Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 23, High Strength? I Think It’s Just So-So

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


“What are you doing? Those are Level 15 and 20 Elite Monsters! Their Strength Attributes are not much less than mine! How can you plug this gap…” Sun Ge suddenly became anxious, but before he could finish speaking, the next second, his body froze in place.


Lu Fan effortlessly lifted the Black Dragon Scale Greatsword, as if it were a rapier rather than a greatsword. With a casual horizontal sweep, he swung it out.


*Slash!* Four Decaying Zombies were directly cleaved apart by the greatsword, as if they were made of paper.


Another Blood Zombie pounced towards Lu Fan. However, Lu Fan did not even bother to use his greatsword. He merely stepped forward and kicked the Blood Zombie in the chest. With a loud *Bang!*, Lu Fan remained motionless while the Blood Zombie flew back a full ten metres.


Everyone in the team was petrified. Especially Sun Ge. As a Swordsman, he was well aware of the importance of Strength Attribute in close combat. For Lu Fan to dominate like this, kicking a Blood Zombie flying with one foot, it could only mean one thing – Lu Fan’s Strength Attribute was much higher than the Blood Zombie’s. They might even be considerably higher than his own! After all, Sun Ge did not believe he could kick a Blood Zombie that far while remaining stationed.


This just did not make sense! Lu Fan had already publicly disclosed his Level, and he was indeed Level 14. How could a Level 14 Profession Change Player have a higher Strength Attribute than him, a Level 27 Swordsman!?


“Their Strength Attribute is high? I think it’s just so-so,” Lu Fan said casually after feeling the Blood Zombie’s Strength Attribute.


This statement left Sun Ge speechless. He looked at Lu Fan as if he were looking at a Monster, even forgetting the important fact that he should be at the front of the frontline.


The shock Lu Fan gave him and the others was not over yet. The Blood Zombie that Lu Fan had just kicked flying had gotten up. Seemingly feeling that Lu Fan’s kick had been a great insult, it immediately activated Blood Frenzy, causing its Strength and Agility Attributes to surge. It once again pounced towards Lu Fan.


Lu Fan smiled, showing disdain. The Blood Zombie’s original Strength Attribute was only 71. After adding Blood Frenzy, it was only around 100 points. As for Lu Fan, his original Strength Attribute was already as high as 145 points. Plus the 65 points of Strength from his Black Dragon Scale Greatsword, it directly soared to 210 points, twice that of the Blood Zombie!


Lu Fan did not even need to add the Buff of Dragon Encouragement to completely overwhelm this Blood Zombie.


Seeing the Blood Zombie charging over, Lu Fan decisively raised his greatsword and brought it down, directly cleaving the Blood Zombie to two in one strike.


As one Blood Zombie was killed, a large wave of Zombies swarmed in from behind, their numbers terrifying. However, Lu Fan did not waste a single breath. He raised his Black Dragon Scale Greatsword high, and above his head, the phantom of a Giant Dragon Head appeared.


“Dragon Fang Strike!” With Lu Fan’s low roar, the greatsword fell, and the phantom of the Giant Dragon Head followed closely, as if a Giant Dragon was diving down, opening its abyssal mouth.


*Rumble!* A loud sound rang out, countless strong winds scattered, blowing Qin Qiu and others in the rear so hard they could barely stand. For a moment, dust flew everywhere.


Lu Fan’s Dragon Fang Strike had an effective attack range of about 10 metres by 10 metres in front of him. It was not big, but not small either. The Zombies swarmed together, charging towards Lu Fan.


This was no different from delivering Experience Points. So, with one Dragon Fang Strike, Lu Fan directly wiped out eighty percent of this wave of Zombies.


The remaining Zombies, having not entered the attack range of Dragon Fang Strike, luckily escaped. But Lu Fan had no intention of letting them off. With his greatly enhanced Strength and Agility Attributes, Lu Fan wielded the Black Dragon Scale Greatsword as if it were a fruit knife. He was very relaxed and at ease. With light steps, he killed his way to the front of the surviving Zombies. He soon began to take them out one by one with his greatsword, turning them all into Experience Points.


Whether Blood Zombies or Decaying Zombies, in the face of Lu Fan’s overwhelming strength difference, they were all the same – instant kill! In just about a minute, this wave of Zombies was completely cleared.


Almost all the Damage Output was from Lu Fan alone, so Lu Fan’s placement immediately went from last place to first, surpassing the original first place – Sun Ge – by almost three to four times. There was no help for it. As soon as Lu Fan made his move, everyone was shocked, staring wide-eyed as if they had seen a ghost. They had completely forgotten to deal damage.


Now, with the second wave of Monsters cleared by Lu Fan alone, Lu Fan, neither flushed nor panting, casually stabbed the Black Dragon Scale Greatsword into the ground. He turned back to look at everyone frozen in place like statues and asked, “Shall we continue forward?”



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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