Lord Clo together! I heard all we have to do is pull this string, so let’s do it together!”

“That’s the spirit, Gray. I guess this is where you use a cue like, ready, set, go.”

“Yes, let’s go!”

“No, you’re not!”


Just as we were about to tug on the string, we were stopped by Mr. Burnt and Ms. Amber.

We resigned ourselves to flailing our arms around to see if we could catch Lord Clo’s attention. He noticed our efforts and waved back to us, which put a huge smile on Lady Violet’s face.


“Maybe we wouldn’t have been at odds with each other if we got along well like that.”

“Ash, that’s asking for too much. Her past experiences and Clo are the reason she is who she is now. His Highness Vermillion could have never brought about this change in her. Not to mention, you’re being rude.”

“That might be true. I apologize.”


Lady Cyan and Ash were having a quiet conversation that I could only catch bits and pieces of over the noise of the crowd.




The cracker from Robot


  • Safe and secure cracker. It’s a normal firecracker that explodes with a flash and a bang. But for some reason, when it’s used with someone in mind, it makes the person in question take notice.
  • Not even Robot fully understands how it works.


| The Mellow and Mysterious Life of an Exiled Villainess and a Reincarnated Baron (Happy Marriage) |

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