Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 85, My Earth Dragon Will Triumph Over His Black Dragon!

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


Regarding this, Jin Zhu was very displeased at the time, and Chen Tianzhi also apologised for a long time, saying it was due to his own incompetence.


Because during the major exam, Chen Tianzhi chose the Terror Grade difficulty and did not dare to choose the Nightmare difficulty.


Although Chen Tianzhi, relying on the strength of the Armoured Earth Dragon, cleared the Terror Grade difficulty and did not take long, it was still not enough to overtake Lu Fan. After adding in the time bonus, he steadily held the second place position in South Province, leaving the third place far behind in points.


However, the upper limit of points for the Terror difficulty major exam was only so high, far inferior compared to the Nightmare difficulty.


Since Lu Fan was able to surpass Chen Tianzhi, Chen Tianzhi guessed that the difficulty Lu Fan chose was likely Nightmare.


Chen Tianzhi greatly regretted this, feeling he had been too cautious. If he had also chosen Nightmare difficulty, his score might not have been lower than Lu Fan’s.


After all, the power of the Armoured Earth Dragon exceeded his imagination, and he did not feel too much pressure when clearing the Terror difficulty.


Of course, the reason Chen Tianzhi thought this way was because he believed Lu Fan’s hidden score probably was not much higher than his.


At the same time, he had not experienced the terrifying nature of the Nightmare difficulty major exam.


If he had seen what happened in the Nightmare difficulty major exam, and knew just how ridiculous Lu Fan’s score actually was, he definitely would not be so confident.


Regardless, with Jin Zhu’s help, Chen Tianzhi had truly soared to great heights, now being the top student of Qingzhou City and second place in South Province. He now had a limitless future, with achievements to back it.


Although Jin Zhu was angry that Chen Tianzhi was surpassed by Lu Fan in the major exam, to be honest, she was still quite satisfied with Chen Tianzhi.


Not only was he strong, but he also did not have that uncontrollable arrogance like Lu Fan. He was grateful to her, obedient, and even agreed to become a Extremistis Country citizen. He was more than willing to work like an ox for her Jin Family.


Was this not exactly the kind of person Jin Zhu wanted?


As for strength, perhaps Chen Tianzhi’s Earth Dragon was inferior in Dragon Bloodline purity compared to Lu Fan’s unknown Giant Dragon, and its strength was also considerably less. However, Jin Zhu herself was a Spirit Witch, a Hidden Profession. She had a bunch of unique Skills at her disposal.


With her Buffs and Debuffs, Jin Zhu believed Chen Tianzhi’s Armoured Earth Dragon could still compete with Lu Fan’s Black Dragon.


Thinking of this, Jin Zhu looked at Chen Tianzhi flirtatiously and asked, “By the way, I saw you and the Armoured Earth Dragon Levelling Up just now. How are the Armoured Earth Dragon’s Attributes now? Are they much stronger than during the major exam?”


Mentioning this, Chen Tianzhi couldn’t hide his excitement and replied, “Yes, after the Armoured Earth Dragon reached Level 15, it gained a new Skill, and its Attributes have also improved. It’s much stronger than during the major exam.”


Saying this, Chen Tianzhi directly revealed the Armoured Earth Dragon’s Attributes to Jin Zhu.


Armoured Earth Dragon (Earth Dragon Species, Growth Period)
Level: 15
Gender: Male
Strength: 336
Agility: 102
Mana: 67
Endurance: 476

Armoured Earth Dragon Skin (Passive, LV2) – Naturally hard skin of the Armoured Earth Dragon Race. Any Attribute Attack blocked by skin has its power reduced by 20%.
Giant Tail Sweep (Active Skill, LV2) – Swing its giant tail to launch an attack on enemies.
Back Sword Scales (Active Skill, LV1) – Raise the sword scales on its back to counterattack opponents attacking its back. Will cause Piercing Damage and Bleeding.
Guardian Stance (Active Skill, LV1) – Enter a defensive stance. Unable to move or attack. Reduces incoming Physical Attack Damage by 40% and incoming Magic Attack Damage by 20%. (This Skill can be used in conjunction with Back Sword Scales).


If Lu Fan saw the Armoured Earth Dragon’s Attributes, he would definitely be disdainful. He would say something along the lines of, ‘You dare call this thing a Dragon?’


At Level 15 and in its Growth Period, its Attributes were not even as high as Xiao Ye’s when she was just born. Moreover, among the four Skills, except for Giant Tail Sweep, all were Defense Skills, and their effects were mediocre.


But such an Attribute Panel, in the eyes of Jin Zhu and the others from Extremistis Country, received a completely different evaluation.


“The Attributes are so high? It seems the growth Attributes of those of the Dragon Race are incredible…” Jin Zhu nodded, particularly satisfied with the Armoured Earth Dragon’s Attributes.


Receiving Jin Zhu’s praise, Chen Tianzhi was also very proud. He smiled as he said, “The last Skill, Guardian Stance, is a new Skill that the Armoured Earth Dragon had just learned. The Armoured Earth Dragon already has such high Endurance. With Guardian Stance and its Passive Skill, it’s basically an iron plate that no one can damage.”


“In future battles, I can let the Armoured Earth Dragon absorb a large amount of damage with Guardian Stance, and then counterattack with Giant Tail Sweep. Any Physical Combat Specialised Profession should have no way to deal with my Armoured Earth Dragon.” Saying this, Chen Tianzhi sighed and continued, “Unfortunately, compared to its Endurance Attribute, the Armoured Earth Dragon’s Mana Attribute is still the weakest. Although Guardian Stance strengthens its defence against Magic Damage, if it encounters powerful Magic Attacks, it still might not be able to withstand them.”


Jin Zhu was unconcerned and said, “That doesn’t matter. Even the Dragon Race can’t be without weaknesses. The Armoured Earth Dragon’s Mana Attribute is not low, it just seems low compared to its other Attributes.”


She paused, then smiled. “Moreover, as a Spirit Witch, I have many Buff Spells that can greatly increase the Attributes of your Armoured Earth Dragon. I can also make up for the shortcoming in its Mana Attribute.”


Chen Tianzhi remembered the scene of Jin Zhu casting various Buffs on the Armoured Earth Dragon, causing its combat power to soar. He nodded, “Yes, with your Buffs, Princess, the Armoured Earth Dragon would be unstoppable.”


“As you said, the Dragon of the other Dragon Tamer has stronger Dragon Bloodline than my Armoured Earth Dragon, and stronger Attributes. But with your Buffs, the Armoured Earth Dragon will definitely be able to triumph over that Black Dragon!”


Mentioning Lu Fan, a look of hatred appeared on Jin Zhu’s face.


She touched her cheek, as if the place where Lu Fan had slapped her was still faintly hurting.


She really wanted to immediately cut Lu Fan into a thousand pieces, but a few days ago, her Father sent a message saying that a big shot from Dragon Country had obviously stepped forward to protect Lu Fan. Thus, the matter of her being beaten could only be dropped.


At that time, Jin Zhu was almost driven mad with anger, but she had no way to change the outcome of this and could only swallow up her rage.


Seeing Jin Zhu’s unpleasant expression, Chen Tianzhi immediately realised he had said something wrong and hurriedly said in anxiousness, “I’m sorry, Princess, I spoke wrongly. I shouldn’t have mentioned that person…”


“It’s alright!” Jin Zhu said with a gloomy face, waving her hand, “Whether you mention him or not, I will keep the name ‘Lu Fan’ in my heart until I can take revenge for what happened!”


Seeing Jin Zhu so angry, Chen Tianzhi gritted his teeth and solemnly swore, “Don’t worry, Princess, I will definitely take action to help you get revenge!”


“Hehe, good!” Jin Zhu’s expression softened a bit as she looked at Chen Tianzhi, thinking to herself that this dog was really useful, biting wherever she pointed, truly a thousand times better than Lu Fan.


At this moment, a messenger eagle flew in from afar and landed on Cui Hongtai’s shoulder.


This type of messenger eagle was specially used by people in cities to communicate with those in the Wilderness, because the Wilderness was affected by signal interference and communication tools could not be used, so they could only communicate in this manner.


Cui Hongtai took the message tied to the eagle’s leg, looked at it for a moment, then hurriedly came to Jin Zhu’s side and said, “Princess, we just received the latest news from Secretary Cui. That kid Lu Fan has already chosen to enrol in Dragon Capital University.”


Jin Zhu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of her mouth turned up. “Dragon Capital University? Hehe, good. Then, we’ll see him again at Dragon Capital University.”


After saying this, Jin Zhu said to Chen Tianzhi, “Since you and the Armoured Earth Dragon have already Levelled up and killed the Boss, let’s return to Qingzhou City first.”


“I guess the admissions office teachers from the top ten Universities will definitely come to Qingzhou soon to invite you, the second place student… of South Province. At that time, you must choose Dragon Capital University! That bastard Lu Fan is also at Dragon Capital University. I want you to find an opportunity to teach him a good lesson at Dragon Capital University, understand?”


“Understood.” Chen Tianzhi lowered his head and agreed, “I will make anyone who offends you wish they were dead.”


After a pause, Chen Tianzhi tentatively asked, “Then… Princess, if I go to Dragon Capital University, will you…”


“I will also go to Dragon Capital University to study,” Jin Zhu directly answered, without thinking much about why Chen Tianzhi asked this. “After all, with your strength, you might not be a match for Lu Fan yet. But with me added, it’s a different story.”


“Although my Hidden Profession is powerful, it’s ultimately a Support Specialised Profession. I need a strong Carry to cooperate with me. You and your Armoured Earth Dragon are the most suitable Carries for me. I need time to coordinate with you. This way we can strive to bring out the strongest power of our two Hidden Professions.”


“So, during this time in the Dragon Country, you need to stay with me at all times. When you and I coordinate well, and you graduate from the Dragon Country’s University, I will take you back to Extremistis Country to change your citizenship. In the future in Extremistis Country, you will be the top expert of my Jin Family, serving by my side. You will be second only to me and above thousands of others!”


Chen Tianzhi did not care about whether his citizenship was changed or not. When he heard that he was so important to Jin Zhu and that they would always be together in the future, his eyes lit up with excitement.


He looked up at Jin Zhu’s beautiful face and said excitedly, “It’s my honour to always be with the Princess! I’m willing to be your knight forever, Princess!”


Jin Zhu did not sense Chen Tianzhi’s different feelings for her. She just smiled and said, “Of course! You’re very sensible, much more sensible than that Lu Fan.”


“I will let you enjoy glory and wealth, while also making Lu Fan regret everything he has done! I gave him a chance to soar to great heights in one step, but he didn’t appreciate it. Before long, he will regret everything he did to me in Jianghai City!”



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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