Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 4, The Most Useless Profession – Dragon Tamer

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


It could be seen that although Bai Hengjian did not attend today’s Profession Change Ceremony, he had been paying attention to the situation here.


When Lu Fan changed to a Hidden Profession, he was the first to be unable to hold back. He directly stepped forward to ask what exactly Lu Fan’s Profession was.


Hidden Professions, especially Combat Specialised Professions, once one appeared, their entire Third Academy would be able to bask in glory!


The Dragon Blood Warrior and Dragon Language Mage that Bai Hengjian mentioned earlier were both Hidden Professions related to Dragons and were powerful. If Lu Fan really changed to one of them, then he would definitely have unlimited prospects in the future, and their Third Academy would also have a chance to be promoted to a key High School.


Seeing Bai Hengjian’s enthusiastic gaze, Lu Fan’s face did not show much joy.


He first nodded and bowed to Bai Hengjian, then truthfully stated, “Principal, my Profession… is Dragon Tamer.”


“What!? Dragon Tamer!?” Bai Hengjian was stunned at first, then his face couldn’t help but be filled with disappointment.


When Lu Fan said that his Profession was Dragon Tamer, many teachers and students who heard this exploded.


“Such a big fuss, to end up changing to a Dragon Tamer… haaaaa… what a pity…”


“Yeah, changing to a Dragon Tamer is worse than changing to a Summoner. I’m afraid he is destined to be mediocre in the future.”


Some people felt pity for Lu Fan, and naturally, some gloated. They spoke in a strange tone, “Heh, I was wondering what Profession it could be to cause such a big anomaly. It turns out to be Dragon Tamer! If I changed to such a powerful Profession, I would definitely be overjoyed!”


“Yeah yeah, Dragon Tamer. To be able to tame Giant Dragons. It sounds awesome! If I remember correctly, Dragon Tamer is one of the three strongest Hidden Professions recognized by our Dragon Country, right?”


“That’s right. Even Dragon Blood Warrior and Dragon Language Mage are not as strong as Dragon Tamer. Being able to become a Dragon Tamer is really enviable, hahaha…”


What these people said was true. Although Dragon Tamer was a Hidden Profession, many people still had a certain understanding of this Profession.


Like Dragon Blood Warrior and Dragon Language Mage, they only had a certain connection with the Dragon Race and could use a part of the Dragon Race’s power.


As for Dragon Tamer, they could directly control a Giant Dragon to fight on their behalf.


The gap between them was conceivable.


However, as the name suggests, a powerful Dragon Tamer had a prerequisite – they needed to have a Dragon first! However, what kind of existence were Dragons!? In this world, they were like Gods!


Even the strongest Humans now were like ants in front of the Dragons. Only newly hatched Baby Dragons might have a chance to be captured and tamed.


However, the places where Dragons resided could all be called Forbidden Areas, even the top Human experts could not reach them.


Baby Dragons naturally generally followed their Mothers, and it was impossible Humans would get a chance to capture them. Therefore, wanting to tame a Giant Dragon was just a pipe dream.


Dragon Tamers were not unheard of in the eight hundred years of Dragon Country’s history.


It was just there had never been a Dragon Tamer with a Dragon.


All the Skills of a Dragon Tamer were related to their tamed Dragon. If there was no Dragon, then they were useless.


Therefore, Dragon Tamer was rated as one of the three strongest Hidden Professions. But at the same time, it was also one of the most useless Hidden Professions.


When Bai Hengjian learned that Lu Fan had changed into such a Hidden Profession, he was so disappointed, words could not describe it.


A Dragon Tamer without a Dragon was not as powerful as a Summoner who could summon Elementals.


Bai Hengjian couldn’t help but sigh. It took a while before he finally opened his mouth to comfort Lu Fan, “It’s okay, it’s still a Hidden Profession with unlimited potential. Perhaps, you will have a chance to encounter a Demi-Dragon in the future and subdue it to become a powerful Player…”


When he said this, Bai Hengjian felt guilty. He knew he was lying. Giving this boy false hopes.


Even Demi-Dragons were powerful existences that could not be dealt with without several Fourth Profession Changed Experts.


These Demi-Dragons were still fierce beasts that had treasures all over their bodies, and their carcasses could be sold at sky-high prices. If someone could really hunt them, who would let Lu Fan tame them?


Moreover, before Lu Fan had a Dragon, he was basically useless. If no one brought him along, even levelling up would be a problem.


If his level was low, naturally he would not be able to tame a Demi-Dragon, which would be tens of thousands of times stronger than him.


So in the future, Lu Fan could probably only become an ordinary person, not even as good as those who changed to Lifestyle Specialised Professions.


Lu Fan naturally also understood this reason. Although he was similarly disappointed in his heart, after having lived two lifetimes, his state of mind was still much stronger than ordinary people.


He also only showed a slight look of disappointment on his face and nodded, “Em, I understand, Principal.”


Bai Hengjian patted his shoulder and said, “Alright, you can go back first. The major exam is in a few days, you can still try it. I’ve heard of you. In every exam, you are always at the top. You’re truly a top student of our Third Academy. Even if your Profession isn’t that good, if you work hard during the major exam, you might be able to be admitted to an ordinary University. At that time, you will at least have a chance to become a Monster Hunter and hunt some low-level Monsters to support yourself.”



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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