Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 82, Hong Wu Becomes a Laughingstock

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


Lu Fan was not someone who particularly enjoyed making friends. Nevertheless, he felt that Qin Qiu was truly a nice young lady. She was beautiful, intelligent, and beautiful. More importantly, the two were already quite familiar with each other. While Lu Fan could not say he knew Qin Qiu inside and out, he understood her fairly well. Teaming up with her would be better than finding strangers to team up with after entering University.


Soon, the two arrived at the Qin Family villa.


At this time, several cars were parked outside the Qin Family villa, and some young men and women about the same age as Lu Fan and Qin Qiu could be seen entering and exiting the villa with their parents.


Reportedly, these people were all examinees who had done quite well in this year’s major exam.


Some examinees were called here by the admissions office teachers from the top ten Universities to discuss invitations for enrollment.


There were also some who had rushed here after hearing the news, hoping to discuss with these admissions office teachers whether they might have a chance to be admitted to one of the top ten Universities.


In previous years, this kind of situation usually occurred at the hotel where the admissions office teachers were staying, or in the office of First Academy. This year, however, the teachers from the top ten Universities were all invited to Qin Shanhai’s home. This was why the Qin Family villa was so lively.


As Lu Fan and Qin Qiu got out of the car and were about to enter, they ran into a tall young man and his parents coming out of the villa.


This young man was Hong Wu.


Hong Wu had a smile on his face at this time, looking as if he had just successfully negotiated with the teacher from the University he desired and had obtained admission.


The middle-aged couple beside him were dressed expensively and bore some resemblance to Hong Wu. They were likely Hong Wu’s parents.


Hong Wu’s Father, like Hong Wu, was built like an iron tower. At this moment, this middle-aged man also had a gratified expression as he walked out of the Qin Family villa, saying, “Although you’ve been admitted to Dragon Capital University, you mustn’t be too arrogant. University is not the end point of your cultivation, but its starting point. After you get to University, you must Level Up diligently and not waste the advantages of your Hidden Profession.”


“I know, don’t worry, Father!” Hong Wu said proudly, “Dragon Capital University is the University with the most cultivation resources among the top ten Universities. Since I’ve been admitted to Dragon Capital University, I’ll definitely make good use of their cultivation resources…”


Suddenly, Hong Wu stopped talking. Because at this moment, he came face to face with Lu Fan.


Hong Wu did not know who Lu Fan was, but after the results were announced, Lu Fan’s name had become well-known to everyone. He had basically become a celebrity in Jianghai City, even in the South Province. Hong Wu had naturally seen Lu Fan’s face from his photos.


Lu Fan also had some impression of Hong Wu, knowing that he was the top expert from First Academy. He knew Hong Wu was ranked second in Jianghai City, and had even scored higher than Qin Qiu.


However, Lu Fan was not familiar with him, so as they passed each other, he had no intention of greeting him.


Instead, it was Hong Wu who, upon seeing Lu Fan, first looked surprised, then a cold light flashed in his eyes as he stared at Lu Fan, as if Lu Fan was his mortal enemy.


It was not until Lu Fan and Qin Qiu had entered the Qin Family villa that Hong Wu snorted coldly and left with his parents.


Lu Fan felt puzzled and quietly asked Qin Qiu why the top expert from First Academy, whom he was not even familiar with, seemed to look at him with such displeasure.


Mentioning Hong Wu, Qin Qiu could not help but cover her mouth and laugh, saying, “Oh, you don’t know about this?”


“Hong Wu’s Family, the Hong Family, is considered a prestigious Family in our Jianghai City. Before the results were announced, I don’t know where they got their information, but they said Hong Wu had scored nearly 90,000 points in this major exam, several thousand points higher than me. They were certain he would be the top student in Jianghai City this year. So, after the major exam ended, the Hong family started booking banquets, bragging everywhere that their Son would definitely be the top student this year. They even bragged how they had received news that Jianghai City would reward this year’s top student with four Gold Grade items. How, with these four Gold Grade items, Hong Wu would surely soar to great heights.”


“But then…”


Lu Fan chuckled and said, “But then when the results got announced, they found out that I was the top student, and their Son got nothing?”


Qin Qiu laughed and said, “Well, it’s not that he got nothing. As the second place student, Hong Wu still received two Silver Grade items and a reward of 10 million Dragon Coins. But the Hong Family had been too high profile. They had literally bragged all over Heaven and Earth that Hong Wu would be the top student before the major exam results were even announced. The more they bragged before, the more embarrassing it became later. Well, the Hong Family is known for their love of face. After this incident, they became a laughingstock among many prestigious Families in Jianghai City. So. it’s only natural Hong Wu would look at you with such displeasure.”


“I see…” Lu Fan nodded. But after all, this incident could be considered self-inflicted by the Hong Family. They wanted to show off, but ended up slapping their own face.


As they talked, Lu Fan and Qin Qiu had already arrived at the second floor, at Qin Shanhai’s study.


According to Qin Qiu, all the teachers from the top ten Universities were here. Upon learning that Lu Fan was on his way, they had stopped seeing other students and were specifically waiting for Lu Fan to arrive.


As they pushed open the door, Lu Fan looked up and saw that the spacious study was already full of people. Among these people were young and beautiful ladies who looked to be in their early twenties, wearing armour with light swords at their waists. There were also middle-aged Priests in priestly robes with big bellies…


In short, one could tell at a glance that everyone was of High Level, and they should be the so-called admissions teachers from the top ten Universities.


Besides these people, there was also a familiar face, which was Qin Shanhai.


At this time, Qin Shanhai was sitting to one side, presumably entertaining these teachers.


Qin Qiu led Lu Fan into the study, first nodding and greeting the teachers present, then said to Qin Shanhai, “Father, Lu Fan is here.”


Hearing that this was Lu Fan, all the teachers’ eyes lit up, staring at Lu Fan like a pack of wolves eyeing a lamb.


Being looked at, like a prey, so blatantly by so many experts, made Lu Fan feel uneasy.


Qin Shanhai smiled, got up from his seat and came to Lu Fan’s side. He put his arm around Lu Fan’s shoulders and walked into the study, smiling as he said. “Our South Province’s top student has finally arrived.”


“Come, Lu Fan, let me introduce you. This is the admissions teacher from Dragon Capital University, Gu Han; this is the admissions teacher from Southern River University, Jiang Ping; this is the admissions teacher from Northern Border University…”


Qin Shanhai brought Lu Fan among the crowd, while also explaining which University each teacher present represented.


There were fourteen teachers present in total. Besides the teachers from the top ten Universities, there were four other teachers, all from Universities with extremely rich educational resources, not much inferior to the top ten Universities.


Basically, the admissions teachers from the best Universities in the Dragon Country were all here.


After the introductions, Qin Shanhai looked at the teachers present and said to them, “I’m sure everyone is familiar with him. I think you’ve all seen the stream recording of his major exam. A Dragon Tamer with a Dragon, and also the only provincial top student in history to have a Pet Dragon. Which University he chooses to enrol in depends on how you negotiate terms with him. I, Qin Shanhai, am just acting as a bridge between you all. Now that I’ve done all the introductions, you can talk to our top student yourself.”


With that, Qin Shanhai retreated to his own previous position. Before leaving, he gave Lu Fan a meaningful look, clearly implying, ‘This is an opportunity to really squeeze out the most from the top ten Universities. So don’t be too easy to satisfy!’


Lu Fan had not really decided which University he wanted to go to, and the educational resources of the top ten Universities were actually quite similar. Which one he chose would of course depend on what conditions the Universities offered.


After Qin Shanhai stepped aside, the fourteen teachers present could no longer contain themselves.


The teacher from Southern River University, who was the pot-bellied Priest, spoke up first. “You’re Lu Fan, right? We at Southern River University have seen your major exam stream recording, and we have some understanding of your potential. Since you have such a good relationship with City Lord Qin, he should have given you a heads up in advance so we at Southern River University won’t play games with you. We’ll just state our terms directly.”


“As long as you come to our Southern River University, you’ll receive an annual scholarship of 10 million Dragon Coins, and all educational resources, such as Potions and Dungeon Instances of various levels. All will be fully open to you, and all for free. At the same time, the University will also cover your first ten Dungeon Instance runs. We are talking about all open Dungeon Instances worldwide. As long as you want to farm them, the school will cover 120% of the costs, letting you farm whichever one you want!”


As soon as the teacher from Southern River University finished speaking, a skinny Assassin Profession teacher next to him sneered and said. “Southern River University is really stingy, offering such meagre conditions yet still having the audacity to come here and compete for the South Province’s top student?”


“Student Lu, our Northern Border University offers you an annual scholarship of 20 million Dragon Coins! All educational resources will also be fully open for you to use. As for Dungeon Instance opportunities, we’ll cover twenty runs! Moreover, you should know that our Northern Border University has good relations with the Feather Country. We have opportunities to let students enter Dungeon Instances that aren’t open to outsiders in Feather Country. This is something Southern River University can’t possibly offer.”


After the teacher from Northern Border University said this, the teacher from Southern River University immediately became unhappy. “The conditions can be further negotiated. If Classmate Lu isn’t satisfied, we at Southern River University can offer more. If your Northern Border University has the ability, just state your conditions directly. It’s not like we at Southern River University can’t match them. Why do you need to step on us while you’re at it?”


At this point, the teachers from Northern Border University and Southern River University were about to start arguing. However, the other University teachers seized this opportunity to offer their own conditions to Lu Fan, trying to recruit him.


All at once, the previously quiet study became chaotic, like a vegetable market.


Lu Fan really had not expected these teachers to be so excited. They did not beat around the bush or made empty promises. They directly offered the conditions their Universities could provide, and even indicated that as long as Lu Fan was willing to enrol in their University, any conditions he wanted could be negotiated.


The conditions offered by these fourteen Universities were actually all quite similar. Whatever conditions one University could offer, the others could match. The key was which University Lu Fan wanted to go to.


Just as Lu Fan was feeling a bit of a headache over this matter, the System’s voice arrived on time.


<Ding – Congratulations to Host for obtaining one Treasure Map (Divine Grade).>


Lu Fan was stunned. [What the. The Super Treasure Map System had given me another Divine Grade Treasure Map!? Did my luck suddenly explode today!?]



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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