Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 19, You’re Also a Hidden Profession?

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


[A Hidden Profession?] Lu Fan could not help but be taken by surprise. [To think that this beauty from the Qin Family is so gifted, to actually awakening a Hidden Profession. Still, whether this Profession is powerful or not can only be known after we enter the Secret Realm.]


After Qin Qiu finished introducing herself, the others also introduced their Levels and Professions, one by one.


This small team had a very high average Level, basically all around Level 20.


Especially Sun Ge, who was already a Level 28 Swordsman, just two Levels away from his Second Profession Change.


The team’s setup was quite well-rounded. One Swordsman, two Mages, one Assassin, one Archer, one Knight, plus Qin Qiu, a Hidden Profession that could both heal and deal damage.


After the other party introduced their Professions and Levels, Lu Fan thought for a bit and revealed his Level but chose to hide his Profession.


“I’m Level 14. As for my Profession… You can consider me a Swordsman for now.” Lu Fan wielding a greatsword. Thus, calling himself a Swordsman was indeed reasonable.


However, it was clear Lu Fan was hiding his Profession by saying they could ‘consider’ him a Swordsman ‘for now’. It actually made his words rather thought-provoking.


Qin Qiu was clever and immediately asked, as if guessing, “Could it be… you’re also a Hidden Profession?”


Lu Fan didn’t conceal it and nodded, but he didn’t explain what exactly his Profession was.


The fact that Lu Fan was a Hidden Profession was exposed, immediately making the others in the team view Lu Fan differently.


Hidden Professions were a rare thing. There might not even be one in a thousand people.


Moreover, Hidden Professions were generally more powerful than ordinary Professions. Once they appeared, they would definitely be fought over by various Universities and organisations.


Sun Ge’s impression of Lu Fan completely changed. He sized up Lu Fan and said in surprise, “You’re actually a Hidden Profession? Looking at your age, you shouldn’t be too old, right? At this age and having a Hidden Profession, many Universities should be fighting to recruit you. How could you become a Monster Mater- No, you’re not a Monster Material Hunter!”


Sun Ge suddenly came to a realisation.


Lu Fan smiled and spread his hands, saying, “From beginning to end, I never said I was a Monster Material Hunter, right? I’m a student who just underwent my Profession Change. I came to the Wilderness to Level Up and perform well in the major exam. At the same time, collect some materials to earn some pocket money on the side.”


“You… You’re a student who just underwent your Profession Change?!” The others were once again shocked.


Especially Qin Qiu, whose beautiful eyes were filled with disbelief.


She had also come to the Mountain Stone Plains to Level, and had even brought a large group of attendants from the Qin Family to form a team to help her Level.


Even so, she had only reached Level 13.


But Lu Fan, who had his Profession Change around the same time as her, not only did he kill his way to such a deep part of the Mountain Stone Plains alone, his Level was even higher than hers!


That meant his speed of killing Monsters was even faster than her, when she was being carried by others!


For some reason, Qin Qiu inexplicably felt a sense of defeat.


Sun Ge’s shock was no less than Qin Qiu’s. He was also an experienced person and could easily tell that Lu Fan was not lying. After all, to be able to Level Up alone in a place where Level 18 Monsters ran rampant, if he did not have a powerful Hidden Profession, he would have died long ago.


Seeing how Lu Fan was so young and also had a Hidden Profession, it was impossible for no University to want him.


It further added to the credibility that Lu Fan was not a Monster Material Hunter but a student who came out to Level.


In an instant, Sun Ge’s guard against Lu Fan loosened, and his attitude became more amiable.


He grinned and patted Lu Fan’s shoulder, saying, “Haha, you’re right. It’s just that your appearance was too… messy. So, we had the preconceived notion and took you for a Monster Material Hunter right from the start. It’s good that you’re not a Monster Material Hunter. You also know that Monster Material Hunters can do all sorts of things. If we had no choice, we really wouldn’t want to deal with them.”


After a pause, Sun Ge said in a solemn voice, “Since you’re a student like our Young Mistress, we still have to take care of you a bit. After all, your combat experience and strength should still be worse than ours.”


“How about this? Little Jia and I will be at the very front. Little Jia is the Knight. You and Cai’er will be the second line of defence. Your priority is  to protect the backline. Of course, if you want to rack up your Damage Output, you can also come to the frontlines. But, the frontlines is very dangerous. Our Young Mistress’s healing is still somewhat inferior to a real Priest’s, so you need to pay attention.”


Lu Fan had no objections to this and nodded, saying, “No problem.”


“En,” Sun Ge nodded and continued, “Since that’s the case, let’s prepare to set off.”


After saying that, Sun Ge secretly signalled to Cai’er with his eyes.


Cai’er understood and nodded.


Although Lu Fan said he was a student, and the credibility was very high, Sun Ge still kept his guard up to protect Qin Qiu.


If Lu Fan made any unusual moves, Cai’er, the Assassin, would subdue Lu Fan at the first opportunity.



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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