Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 44, The Little Princess Visits

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


Lu Fan, Han Ke, and Qin Qiu all turned to look and saw two more people entering the small Bun Shop.


It was another Young Mistress about Lu Fan’s age, and a man in his early twenties.


Judging by their attire, the two did not look like they were from Dragon Country.


The Young Mistress was also quite beautiful. Although not as beautiful as Qin Qiu, she was not far off. She was the sweet type of beauty, with an oval face and soft facial features. Still, even with that sweet looking face, there was a sharpness in her expression. Her eyes were full of arrogance and disdain, making it hard for people to like her.


The other person following behind her was burly, wearing black armour. He should have a Warrior Type Combat Specialised Profession, and his strength was by no means low.


From their demeanour, this man was likely the Young Mistress’s attendant. His every word and action was based on his Young Mistress’s expression.


As soon as the Young Mistress entered, she scrutinised Lu Fan’s Bun Shop with eyes as if looking at a pigsty, an expression that was truly detestable.


The man beside her kept his head low and said in a deep voice, “According to our investigation, this is indeed the correct place.”


“Since the Profession itself is a useless one, it’s understandable that the person we’re looking for has a poor Family background.”


“This is poor?” The Young Mistress raised an eyebrow, revealing a mocking smile, “This is no different from living in a garbage dump, right?”


Such words made Lu Fan frown.


At this moment, Han Ke stood up voluntarily, as if she hadn’t heard these two people mocking her shop. With a smile, she politely said, “Are you two here to buy my Buns? I’m sorry, but the shop is closed. We’re not doing business now…”


“Who would come here to buy food? We’re here to find someone. Does a person named Lu Fan live here?” The Young Mistress interrupted Han Ke’s words, her gaze not lingering on Han Ke but looking behind her.


When Han Ke heard they were looking for Lu Fan, she turned back and asked Lu Fan, “Fan’er, are these two friends of yours as well?”


Lu Fan stood up, shaking his head, “No. I don’t know them.”


Saying this, Lu Fan came to Han Ke’s side, looked at the Young Mistress, and frowned, “I am Lu Fan. Do you know me?”


The Young Mistress looked at Lu Fan, her contempt unconcealed. “Are you the Lu Fan who had a Profession Change to Dragon Tamer?”


“Yes, that’s me. Who are you?” Lu Fan’s tone was not polite either.


“Ha Ha Ha!” The Young Mistress gave a cold laugh without answering.


Instead, the man behind her spoke up, “This is Princess Jin Zhu of Extremistis Country. I am her attendant, a Level 30 Guardian Knight, Cui Hongtai.”


As he spoke, the middle-aged man revealed his information. Cui Hongtai, Level 30 Guardian Knight. He had already undergone his Second Profession Change, his strength being much higher than a First Profession Change Swordsman like Sun Ge.


Lu Fan was even more surprised after learning that they were ‘foreign friends’.


He really had not expected that two people from Extremistis Country, whom he didn’t know at all, would come to Jianghai City to specifically look for him.


At this point, Qin Qiu stepped forward. With a shocked expression, she whispered to Lu Fan, “I’ve heard of Jin Zhu. Yesterday, my Father had received a task from above, saying that the Little Princess of Extremistis Country was coming to study in our Dragon Country. She was supposed to arrive in our Jianghai City by plane today. He had personally gone to receive them, how are they here?”


Lu Fan sized them up against and whispered back, “These two, they aren’t using Jin Zhu’s name to come here and swindle people, right?”


Qin Qiu shook her head, “That should not be the case. Yesterday, I caught a glimpse of Jin Zhu’s photo, and it’s indeed exactly like the person in front of us.”


“So, she’s really the Little Princess of Extremistis Country?” Lu Fan was a bit sceptical, “The noble Little Princess of Extremistis Country, with her a Level 30 attendant? What is she doing in Jianghai City?”


Qin Qiu explained, “A Level 30 attendant is normal. There’s a strict rule for studying in our Dragon Country. Everyone is prohibited from bringing attendants above Level 30, even for Royalty. As for why she came to Jianghai City and is looking for you… even my Father doesn’t know about this…”


Lu Fan nodded. [Seems like the other party might really the Little Princess from Extremistis Country. As for the reason why she had come all the way here to find me, she’ll tell me soon enough.].


Qin Qiu was greatly taken aback by Jin Zhu’s appearance here. She excused herself and decided to go make a phone call to Qin Shanhai to ask.


The Little Princess from Extremistis Country that Qin Shanhai was responsible for receiving had appeared here, which was very unusual. Thus, Qin Qiu immediately went upstairs to make the call. As for Han Ke, after learning that the other party was a foreign Princess, she became flustered and hurriedly invited Jin Zhu and Cui Hongtai to sit down.


“There’s no need to sit, our Princess doesn’t like such unclean places.” Cui Hongtai’s words made Han Ke feel awkward, not knowing what else to do



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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