Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 70, Dragon Tamer, Just Ridiculously Overpowered

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


“Holy shit!”


At the table, there was an uproar. Several old principals’ eyes nearly popped out as they suddenly stood up from their seats.


This was a Level 20 Nightmare Boss, and they had just one-shot it!?


Not just one, but three of them!?


Are Dragons this strong!?


Everyone thought that the Purple Crystal Mountain Giants would be tricky enough to deal with, such that three would at least keep Lu Fan stuck on this floor for a while.


However, in less than half a minute, all the Purple Crystal Mountain Giants had been reduced to scattered debris on the ground.


It seemed that this challenge, deliberately set on the fiftieth floor to give examinees a taste of true difficulty, did not cause Lu Fan to feel any pressure at all.


Lu Fan’s pace in clearing floors remained like a straight-line rush. He was not pausing for even half a second despite the increased difficulty.


Qin Shanhai watched the live stream silently for a while, then turned to ask everyone, “Did you notice that Lu Fan’s Black Dragon underwent a change in Form?”


The others nodded. Of course, they had noticed this as well.


Bai Hengjian pondered, “It seems like this Dragon can change its Battle Form. Its new form should be related to increasing its Strength. Its Strength was already incredibly high before, and after changing form, it seems to have doubled! Otherwise, how could the Purple Crystal Mountain Giants, with their high Endurance, not even withstand a single strike?”


The others agreed, while feeling shocked.


Doubling its Strength, the Dragon Race was truly terrifying…


After a moment of silence, the principal of First Academy looked at Qin Shanhai and Qian Xiong and asked, “I wonder if you two can tell just how terrifyingly high this Black Dragon’s Strength has grown after changing its Form?”


Among those present, Qin Shanhai and Qian Xiong had the highest Levels and the broadest knowledge.


Currently, Xiao Ye’s Strength has surpassed the understanding of these old principals. To know just how high her Strength was, they had to ask experts like Qin Shanhai and Qian Xiong.


Qin Shanhai and Qian Xiong looked at each other and shook their heads, indicating they did not know either.


Since they had never possessed such Strength themselves, how could they estimate it?


However, in the end, Qian Xiong gave a vague answer, “In Dragon Capital, I’ve seen some higher-ups in action. If we compare the power of this Black Dragon’s attacks to those of a higher-up… its Strength after changing form should be above 2,500 points.”


“Above 2,500 points?!” Everyone was shocked.


A mere Baby Baby Dragon already had such high Attributes, what would happen if it grew up?!


Forget reaching Level 100, even at Level 50, it could probably intimidate countries like Extremistis Country…


Dragon Tamer was just ridiculously overpowered…


However, Qian Xiong’s estimate was still slightly off. If those present knew that Xiao Ye’s Strength Attribute was not around 2,500 points, but over 3,000, they would start doubting their own existence.


Inside the Sky Scaling Tower, Lu Fan, with Xiao Ye in World Destroyer Form, effortlessly cleared the fifty-first floor.


The difficulty of the fifty-first floor was slightly lower compared to the fiftieth floor, with only one Level 20 Nightmare Boss and 20 Mini Boss followers.


It seemed the test setters, considering the high difficulty of the fiftieth floor, had decided to ease the pace of the other floors for a bit, letting the examinees catch their breath.


After clearing the fifty-first floor, Lu Fan’s Level increased again, now reaching Level 17.


After continuing to steamroll through the fifty-second floor, Xiao Ye’s Level had also increased, reaching Level 12, with her Attributes surging once more.


Lu Fan could not help but marvel at how correct his choice of picking the Nightmare difficulty was. Otherwise, where would he find so many Nightmare Bosses?


Although the Experience gained was much lower than from real Dungeon Instances or Monsters in the Wilderness, the advantage was that Lu Fan did not need to search for them. He just needed to clear floor after floor, and massive amounts of Experience would pour in.


Lu Fan had heard that some powerful examinees were only Level 15 before the major exam, but after clearing the Terror difficulty exam once, they had managed to reach Level 18. They were simply Levelling Up at rocket speed!


[ Since I have chosen the Nightmare difficulty. Would I be able to reach Level 20 after clearing it? Possible. Very possible!]


By then, he would be one step closer to his Second Profession Change.


For every Second Profession Change, the Profession would have choices of what branch they wanted to take. His next Profession Change would gain more powerful Profession Characteristics from the chosen branch.


A First Profession Change Dragon Tamer was already this powerful. He wondered how many branching choices he would be able to see at his Second Profession Change? What kind of Profession Characteristics each branch has?


Lu Fan was already looking forward to it.


Without wasting any time, Lu Fan continued to the fifty-third floor.


Xiao Ye also maintained her World Destroyer Form, slaughtering everything with her exceeding 3,000 Strength.


Even though Lu Fan had already cleared half of his major exam, the difficulty of each floor was steadily increasing. However, there was still no floor that could hinder him and Xiao Ye for even a moment.



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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