The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley” – Extra Light Novel Chapter 12.4, Pochi’s Straw-Whatever

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Translator: Barnnn


In Eddo, the capital of T’oued, the midday sun blazed down upon the city.

Pochi, the Familiar of Asley the Eternal Fool, walked proudly through the heart of Eddo, her tail swishing with each step.


“Hmm hm hmm~~♪ …Hey, Master~~!”


Ever since Asley won against Tūs and started being called the symbol of humanity’s hope, Pochi had been in an exceptionally good mood. She hummed a cheerful tune as she made her way toward the Silver Mansion. Just then, Haruhana appeared in front of her.


“Oh, hello there, Pochi.”

“Haruhana! Hellooo!!”


Pochi’s spirits soared even higher at the sight of a close friend. Haruhana, seeing Pochi’s elated expression, clasped her hands together as if recalling something important.


“Oh, yes! Pochi, I have something for you…”

“Oh! A candy!! Thank you so much!!”


Pochi’s eyes lit up at the sight of the candy on a stick. She moved to take a bite, but Haruhana quickly intervened, stopping her just in time.


“Pochi, have you ever heard the story of the Straw Millionaire?”

“Huh? What’s that?”

“It’s a tale where a simple piece of straw, like this candy, is exchanged with people, gradually turning into something far more valuable or delicious.”


In that instant, Pochi’s eyes gleamed brighter than the sun as she leaned in close to Haruhana, her ears perking up with interest.


“This candy could become something even tastier!?”

“Well, um… if things go well, yes.”

“I’ll make it happen!”


Pochi declared her intentions with great enthusiasm, and after bidding farewell to Haruhana, she went on her way to find Lina.


“Lina! Would you like to trade something for this candy?”

“Huh? Um… a trade? …I’m sorry, but I don’t have anything to trade right now,” Lina apologized, a hint of guilt in her voice.

“It’s fine! This is just the beginning! I’ll find the next opportunity!”

“Sorry, Pochi~~”


Pochi bid farewell to Lina with a grin and went on to ask others.


“Bruce! Please, trade something for this candy!”

“Huh? Nah, I’ve got nothing on me right now…”

“Tifa! Please, trade something for this candy!”

“Umm… Sorry, I can’t right now.”

“Hornel! Please, trade something for this candy!”

“What? Are you up to some mischief again? Sorry, I’m busy. Go bother Asley instead.”


After getting rejections everywhere she went, Pochi’s determination began to waver. Tears welled up in her eyes as she trudged back to her Master, Asley. With what little energy she had left, she held out the candy and muttered,



“Yeah? What’s up? Oh, for me? How thoughtful! A little sugar’s just what I need when I’m feeling drained.”


Before Pochi could explain, Asley snatched the candy from her hand and popped it into his mouth.


“Mmm, not bad! This candy’s pretty tasty, actually… Hey, what’s wrong, Pochi? Why are you shaking?”

“You… you… you THIEF!!!!”


Pochi’s furious shout echoed like a thunderclap, startling Asley. He had never seen her so enraged.


“That was my precious trading item! This chapter was supposed to be my version of the Straw-Whatever story! Why did you eat it without asking!? You’d better replace it! Right now! If you don’t, I’ll never speak to you again! And that’ll be the end of our story! ‘The End!’ Just like that!”


Faced with Pochi’s seething fury, Asley quickly realized he had no room for argument. He decided to apologize immediately, knowing from experience that Pochi wouldn’t back down until he did.


“I-I-I get it! My bad, all right? I’ll pay you back!”

“Fifty thousand gold!”


“Sixty thousand gold!”

“It’s going up!?”

“Seventy thousand gold!!”

“Okay! Fine! I’ll pay seventy thousand gold!”



And so, Asley found himself paying a whopping seventy thousand gold for a candy that had vanished in a single bite.

Later that evening, Haruhana spotted Pochi at the Adventurers’ Guild, happily devouring a feast.


“Good evening, Pochi,” Haruhana greeted.

“Haruhana! Look at this! That little candy turned into this grand meal!”


Haruhana couldn’t help but be stunned. The dishes surrounding Pochi were all made with top-tier ingredients. It would be impossible not to be amazed at the sight.


“Uh, um… how did you…?”

“Through my hard work and… righteous anger!”

“…R-Righteous anger…?”


Haruhana tilted her head in confusion, but Pochi offered no further explanation.


“That Straw-Whatever story is the best!”




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