Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 80, The Posture a Great Nation Should Have!

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


The adjutant lowered his head and replied, “The one handling this matter is Lord Ruan from the Dragon Capital.”


“Ruan Changfeng? That useless Moderate?” Upon hearing this, Tu Jing’s expression clearly showed disdain.


This person named Ruan Changfeng was also a high-ranking and powerful figure in the Dragon Capital. However, for Northern Marquis Tu Jing, even if he cursed him as useless to his face, Ruan Changfeng would not dare to refute.


There was no help for it, Ruan Changfeng’s power and influence was indeed great, but it depended on who he was compared to.


In front of Tu Jing, Ruan Changfeng was not someone worth giving face to.


Moreover, Tu Jing was famously contemptuous of Moderates, always looking down on the opposing Moderate Faction. Even if the other party was stronger than him or had a higher position, he would still curse them.


Tu Jing’s adjutant acted as if he had not heard Tu Jing’s crude words and reported truthfully. “That’s right, it’s Lord Ruan Changfeng.”


“I heard that the matter of the Extremistis Country’s Little Princess coming to study in our Dragon Country was personally arranged by him. It was done under the pretence of maintaining good relations between the two countries. So after the Extremistis Country’s Little Princess was beaten, the Jin Family contacted Lord Ruan Changfeng first, asking him to give the Extremistis Country an explanation.”


“Ha!” Tu Jing sneered and shook his head, his tone full of contempt: “The Extremistis Country’s people really found a soft persimmon to squeeze! That useless Ruan Changfeng must have suppressed this matter and is planning to punish Lu Fan for beating her, right!?”


The adjutant nodded and said. “That’s correct. According to the files, Lord Ruan Changfeng indeed had this intention. Yesterday, he even approved Qian Xiong from the Harmony Enforcement Department as a Special Envoy to go to Jianghai City. He was ordered to bring the Dragon Tamer back to the Dragon Capital. However, according to the latest news, Special Envoy Qian Xiong’s mission was obstructed by Jianghai City Lord Qin Shanhai. He’s now on his way back to the Dragon Capital without the Dragon Tamer.”


This result had already been written in the email by Qin Shanhai, and Tu Jing was clear about it.


At this moment, Tu Jing was fuming inside. If Ruan Changfeng was in front of him right now, he would probably have beaten him half to death already.


“Ruan Changfeng, that useless shit!” Tu Jing slammed the table, instantly turning the solid wood table into debris, along with the computer and documents on it. Nothing was spared.


“If one day, Dragon Country is invaded by foreign enemies, he’ll definitely be the first to surrender! A Princess from a puny country comes to our Dragon Country’s territory to bully our citizens! He not only fails to stand up for our own people, but even thinks about smoothing things over!? Where is our Dragon Country’s face to him!? Where!? The ground!? If this matter gets out, how will other countries view our Dragon Country!? How will the Dragon Country’s citizens view us Officials!? Does he want everyone to think we’re all useless!?”


Seeing Tu Jing so angry, the adjutant’s face turned gloomy and he did not dare to say a word, fearing that if this Northern Marquis’ mood got worse, he might overturn the entire camp.


After cursing, Tu Jing felt much better.


He patted the debris off his hands, stood up from his chair, slowly walked to his window, looked out into the night, and waved his hand, stating. “Three orders are to be transmitted to the Dragon Capital, Jianghai City, and all major Universities.”


“First, strip Ruan Changfeng of all his powers and duties. Demote him three ranks, and send him to report to a local office! Someone who can’t even protect the Dragon Country’s citizens doesn’t deserve to have power! If he has any objections, he can go find his superior and have his superior come talk to me.”


“Yes!” The adjutant responded.


Tu Jing’s first order basically ended Ruan Changfeng’s career.


Although Tu Jing was in the far north, removing Ruan Changfeng from office was just a matter of saying the word.


As for whether the Moderate Faction would agree, it did not really matter, because Ruan Changfeng was not important enough for the Moderate Faction to fight with Tu Jing over him.


The Moderates were all wary of Tu Jing, and who would want to deal with Tu Jing unless absolutely necessary?


Tu Jing continued to issue orders. “Second, regarding the matter of Extremistis Country’s Princess being beaten, I, the Northern Marquis, will take it on. If anyone from the Moderate Faction still wants to fight me in handling this matter, tell them to get lost! Bring the case files for this here and make a note. Write in the note that Princess Jin Zhu of Extremistis Country came to our Dragon Country to oppress our citizens. Lu Fan attacked to uphold national dignity. It was reasonable and justified! Considering that only Jin Zhu and her attendants were injured, and no Dragon Country citizens were harmed, this matter will not be pursued any further! Moreover, since Jin Zhu has come from afar to study in the Dragon Country, our Dragon Country, with the demeanour of a great nation, will give her another chance and not expel her. However, if there is a recurrence of such violation of respect, she will be sent back to Extremistis Country immediately. There will be no room for negotiation!”


If Lu Fan were here, he would definitely be thrilled to hear these words. This was the attitude a great nation should have, neither servile nor overbearing. Being overly submissive and accommodating would only make others look down on them!


However, Tu Jing’s strong stance made his adjutant feel somewhat uneasy.


The adjutant spoke up at this point: “Lord Northern Marquis, I’ve heard that Extremistis Country has repeatedly pressured us, wanting an explanation for this matter.”


“You’ve ordered that Lu Fan’s attack was reasonable and justified. Responding to them like this, won’t it cause them to be dissatisfied?”


Hearing this, Tu Jing sneered. “So what if they’re dissatisfied? The reason they have been pressuring us repeatedly is because they’ve been dealing with that spineless waste Ruan Changfeng! Just directly connect with the Jin Family of Extremistis Country. Tell them if they’re not satisfied with how this matter has been handled, I’ll personally lead the Griffin Legion to their country and give them a satisfactory response!”


Hearing this, the adjutant could not help but make a wry smile.


If the Griffin Legion really flew over Extremistis Country’s airspace, the Jin Family probably would not dare to make a peep. After all, the Griffin Legion was one of the four elite forces of Dragon Country.


“Alright, I will directly connect with the Jin Family and convey your words in full,” the adjutant nodded, noting down Tu Jing’s second order.


Then, Tu Jing continued: “The third order, notify the education sector of Jianghai City. They can publicly announce Lu Fan’s status as South Province’s top student. However, his score and the major exam stream recording must be kept confidential. Keep it confidential until Lu Fan enters a University. Afterwards, it can be disclosed within small groups. Also notify the top twenty Universities in the Dragon Country that Lu Fan’s major exam score and stream recording can be queried from the Jianghai City Education Board.  but no one is allowed to disclose his score and video to the public. Once Lu Fan finally decides which University to enter, that University must provide Lu Fan with the best educational resources and security measures!”


Tu Jing’s last sentence about providing security measures clearly had implications.


The adjutant, having followed Tu Jing for so long, immediately understood what he wanted. Lu Fan had achieved the top student position in South Province. With such monstrous performance, and with a Giant Dragon as a Pet, once this news got out, it would likely cause trouble.


For example, Jin Zhu, who came to the Dragon Country with impure intentions.


She was someone who acted out in the open, who knows how many people were in the shadows, eyeing Dragon Country’s monstrous genius?


Top Universities, especially Dragon Country’s top ten Universities, were full of experts. When Lu Fan enters such a University, his personal safety can be guaranteed to a certain extent. At this time, making Lu Fan’s score confidential would be safer for him.


After Tu Jing’s orders were issued, the adjutant obediently went to carry them out.


After the adjutant left, Tu Jing’s eyes were still looking out the window, his gaze profound, and a smile appeared on his face. “Our Dragon Country has actually produced such an interesting youth, how intriguing. When I can leave this place, I must have a good chat with this young man. I want to see just how powerful this so-called Giant Dragon really is. But before that, when will you show your true face to me?” Tu Jing’s gaze was fixed on a blood-red Moon far on the horizon.


This Moon stood on the horizon, emitting a faint blood-red light.


Combined with the starry sky and the snow-covered icy landscape, such scenery was breathtakingly beautiful.


However, upon careful observation, one could see that high in the sky there was another Moon, pure and unblemished, hanging high.


Two Moons in the sky?


No, that blood-red object standing on the distant horizon was not a Moon at all.


As for what it actually was, even Tu Jing, who had been stationed here for a year, did not know.



In the blink of an eye, seven days passed.


Early in the morning, all major national news headlines were discussing one thing – the major exam results were out!


All graduating examinees could enter the online education portal to check their results.


Lu Fan did not do this because there was no need. He already knew his score and ranking.


Instead, it was Han Ke who eagerly went to check Lu Fan’s results. When she saw that Lu Fan was ranked first in South Province, Han Ke burst into tears on the spot. It took Lu Fan a long time to convince her that this was all real and not a dream.


However, Lu Fan’s score column was replaced by the words ‘confidential’, unlike the second place student in South Province, a person named Chen Tianzhi, whose score was clearly written – 215,628 points.


Lu Fan was not surprised by this. In the past seven days, he had received early notice from the Qin Family, informing him of everything that Qin Shanhai’s teacher, Tu Jing, had done for him.


Lu Fan did not have any objections. As long as it did not affect his admission to a University, he did not care about showing off with his major exam score of 1.29 million points. [Let my score be confidential. Most important thing is to still be publicly acknowledged as the top student of South Province.]


With the release of the results, the whole Jianghai City knew that this year’s top student of South Province came from Jianghai Third Academy, a Dragon Tamer named Lu Fan.


Although it was unknown why Lu Fan’s score could not be queried, the ranking could never be faked.


For a time, Jianghai City was in an uproar, because it had been too long since Jianghai City had produced a provincial top student.


Third Academy and Han Ke’s Bun Shop were filled with entrepreneurs wanting to give gifts and build connections with Lu Fan. Otherwise, visits from ‘relatives’ who were so distantly related he could not even identify them.


Fortunately, Qin Shanhai had anticipated this situation and had Lu Fan and Han Ke move to a villa in Jiangshan Garden in advance.


Here, Lu Fan and Han Ke could live peacefully without being disturbed by others.


On the second day after the results were released, the doorbell of Lu Fan and Han Ke’s villa rang.


The visitors were Third Academy’s principal Bai Hengjian, several school principals, and some Qin Family attendants brought by Qin Qiu.


Seeing that both groups had not come empty-handed, Lu Fan guessed that Third Academy and Jianghai City had brought the rewards for his achievement as South Province’s top student.


Han Ke warmly welcomed the two groups, and Third Academy and the Qin Family each placed their gifts on the table.


Lu Fan did not pay much attention to the six large boxes of money.


After all, there were four Gold Grade items, and one in particular caught his eye…



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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