Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 79, The Little Princess of Extremistis Country? Well Done!

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


If Lu Fan were here, he would surely roll his eyes.


Lu Fan had seen too many people like this in his previous life at school.


They were the type who, as soon as the exam was over, would gather and say things like ‘Oh no, I failed the exam’, ‘Yeah, me too, I didn’t do well’, etc. Those who said such things would infuriatingly score 95 out of 100, and another would merely drop from first to second place in the class ranking.


In the end, it was not that they did not do well, they just wanted to show off. They wanted to make everyone exclaim, ‘wow, you did so well, yet you say you didn’t do well?’


As the top student in First Academy’s elite class, it wasn’t surprising that Hong Wu developed such a habit.


Originally, Hong Wu had expected that when their principal learned he had scored nearly 90,000 points in such a difficult major exam, he would surely exclaim, ‘You did so well, yet you say you didn’t do well? This year’s Jianghai City top student title must be yours!’


However, the principal of First Academy did not react that way. Far from it. After all, having seen the ocean, one would find it hard to be impressed by the meagre rivers. With Lu Fan’s super high score of nearly 1.3 million points, looking at Hong Wu’s score, which was not even as much as a fraction of Lu Fan’s score, how could the principal of First Academy have such a reaction?


As for Hong Wu saying that his chances of being Jianghai City’s top student is still uncertain, it made the principal of First Academy feel even more disheartened.


It was not just uncertain, but there was simply no hope at all!


The principal of First Academy knew Hong Wu was proud and arrogant, and did not want to directly tell Hong Wu that Lu Fan, who had come out before him, had already scored 1.3 million points.


If Hong Wu knew Lu Fan’s score, he might question his entire life.


After pondering for a moment, the principal of First Academy remained very calm and nodded, saying, “It’s alright, you’ve done very well. You should still be able to enter any of the top ten Universities easily.”


Such words from the principal of First Academy made Hong Wu’s expression stiff.


[Very well?]


Although the principal seemed to be praising him, Hong Wu did not hear any excitement or appreciation in the principal’s voice. It seemed that the principal’s implied meaning was just, ‘you did okay, but that’s about it.’


[This was not how it was supposed to go…] Hong Wu suddenly felt as if he had been looked down upon by the principal. He had scored well, so why did the principal seem unimpressed?


A moment later, Hong Wu suddenly understood – he had misunderstood the principal’s good intentions!


The principal must have thought that his results were good, that the Jianghai City top student title was already in the bag, but even with such good results, one should not be arrogant. He rationalised how the principle must have deliberately avoided praising him.


[That just means I need to not concern myself with such things too much….]


Hong Wu immediately felt enlightened, and when he looked at the principal again, his eyes were full of gratitude and undisguised pride.


At this moment, Qin Shanhai clapped his hands nearby, drawing Hong Wu’s attention.


Qin Shanhai’s face was beaming as he said cheerfully. “Then, this matter is settled. The school’s reward for the top student is a Gold Grade item and 10 million Dragon Coins. As the official representatives of Jianghai City, we naturally can’t be stingy. This year’s reward for the top student will be tentatively set at 50 million Dragon Coins, a villa in Jiangshan Garden, and three Gold Grade equipment or Special Items!”


The other Education Board Officers all nodded in agreement, finalising this decision.


Hong Wu was slightly surprised and asked the principal of First Academy beside him in a low voice, “Principal, what are City Lord Qin and the others discussing?”


The principal of First Academy was sighing at the generosity of Qin Shanhai and the other officials at this time. Hearing Hong Wu’s question, he casually replied, “Nothing much, City Lord Qin and the others are discussing what rewards to give to our Jianghai City top student this year.”


“Rewards for the top student!?” Hong Wu was shocked upon hearing this.


He had just heard clearly that the school’s reward for the top student was 10 million Dragon Coins and a Gold Grade item.


The reward from Jianghai City Officials was even more outrageous – 50 million Dragon Coins, a villa in Jiangshan Garden, and three Gold Grade equipment or Special Items!


All these things added together must be worth nearly 300 million Dragon Coins!?


In previous years, the top students of Jianghai City had never been rewarded like this!


Generally speaking, the city would reward one or two Silver Grade items, and the school would reward a few million, which was about it.


This year’s reward was nearly ten times that of previous years.


[Have the schools and City Officials gone mad?!] But then Hong Wu thought, if all these things were rewards for the top student, then wouldn’t that mean…


Thinking of this, Hong Wu could not help but grin.


He was truly lucky, not only had he achieved the title of top student and would be fought over by the top ten Universities, but he would also receive such generous rewards.


He, Hong Wu, was about to soar to new heights!


As night fell, basically all examinees had completed the major exam and learned of their scores.


There were still some examinees, extremely persistent, still striving to increase their scores in the Sky Scaling Tower.


But these perseverant individuals could not significantly improve their scores with persistence alone. As time passed, they became increasingly exhausted, and the points they could gain were limited, so they had basically reached their limit.


However, the major exam was relatively fair. These students gave up the time bonus in exchange for higher base scores, and the invigilators respected their choice, leaving some invigilators to wait for them to come out of the Sky Scaling Tower.


Qin Shanhai and some old principals naturally would not continue to waste time at the waiting area.


Qin Shanhai returned to his home, retrieved the video of Lu Fan’s major exam live feed. He selected videos from several floors, compiled them into a fifteen-minute video file. He soon attached a letter he had written himself, and sent it to a mysterious email address.


Not long after Qin Shanhai sent the email.


In the Dragon Country, in the extreme north.


This place was covered in ice and snow all year round, with temperatures constantly below -50 degrees Celsius, and it was currently in polar night.


The extreme north, although not considered a Forbidden Area, had Monsters all above Level 60, and it was unclaimed wilderness that had yet to be developed by Humans.


No one knew what kind of Monsters one might encounter while travelling in such a place, or what Secret Realms one might luckily stumble upon.


In such a desolate land, there was actually a military camp standing.


The camp was not large, and the facilities were rudimentary.


But if someone came here, they would find that within a 50-kilometer radius of the camp, no Monsters dared to set foot.


At this moment, in the centre of the camp, in an unremarkable small Western-style building, a burly man wearing a simple undershirt was sitting in front of a computer, drinking strong alcohol while watching a video playing on the computer.


This video was the carefully edited live footage of Lu Fan’s major exam that Qin Shanhai had put together.


The man did not look particularly old, with white hair mixed in his short hair, seeming to be only in his forties, not much older than Qin Shanhai.


But those who knew him were aware that this figure was actually nearly eighty years old now.


This figure was inside the small Western-style building, which could not keep the cold air out completely. The temperature in the room where the man was sitting was not above -40 degrees Celsius, but he wore only an undershirt, took a sip of strong alcohol, and was completely unfazed by the cold. This showed that his Endurance Attribute must be quite high.


This man had watched Lu Fan’s video back and forth three times already, but when the video ended, he clicked the ‘replay’ button once again.


Taking another sip of alcohol, watching Lu Fan and Xiao Ye swiftly killing the Apocalyptic Headless Four Knights, the man finally smacked his lips and said, “It’s been so many years since Dragon Country has produced such a good seedling. And his Pet is a Dragon, even I’m envious of…”


“Truly worthy of being a Giant Dragon. When it grows up, it might be dozens of times stronger than my Arctic Griffin King, right?”


“I wonder if this kid’s Second Profession Change will have a Dragon Knight branch? If it does, I must get him under my command!”


After saying this, the man took another big gulp of alcohol and clicked his tongue.


At this moment, someone knocked on the door outside and reported formally, “Lord Northern Marquis, we’ve gathered the information you requested. Would you like us to report it to you now?”


“Come in!” Northern Marquis Tu Jing spoke, and an adjutant in full military uniform entered, approached Tu Jing’s desk, holding a not-too-thick stack of documents.


Tu Jing glanced at his adjutant, then lightly asked, “You’ve found the files? How did it go? Report to me slowly, I want to see how much of what Qin Shanhai said in his email is true and how much is false!”


“Yes!” The adjutant nodded slightly, then opened the documents in his hand and began to briefly summarise the file records regarding the incident of the Extremistis Country’s Little Princess being beaten.


After listening, Tu Jing had a certain understanding of the cause and effect of Lu Fan beating Princess Jin Zhu of the Extremistis Country.


Finally, the adjutant added, “The account of the entire incident differs somewhat from what the Extremistis Country’s people have stated. They deny having any rhetoric about inducing this Dragon Tamer to leave the Dragon Country in order to join their Extremistis Country. Nevertheless, our own investigation has concluded that the initial account recorded in the files is the most accurate description of what had happened. The Extremistis Country people’s had attempted to induce the Dragon Tamer to leave Dragon Country. This was followed by provocation and insults after being rejected. This had directly led to the beating. All the statements in the initial account have been confirmed to be true.”


The records in the files matched exactly what Qin Shanhai had said in his email.


Tu Jing knew at once that since Qin Shanhai had taken the initiative to write and contact him for help, he certainly would not dare to distort the facts.


Confirming that everything Qin Shanhai stated in his letter was factual, Tu Jing became even more appreciative of Lu Fan.


He was already so powerful, becoming the only Human in the world with a Pet Dragon. Yet, at the same time, able to righteously refuse the temptation from another country.


At such a young age, he already had the potential to become an unparalleled national hero!


This kind of person was exactly to Tu Jing’s liking.


As for the matter of him beating the Extremistis Country’s Little Princess, Tu Jing felt it was even more satisfying.


[Well done! In fact, he’s done better than earn my praise. If the same thing had happened to me, I would have made Extremistis Country see blood long ago!]


In the end, it was because this Dragon Tamer called Lu Fan had too weak a background, and he was not decisive enough in some matters that it led to others pinning the blame on him.


But Tu Jing, as one of the representatives of the Upright Faction, did not mind giving Lu Fan the confidence to act freely and do what he wanted to do!


Tu Jing smiled and continued to ask, “So? Who from the Dragon Capital is responsible for handling this matter? And what is their approach to dealing with it?”



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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