Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 53, Another Dragon Tamer

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


Meanwhile, in the hospital.


“…You’re saying that the one called Lu Fan hasn’t even been arrested, and is still freely enjoying himself outside!?” Jin Zhu’s beautiful face went red with rage, though the swelling on her face had subsided and it had returned to normal.


Lu Fan had not used deadly force. He just slapped her a few times. With Healing, she could quickly recover.


However, what Jin Zhu cared about was not how severe her injuries were, but the fact that she had been slapped right after arriving in Dragon Country!


In Extremistis Country, her status as the noble Little Princess was revered everywhere. But now, she has been slapped by a Commoner brat from Dragon Country and sent to the hospital. This was too humiliating!


Jin Zhu wished she could take Lu Fan back to Extremistis Country and torture him each day, making him wish he was dead.


However, she had just been informed by her personal secretary that Lu Fan had not been arrested as they had expected. Qin Shanhai had quickly left Lu Fan’s home with his people, without imposing any punishment on him.


This nearly drove Jin Zhu mad with rage.


Secretary Cui’s face was dark as she nodded, admitting, “I’ve just received news that this is indeed the case. It seems like the City Lord of Jianghai City is deliberately targeting us. The other party has committed violence in public, injuring you, Princess. This is already a major incident that disrupts the peace between our two countries. By all rights, the perpetrator should have been arrested. Yet, Qin Shanhai did not do so. He did not even take the culprit to prison to await investigation of the incident. It’s clear he intends to shield his own countryman.”


Jin Zhu was so angry she started to grind her teeth. “Qin Shanhai, a mere City Lord, dares to target me!? Does he not want to keep his position!?”


As she spoke, Jin Zhu looked at Secretary Cui, grabbed the pillow behind her, and smashed it on Secretary Cui’s head, scolding, “Both of you are useless! Your Brother claims to be such a strong Second Profession Change Player, that anyone under would not be able to beat him. Yet, look at him now!? He can’t even protect me!”


“And you! I’ve suffered such unfair treatment in Dragon Country, and all you can do is report bad news to me here? can you not contact my Family and have them pressure Dragon Country to give me an explanation!?”


Secretary Cui dared not resist, she only lowered her head even more, and carefully said, “In response to what you said, Princess, I have already reported this matter to the Jin Family. The Patriach was also angered by what you have experienced and has already contacted Dragon Country’s upper echelons to demand an explanation. I hear that Dragon Country’s higher-ups are taking this issue very seriously and have already sent special personnel to handle it. I believe they will arrive in Jianghai City soon to help us apprehend the perpetrator.”


“They’d better!” Jin Zhu calmed down a bit, “That Lu Fan, I must have him killed!”


She was still very confident in her background. After all, she was the Little Princess of Extremistis Country. After getting beaten in Dragon Country, this country would surely have to give her an explanation and obediently hand over Lu Fan.


Thinking of Lu Fan again, Jin Zhu’s face darkened.


She had not expected that Lu Fan would also have a Dragon, and from the looks of it, it did not seem to be an ordinary Earth Dragon.


The Dragon Bloodline in that Black Dragon should be purer than the Earth Dragon in her possession.


She wondered where Lu Fan had obtained that Dragon. [When we capture him and bring him back to my country, we must pry it out of him with torture and get a clear answer!]


[A pity that the Dragon Egg in our possession had become of no use now. One needs a Dragon Taming Skill to control that Earth Dragon. Only a Dragon Tamer would have that Skill. If we can’t get this Earth Dragon as a Pet and hatch the Egg, in the end, the Jin Family would only get a rampaging untamed Earth Dragon. Its final fate would be to get killed and harvested for materials.]


[Argh. What a waste. We finally got an Egg for a Monster with Dragon Bloodline. Yet, we can’t take it in as a Pet, but can only use it as a tool to collect materials. No. I refuse to accept this. The best way to handle this is to still be to find a Dragon Tamer and get it tamed as a Pet Dragon. Since Lu Fan cannot be relied upon, I can only seek out other Dragon Tamers.]


Just as Jin Zhu was pondering where to find another Dragon Tamer to complete the task assigned by her Family, Secretary Cui suddenly received a phone call.


After finishing the call, Secretary Cui looked extremely excited and immediately said to Jin Zhu, “Princess, there’s good news from the Jin Family.”


“What good news? Has that Dragon Tamer been arrested and is now at my mercy?” Jin Zhu said irritably.


Secretary Cui said, “No. The intelligence department has reported that in Dragon Country, there’s more than one person who had a Profession Change to Dragon Tamer this year. Besides the one called Lu Fan, there’s another person in Qingzhou City who also became a Dragon Tamer. The intelligence department will soon send over his details. We can go find him and make him go under the Jin Family.”


“There’s another Dragon Tamer?!” Jin Zhu was surprised and narrowed her eyes, “Very good. After we get this person’s details, arrange a flight immediately to go find him. I hope this time, the other party is someone who knows what’s good for them!”



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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