Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 25, Bronze Equipment, Despair Bracers

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


Strength Potion (Low Grade): After consumption, increases Strength by 2 points.


Antidote Potion: After consumption, can remove Corpse Poison.


These two Potions have mediocre effects, at least compared to the Dragon Blood Potion which increases four Attributes by 20 points each, they were worlds apart. However, Potions that increase Attribute points were still very precious.


A bottle of Low Grade Strength Potion should be worth about 300,000. As for the Antidote Potion, it could only cure Corpse Poison, so it was far cheaper. Qin Qiu, as the Young Mistress of the Qin Family, had the right to decide on the distribution of loot. She directly gave the Strength Potion to Lu Fan, while giving the Antidote Potions to Sun Ge and Little Jia.


The Strength Potion was the most valuable, and giving it directly to Lu Fan clearly showed her intention to befriend him.


Lu Fan thought, [She’s indeed worthy of being a Young Mistress of a top Family. She acts with maturity and her future in mind. Naturally, I wouldn’t refuse a Strength Potion.]


After receiving it, he drank it immediately. After all, who disliked having higher Attributes?


After a short rest, the eight set off again, advancing deeper into Despair Village. Each house in the village hid several Zombies. As long as Lu Fan and the others disturbed them, they would howl and rush out of the houses to surround the intruders. Moreover, the deeper they went into the village, the more powerful Blood Zombies appeared, and the pressure on Qin Qiu, Sun Ge, and the others increased.


Later on, a third type of Zombie appeared – the Iron Skin Zombie.


Iron Skin Zombie: (Mini Boss, Actively Hostile Monster)
Level: 20
Strength: 106
Agility: 85
Mana: 20
Endurance: 122


Corpse Poison – Claws and teeth carry Corpse Poison. Once inflicted, will cause enemy to continuously lose Health Points and turn into a Iron Skin Zombie after death
Grab and Bite – Grab the enemy and then bite
Hardened Skin  – Enter Iron Skin state, increasing Endurance Attribute by 40%


Compared to Blood Zombies, this Monster had higher Attributes. Especially in Endurance, which was more than doubled.


Little Jia’s spear could no’t even harm the Iron Skin Zombie when stabbed. When the Iron Skin Zombie used Hardened Skin, even Sun Ge’s great sword only produced a shower of sparks when striking it, hardly breaking through its defence.


Fortunately, these Iron Skin Zombies had low Mana Attributes and were not as resistant to Magic damage. Mages like Qin Qiu could still cause some trouble for them.


Of course, besides the Mages, there was one person who posed a great threat to the Iron Skin Zombies – Lu Fan. Lu Fan’s Strength Attribute was simply too high. Although the Iron Skin Zombies had extremely high defence, for Lu Fan, it just meant needing from one slash, to three slashes, to kill them. Therefore, even with the appearance of Iron Skin Zombies, Qin Qiu still could not take the top spot from Lu Fan.


Every time Lu Fan used Dragon Fang Strike, he could instantly kill a large group of Zombies, causing his Damage Output to surge, leaving everyone else far behind.


Soon, a full four hours had passed.


The group had traversed through Despair Village, not missing any Zombies or Treasure Chests in the houses.


They had opened a total of eleven Treasure Chests, obtaining three pieces of Bronze equipment, twenty-one bottles of Antidote Potion, and seven Attribute Potions.


These items were distributed by Qin Qiu, to which Lu Fan had no objections. Because Qin Qiu’s distribution clearly favoured him, giving him all three Strength Potions out of the seven Attribute Potions. Lu Fan only took one Antidote Potion as a spare. Among the three pieces of equipment, only the Despair Bracers suited Lu Fan. Thus, Qin Qiu gave it to him, keeping the other two Bronze items for herself.


Despair Bracers: (Bronze)
Level Requirement: 10
Profession Requirement: None


Strength +16
Endurance +17


It was a Level 10 Bronze item, increasing both Strength and Endurance, adding up to 33 points in total. It was definitely a good piece of equipment. Naturally, compared to the Level 10 Gold Black Dragon Scale Greatsword, it was lacklustre. However, it still increased his Attributes by 33 points, so Lu Fan equipped it and could immediately feel the small increase in his Strength and Endurance.


After four hours of sweeping through, the howls and whimpers that once frequently echoed throughout the Despair Village were gone.


The village was now completely silent, making the quietness feel abnormal.


At this point, everyone’s Mission Panel showed a completion rate of 1199/1200, clearly indicating that there was still one Monster left to be killed in this Secret Realm.


As per convention, this last remaining Monster should be the Boss of the Secret Realm. Only after defeating this Boss could everyone receive their rewards and exit the Secret Realm.


Everyone searched carefully through the Despair Village for another hour but found nothing.


There wasn’t a single living thing in the entire village apart from Lu Fan’s group of eight.


“This is strange. Could the last Monster be invisible? We’ve almost turned this place upside down, but we still can’t find it,” Cai’er was gradually losing patience, audibly grinding her teeth.



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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