Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 24, You’re Level 14? I Don’t Believe a Word

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


The response to Lu Fan was dead silence.


Everyone looked at him as if they were seeing a Monster.


Sun Ge swallowed, looked Lu Fan up and down, then asked incredulously. “You… you’re really only Level 14?”


Little Jia also looked at him in utter disbelief, questioning: “Why do I feel like you’re a Swordsman who’s already gone through your Second Profession Change? It seems like your Strength and Agility Attributes are even higher than Sun Ge’s, and your damage is more terrifying than Sun Ge’s Full Moon Slash…”


Lu Fan chuckled, openly displaying his Level, saying: “I really am only Level 14. You’ve all seen it, haven’t you? How could I fake this?”


Sun Ge shook his head repeatedly, saying. “With the Combat Power you’ve just displayed, saying you’re Level 14 is something I don’t believe a word of.”


Curious as he was, Sun Ge did not ask to see Lu Fan’s Profession Panel or Attribute Panel, because he knew that since Lu Fan clearly intended to conceal those. Asking to see them would be impolite.


At this point, Qin Qiu also came forward, her attitude towards Lu Fan noticeably more respectful, “Classmate Lu, are you this strong because of your Hidden Profession?”


Lu Fan nodded, saying. “You can say that.”


Qin Qiu frowned and asked. “You said you’re from Jianghai City, right? I should know all the famous strong Players from the Profession Change Ceremony, but I’ve never heard of your name…”


Lu Fan smiled. “So, you’re suspecting I’m lying to you? Don’t worry, there’s no need for that.”


“That’s not it…” Qin Qiu hurried to explain, not wanting Lu Fan to think she distrusted him.


“I’m just curious. For Jianghai City to have produced such a strong student like you, I should have heard about it. But among those students that I know of, you’re not one of them…”


Lu Fan casually added: “I’m just an unknown nobody. It’s normal you have not heard of me.”


Saying this, Lu Fan took out his Third Academy identity card and showed it to Qin Qiu: “Look, I’m a student at Third Academy. This identity card can’t be faked.”


Any school’s identity card is a special item that no one could forge. Thus, Lu Fan’s identity card proves he really was a student of Third Academy.


Seeing Lu Fan’s identity card, Sun Ge and the others let go of their last bit of worry. At the same time, they were even more shocked. After all, a student who had just gone through his Profession Change actually had Combat Power surpassing Sun Ge.


Just what was this guy’s Hidden Profession? It was too strong!


Qin Qiu felt that perhaps this world really did have ‘Hidden Dragons and Crouching Tigers’. If Lu Fan had always kept a low profile, it was normal that she had not heard of him.


Thinking of this, she couldn’t help feeling a sense of defeat. She had originally thought her own strength was quite good, and that it would not be difficult to become the top student of Jianghai City in the major exam. But if against Lu Fan, she simply could not hope to compare. The gap between them was too big.



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

1 thought on “Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 24, You’re Level 14? I Don’t Believe a Word”

  1. There appears to be a missing section at the end of this chapter of them finding the treasure chest that the open at start of next chapter.
    Other than that translation quality has been great

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