Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 57, The Major Exam Begins

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


With these important figures arriving at the waiting area, all students stopped their chatter and fell silent.


The waiting area, which was previously as noisy as a market, suddenly became so quiet a pin drop could be heard.


Once the scene quieted down, Qin Shanhai looked at Bai Hengjian.


Bai Hengjian, the principal of Jianghai Third Academy, nodded to show he understood. He stood up from his seat. As he began to speak, his powerful voice reached the ears of everyone in the waiting area.


“This year’s major exam is about to begin. Regarding the points to note for the major exam, I believe your teachers have emphasised them to you more than once, so I won’t repeat them. There is one point that all students should pay attention to! Although the major exam is important, it’s not worth more than your own life. This year’s major exam questions are the same as previous years, with five sets of questions in total. The levels correspond to Secret Realms difficulty levels: Easy, Normal, Difficult, Terror, and Nightmare. In the Sky Scaling Tower, although there are Transfer Stones that allow you to forfeit the exam and leave at any time, it’s still full of dangers. I would like to stress that in the previous years, injuries and even deaths have occurred. So, choosing harder questions will certainly earn you more points but if the difficulty is too high, you might lose your life. So, choose wisely. Don’t get overconfident. Choose what’s suitable for you. Understand?”


After Bai Hengjian finished speaking, everyone present responded in unison: “Understood!”


Bai Hengjian nodded, then took out a fist-sized green crystal from his pocket and announced loudly, “In that case, I officially declare that this year’s Jianghai City major exam has officially begun!”


As he spoke, he used force on the green crystal in his hand. The crystal shattered on the spot, shooting out a green light that blasted into the giant vortex in the sky.


Instantly, the vortex that was originally slowly rotating suddenly became turbulent, spinning wildly. Soon, a black door slowly opened from within.


All the examinees present received a prompt saying that they could enter the Sky Scaling Tower to take the major exam.


Bai Hengjian, having opened this year’s major exam, returned to his seat to observe the exam situation of all examinees with the others.


The students below did not act rashly. They looked at each other, wondering who would enter the Sky Scaling Tower first to choose the difficulty level of their questions.


Soon, from First Academy, a sturdy student who looked like a tall tower stepped out first. He turned into a stream of light and entered the vortex in the sky.


At the same time, his information got displayed, leaving people tongue-tied.

First Academy student, Hong Wu, Level 14 Qigong Master, chosen question difficulty – Terror.

As soon as this information came out, the whole place was in an uproar.


“So he is Hong Wu, the top student of First Academy? Wow! Not only is he the first to enter the Sky Scaling Tower, but he’s also chosen the Terror difficulty and went in alone. Isn’t he too confident?”


“He’s the top student of First Academy. He is aiming for the top spot in Jianghai City and hopes to get top ten in South Province. Isn’t it natural for him to Solo Terror difficulty?”


“Yeah, I heard the Qigong Master can both attack and defend. They are able to release Qigong Waves to kill Monsters and use Golden Bell Cover to protect themselves. It’s one of the rare All Rounder Combat Specialised Profession. If I had changed to such an awesome Profession, I’d definitely Solo the Terror difficulty too.”


While everyone was discussing about Hong Wu, Qin Qiu and Tao Zi also chose to enter the Sky Scaling Tower.

First Academy students, Qin Qiu, Level 14 Holy Light Mage, Tao Xiaoman, Level 14 Swordsman, chosen question difficulty – Terror.

Another Terror difficulty question was chosen!


Almost everyone in Jianghai City knew about Qin Qiu and Tao Zi, the two school beauties from First Academy. It was only natural for these two to team up for the major exam and choose the Terror difficulty.


As Qin Qiu and Tao Zi also began their major exam, others stopped watching and chose to enter the Sky Scaling Tower to start their own exams.


Seeing the students entering the Sky Scaling Tower one by one, at the table, the eight principals also began to converse.


Among them, the most active was undoubtedly the principal of First Academy.


The principal of First Academy was a burly Elder. His face was full of wrinkles, looking very old, but his complexion was excellent. He proudly said to the other principals, “You all just saw that the first few to enter the Sky Scaling Tower for the major exam are our promising students from First Academy! In a while, we can focus on Hong Wu. He’s the most powerful student in First Academy. Not only has he changed to a Hidden Profession, but All Four Attributes of his are above 30. He has a chance to compete for the top five in South Province!”


“Oh, right, Qin Qiu is also quite good. She’s City Lord Qin’s Daughter and also has a Hidden Profession. However, her Hidden Profession is more suitable for large-scale battles, so it doesn’t have an advantage in this major exam. That’s why she teamed up with someone for the exam. Even so, I think her final score shouldn’t be too bad. In our Jianghai City, she should at least rank in the top three, right? Ha ha ha…”



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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