Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 11, Should I Call You Little Coal or Black King Kong?

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


A single Dragon caused Lu Fan’s Combat Power to undergo earth-shattering changes.


This time, coming out to claim the Treasure Map, although dangerous, was more than worth it!


“Ang! Ang!” The Baby Dragon was still rubbing against Lu Fan, not willing to leave his side.


Lu Fan came back to his senses, suppressed his excited mood, and laughed at the Baby Dragon, “What’s wrong? Why are you being so clingy? Is it because you’re still a baby female Dragon? If you were male, would you still be this clingy?”


“Humph” The Baby Dragon seemed to understand that Lu Fan was complaining about her clinginess. and spat out a ball of fire from her mouth, as if protesting.


Looking at this Little Princess’s throw a tantrum, Lu Fan laughed even louder. He patted her head and consoled, “I’m not complaining you know? Clingy is fine, I like clingy girls.”


“Oh right, I need to give you a name, right? Calling a cute little thing like you Black Dragon King or Deathwing doesn’t do you justice.”


“Ang!” The Baby Dragon let out a cry, excited about Lu Fan wanting to give her a name.


“Hmm…” Lu Fan held the Baby Dragon with one hand while falling into deep thought.


“Little Coal? No no, cute but not domineering enough.”


“What about Black King Kong? Also no, my Baby Dragon is my Little Princess after all, this name is too overbearing…”


The Baby Dragon beside Lu Fan was listening, and already had petrified and panicked emotions on her face.


She was really afraid that in the future when Lu Fan Summoned her, he would yell ‘Go! Black King Kong!’.


If that really happened, she would lose all face as a Dragon.


“Got it!” Lu Fan suddenly had an idea and smiled at her, “Seeing how your scales are black, let’s call you Xiao Ye as in Little Night.”


“Though it’s a bit ordinary, I think it suits you.”


“Ang!” Hearing that this name wasn’t too crude, the Baby Dragon finally put her heart at ease. She happily roared, once again rubbing against Lu Fan’s face, seeming to approve of this name.


After rubbing against Lu Fan for a while, Xiao Ye suddenly flapped her wings and flew up. She flapped her wings to stop in front of Lu Fan, using her cute little claws to point at her belly.


Lu Fan chuckled and asked, “What? Are you hungry?”


Xiao Ye nodded, looking pitiful as if it hadn’t eaten her fill.


Lu Fan scratched his nose and laughed, “I thought you already ate your fill after eating such a large Eggshell by yourself.”


“Ang! Ang!” Xiao Ye started gesturing with her little claws, and through their Spiritual Connection, Lu Fan understood what she was saying.


Xiao Ye said, ‘although the Eggshell was nutritious, it was just to allow me to quickly gain my Abilities after birth. Abilities that would help me survive out in the wild. It can’t stave off my hunger.’


Lu Fan thought for a bit. He definitely could not allow his Little Princess to go hungry. However, he truly didn’t have anything on him that was edible.


Lu Fan took out the few remaining Buns from his Inventory, shook them in front of Xiao Ye, and asked, “If you’re hungry, will you eat this? These are Buns made by my Aunt, they’re very tasty.”


Xiao Ye leaned over to sniff, then opened her mouth and pointed with her little claws.


Lu Fan understood and threw a Bun into Xiao Ye’s mouth.


Xiao Ye swallowed it directly without even chewing.


Unfortunately, she was clearly a bit disappointed, seeming unsatisfied with the Buns.


Lu Fan thought, [I guess this didn’t come as a surprise. I heard Giant Dragons basically all eat meat. Although Auntie’s Buns have meat fillings, they definitely wouldn’t be able to satisfy Xiao Ye’s appetite for meat.]


Lu Fan could only put away the remaining Buns back into his Inventory and helplessly said, “I only have this one type of food. If you’re not satisfied, then I can’t do anything about it. But, I need to ask first, what exactly do you like to eat? Don’t tell me it’s Monster Meat?”


Xiao Ye nodded, perhaps knowing that Lu Fan indeed did not have food she liked. She flapped her wings forcefully a few times, raising her over ten metres into the air.


“Ang!” Following another cry, Xiao Ye seemed to have discovered something not far away.


Lu Fan looked towards the place Xiao Ye indicated, and was shocked to see that in the distance there was actually a Bloodthirsty Gray Fox lurking in the bushes.


This was how Bloodthirsty Gray Foxes were, having higher intelligence, they usually liked to hide and ambush their prey.


Most likely, when Lu Fan was focused on claiming the Treasure Map, this Bloodthirsty Gray Fox had already set its sights on him.


Right now the Bloodthirsty Gray Fox was lying in the bushes, unmoving. Its entire body was trembling.


It was now being targeted by Xiao Ye, and the pressure originating from a Dragon had scared this lower life form out of its wits. It dared not make a single move, and could only stay rooted in fear.


Xiao Ye’s intention was conveyed into Lu Fan’s mind. She was asking Lu Fan if she could eat this little fox.


Lu Fan thought for a bit, and had no objections.


Xiao Ye instantly became excited. She flapped her wings and moved so fast only afterimages remained. She directly rushed towards the Bloodthirsty Gray Fox.



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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