Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 83, Another Divine Grade Treasure Map!

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


The teachers present were still heatedly arguing, while Lu Fan had already started to open his System Panel, wanting to check where exactly this Divine Grade Treasure Map was located.


Lu Fan silently prayed that this Treasure Map would be in a place he could actually go to. Otherwise, having a Divine Grade Treasure Map that he could only look at but not claim would be too frustrating.


In Lu Fan’s System Sub-Space, there were many Treasure Maps given by the System. However, most of the map coordinates were scattered all over the world. It was not easy for Lu Fan to go to them, so he had not claimed any of them yet.


Finally, Lu Fan found one of them, a Treasure Map shimmering with colourful light. Just from its colour, he knew it was undoubtedly the Divine Grade Treasure Map.


Treasure Map (Divine Grade): Coordinates – Dragon Capital University (3215,5728)


[It’s actually a Treasure Map for Dragon Capital University!? What the heck! What a stroke of luck!]


Dragon Capital University was located in Dragon Capita. It was not only one of the top ten Universities but also the one with the best educational resources among all Universities. Its overall strength consistently ranked in the top two every year.


Originally, Lu Fan was still wavering between the fourteen Universities vying for him, but now with the Divine Grade Treasure Map appearing, his heart immediately leaned towards Dragon Capital University.


[Dragon Capital University has strong teaching resources, and going there would allow me to claim a Divine Grade Treasure Map. Why not?]


[So far, I have only dug up one Divine Grade Treasure Map, which had directly rewarded me with Xiao Ye, a Black Dragon King. If I were to claim this Treasure Map, what kind of surprise would I get? Would I acquire another Mythical Grade Giant Dragon!?] Thinking of this, Lu Fan felt his breathing quicken.


The teachers present had not noticed Lu Fan’s change, as they were still competing with each other, raising the rewards for inviting Lu Fan to enrol.


At this point, the scholarship they were offering Lu Fan had already reached 40 million Dragon Coins per year, and the number of times the school would fund Dungeon Instance runs had risen to fifty.


As for other conditions, such as arranging how many Senior professors to personally take Lu Fan to High Level Areas to Level Up, guaranteeing how many Levels Lu Fan would rise each year, and so on, they were too numerous to count.


These conditions absolutely exceeded any rewards previous provincial top students from the major exam could obtain. It was clear that all the Universities were really going all out to recruit Lu Fan.


At this point, even Qin Shanhai had started to give Lu Fan meaningful looks, indicating that it was about enough.


Lu Fan nodded, showing he understood. He recalled which University each teacher present was from. Finally, he remembered that the teacher from Dragon Capital University was the valiant female Swordsman he had first seen when he entered, named Gu Han.


This beautiful Swordswoman was more dignified compared to the others. Although she was also constantly raising Dragon Capital University’s conditions, she was not arguing red-faced like the others.


Of course, the reward conditions she proposed each time were not at all less than any other University present.


At this point, basically all the major Universities had revealed their bottom lines, and no one was holding back. However, no University was confident that they could definitely recruit Lu Fan.


Lu Fan, having already decided to choose Dragon Capital University, turned his gaze towards Gu Han.


Gu Han was secretly anxious at this moment, afraid of not being able to recruit such a good seedling as Lu Fan.


Finally, before Lu Fan could speak, she bit her lip and said in a clear voice, “Besides the conditions we’ve mentioned, our Dragon Capital University can offer another condition that no other University can! Our Dragon Capital University holds the entry ticket for the National Trial Secret Realm. This year’s National Trial Secret Realm requires Dragon Capital University to send someone to participate.”


“Student Lu, if you’re willing to come to our Dragon Capital University, this entry ticket for the National Trial Secret Realm will be given to you!”


As soon as these words were spoken, all the teachers immediately fell silent, looking at Gu Han with disbelief.


“The entry ticket for the National Trial Secret Realm? Are you really going to offer that? Is Dragon Capital University trying to deceive all of us?”


“That’s right! That is something of absolute importance, and you’re going to give it to a new student!?”


“Gu Han, it’s fine to recruit talent, but if you’re making empty promises, that is not acceptable conduct of us teachers! I really don’t believe Dragon Capital University would give the National Trial Secret Realm entry ticket to a new student!”


The group of teachers questioned her, intending to remind Lu Fan not to be easily deceived by an empty promise.


As for Lu Fan, he was confused. [What is the National Trial Secret Realm!?]


“Um… Teacher Gu,” Lu Fan spoke up, attracting everyone’s attention, “What is the National Trial Secret Realm? Adn what does this entry ticket entail?”


Seeing that Lu Fan did not know what the National Secret Realm was, Gu Han was slightly surprised but still patiently explained.


It turned out that the so-called National Secret Realm was a super Secret Realm built by twenty-three major countries in this world simultaneously using their resources.


These twenty-three countries would each send one person to represent their country in this Secret Realm.


Because it was a Secret Realm built with resources from multiple countries, the rewards for this man-made Secret Realm were extremely generous. The champion was said to have once obtained an Epic Grade item!


This National Trial Secret Realm could be understood as another major exam, just a lot bigger and on the international stage. At least the process was similar. The exception being that instead of one person farming points alone, it would be twenty-three people entering the Secret Realm together, competing for Monsters and points.


As long as one could survive this National Trial, they would at least get a Platinum Grade item. The rewards were far more generous than ordinary Secret Realms.


Not only that, this National Trial Secret Realm was ostensibly a competition between national geniuses. However, behind the scenes, countries would also use this Secret Realm to gamble and deal with some resource issues.


So, if one achieved an impressive result in the National Trial, not only would they personally receive generous rewards, but they would also become national heroes, and the country would provide rewards as well.


Because this Secret Realm was artificially constructed, there were many limitations. Of course, it was not possible to choose each country’s top expert to participate. Otherwise, if these experts were to fight, the Secret Realm probably could not withstand it and would collapse.


Therefore, the National Trial had strict age requirements for participants.


Only those under 22 years old were eligible to participate in the National Trial. This age limit meant that those coming to participate in the trial were basically at most Second Profession Change Players.


Because of this, the participants in each National Trial were usually selected from University students.


The selection process was that all Universities in a nation would first hold a competition, and the school that won this competition would obtain the entry ticket for the National Trial Secret Realm.


As for who this University would choose to participate in the National Trial, that was left to their own discretion. As long as the genius they selected could pass the review of the Special Envoy sent down from above, anyone was fine.


Because this National Trial was held only once every three years, and Lu Fan had just come to this world three years ago, he had perfectly missed the previous National Trial. This was why he did not know about the existence of this grand event.


In these three years, after two years of competition, Dragon Country’s Dragon Capital University finally won and obtained the entry ticket for the upcoming National Trial Secret Realm.


Logically, Dragon Capital University would conduct a cruel internal competition this year to see who would be qualified to represent Dragon Capital University and Dragon Country in the National Trial Secret Realm.


Yet, right now, Gu Han was saying she would give this entry ticket to Lu Fan. Who could believe it?


Gu Han was just a teacher from the admissions office. How could she have the authority to offer such a condition?


That’s why all the University teachers were claiming her to be selling snake oil, warning Lu Fan not to believe her.


Being questioned by others, Gu Han was naturally displeased and coldly stated, “If I couldn’t offer this condition and was just making empty promises, if this got out, wouldn’t Dragon Capital University lose all its face? Our principal said this before I came. He saw Lu Fan’s potential and felt that Lu Fan definitely had the ability and qualifications to get this entry ticket. He had personally told me that if it came to a critical moment, this entry ticket could be promised to Lu Fan. If you don’t believe me, I can call our principal right now!”


With Gu Han saying this much, of course no one would question further.


Moreover, what Gu Han said was right. If Dragon Capital University was really making empty promises, their reputation would definitely be ruined. Who would go to Dragon Capital University if it had a teacher that openly lies in front of a potential student?


However, the teacher from Southern River University frowned at this moment and stated his own opinion. “Isn’t your Dragon Capital University going too far to recruit a good seedling like Lu Fan!? There’s less than half a year until the National Trial Secret Realm begins. Those selected by other countries are all prodigies around 22 years old. They are students that are about to graduate from University. I heard that the Profession Change Players selected by Feather Country and Extremistis Country are said to be the strongest batch in the upcoming National Trials. They’re already preparing for the National Trial right now, and are even pushing for their Third Profession Change! How can you let Lu Fan, a child who just underwent his Profession Change, participate in the National Trial!? How could he possibly be a match for those monstrous geniuses who already have such a head start?”


Others also spoke up.


“That’s right. Lu Fan, as the only Dragon Tamer in history with a Dragon, with his strength, we would definitely not object if he participated in the next National Trial. But letting him participate in this one, is pinning too much on him.”


“Exactly. The National Trial concerns the face of our Dragon Country. If we’re eliminated too early, wouldn’t our great nation be laughed at for not being able to produce even one genius?”


“I don’t agree with Dragon Capital University treating the National Trial Secret Realm entry ticket so lightly! People can die in the National Trial, and our Dragon Country will also bet many resources against the other twenty-two countries in the National Trial. We can’t afford to fail!”


“Every country has no shortage of monstrous geniuses. Lu Fan is strong. There is no doubt about it, but the participants selected by other countries won’t be weak either! If it was a fair fight, I would have confidence in our Dragon Country’s genius. But the opponents have been cultivating for three or four years longer than Lu Fan. How could they possibly compared?”


“That’s right, for such an important matter, Dragon Capital University is placing it on a child who just underwent his first Profession Change. This is just too rash…”



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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