Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 87, Dragon Tamers, South Province’s Twin Stars?

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


The entrance of Dragon Capital University was bustling with activity. Not only were there shops lining the streets, but there were also many small vendors selling materials, equipment, and Potions.


At the University gate, many people were coming and going, including teachers, students. Currently, new students were reporting for the year and they had their parents with them.


After getting out of the car, Han Ke sighed, saying how this was indeed a big city, seeing how everything was so lively.


Qin Qiu had the Qin Family attendants take their four people’s worth of luggage. She was prepared to climb up the stairs and enter the University to report.


It was just, at that moment, several more cars stopped at the University entrance, and people got out of the cars. They all looked like attendants and bodyguards.


Lu Fan had not paid much attention to them at first, but when he glanced at these people, he suddenly noticed a familiar face – Cui Hongtai.


Cui Hongtai had just gotten out of the car and immediately went to open the door of another car.


Lu Fan could already guess who was about to get out of the car, who Cui Hongtai was serving so respectfully.


Sure enough, Jin Zhu, in a black dress, got out of the car looking radiant.


Soon, an ordinary-looking young man also got out of the car with her. His clothes were expensive, but somehow he seemed to not match them. He completely lacked the aura of someone who wore such branded clothes.


There was a kind of rustic air about this person, suggesting he probably was not from a rich and noble Family before. Thus, even wearing branded clothes made him look somewhat strange.


However, the fact that this person was in the same car as Jin Zhu suggested he was not an ordinary person.


More importantly, Lu Fan sensed a very mysterious aura from this person, feeling that he had something special compared to others.


At this time, Jin Zhu, Chen Tianzhi, and the others got out of the car, originally intending to enter Dragon Capital University to report.


Coincidentally, these people had just arrived at the University, and happened to encounter Lu Fan and his group.


For a moment, both parties saw each other.


Jin Zhu was stunned at first, then her face, which had been smiling, was instantly covered with frost. She clenched her fists.


Seeing Jin Zhu acting so strangely, Chen Tianzhi asked, “Princess, what’s wrong?”


Jin Zhu did not answer, but Cui Hongtai instinctively exclaimed in surprise and rage, “The Dragon Tamer from Jianghai City!?”


Hearing this, Chen Tianzhi looked towards Lu Fan following Cui Hongtai’s gaze.


Chen Tianzhi had also seen Lu Fan’s photo, so he recognised Lu Fan immediately and felt an unusual aura from him.


This was a sense between two Dragon Tamers with Pet Dragons. They were both being nourished by their respective Dragon Bloodlines, so there was a certain mysterious connection between them.


However, Chen Tianzhi’s feeling towards Lu Fan was different.


When he saw Lu Fan, for some reason, he felt a sense of fear, as if he had encountered his natural enemy.


But this feeling was very subtle, so Chen Tianzhi did not pay attention to it. After slightly adjusting his mindset, it no longer existed.


“Is he Lu Fan, the Dragon Tamer from Jianghai City?” Chen Tianzhi’s strength had greatly increased now, and he was very confident in himself. Learning that this was Lu Fan who had once slapped Jin Zhu, he immediately felt angry and said to Jin Zhu with a gloomy face, “Should I go teach him a lesson?”


Jin Zhu turned back and glared at him, saying in a low voice, “Is something wrong with your head? This is the Dragon Capital, and we are at the gate of Dragon Capital University. If you make a move here, do you want me to be sent back to our country!? You’re really a bumpkin from some backwaters, you don’t understand any rules of society!”


“Sorry…” Being scolded like this, Chen Tianzhi showed no anger, instead he lowered his head with a submissive expression.


At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came from the stairs, which Lu Fan was very familiar with.


“Both groups have arrived? What a coincidence.”


Everyone looked up and saw the admissions office teacher – Gu Han. She was wearing light armour with a sword at her waist. She stepped down and came between the two groups, looking very familiar with both parties.


Gu Han smiled and said to the two groups, “I received news that South Province’s top and second place students have both gotten off the plane. Calculating the time, I thought you should be arriving soon, so I specifically came out from the school. I was planning to welcome you both into the school. I’m quite lucky that both groups arrived together. This saves me from making another trip.”


From Gu Han’s manner of speaking, she seemed unaware of the conflict between Lu Fan and Jin Zhu.


Thinking about it, Jin Zhu’s affair was originally not made public. Although Extremistis Country had pressured Dragon Country multiple times before, neither party disclosed what happened open to the public.


So, in the eyes of Dragon Capital University, Jin Zhu was just coming to study abroad and happened to know South Province’s second place student.


As for Jin Zhu’s real purpose for coming to the Dragon Country, and her grudge with Lu Fan, most people at Dragon Capital University were most likely unaware of it.


Gu Han found it strange when no one responded to her words.


She looked at both Lu Fan and Jin Zhu’s groups, asking with confusion in her voice, “What’s wrong? I saw you all arriving at Dragon Capital University at the same time and stopping here. I thought you knew each other already and were greeting each other. Don’t you know each other?”


Jin Zhu coldly snorted, wanting to say some sarcastic words, but Lu Fan was quicker to react.


He did not want to make Teacher Gu Han, this beautiful teacher, feel awkward in the middle, so he smiled and said, “Teacher Gu, long time no see. We just happened to meet, we don’t really know each other.”


“Oh, I see,” Gu Han did not doubt his words and smiled, shaking her head, “That’s right, although you’re both from South Province, one being the top student and the other one being in second place, you’re both from different cities. It’s normal not to know each other. It’s really such a coincidence, South Province’s Twin Stars have met here, at our gate. It’s a good chance for you to get to know each other. Who knows, maybe you can form a team in the future to farm Dungeon Instances?”


Saying this, Gu Han really started to introduce them. “This is South Province’s second place student. He is from Qingzhou City and is the top student there, Chen Tianzhi. Beside him is Princess Jin Zhu from Extremistis Country, who’s come to our Dragon Country to study. I heard that Chen Tianzhi chose Dragon Capital University on Princess Jin Zhu’s recommendation. They’re really close.”


After introducing Jin Zhu’s side, Gu Han then introduced Lu Fan’s group. “This is South Province’s top student, Lu Fan. Beside him are the other geniuses from Jianghai City who managed to get into our Dragon Capital University, Qin Qiu and Tao Xiaoman. Oh, right. This is Han Ke, a student admitted as an exception by Dragon Capital University this year. She has a Hidden Profession with great potential to develop into something far greater.”


After the introductions, Gu Han smiled again and said to Lu Fan, “I forgot to tell you, Lu Fan, you might not know, but your classmate, Chen Tianzhi, although not as famous as you, has a special identity. He’s a Dragon Tamer just like you!”


Lu Fan thought to himself, [Like I had already guessed. No wonder I have this strange feeling about Chen Tianzhi. It is because he is also a Dragon Tamer with a Pet Dragon. He is like me and is being nourished by his Pet Dragon’s Dragon Bloodline. Though, from what I can feel, the Dragon Bloodline in Chen Tianzhi is really diluted. His Pet Dragon must be that Earth Dragon from the Jin Family. That would explain everything.]


[It seems like the Jin Family got quite the luck. Although they had been snubbed by me, there is no shortage of lapdogs in this world. Furthermore, for that lapdog to also turn out to be a rare Dragon Tamer, the Jin Family had really struck the lottery with this one. Since he accepted the deal I guess it’s not strange for Chen Tianzhi to not dare to have any complaints about Jin Zhu, even when he got scolded in front of so many people.]


[Damn it. How could someone so spineless be born in Dragon Country?] Lu Fan slightly narrowed his eyes, looking at Chen Tianzhi, his gaze full of disdain.


Perhaps feeling Lu Fan’s gaze was sharp and sarcastic, Chen Tianzhi, knowing he was in the wrong, shifted his gaze and did not look at Lu Fan.


Gu Han did not notice the small actions between the two and continued speaking on her own. “Speaking of which, our Dragon Capital University is really lucky this year. Dragon Tamers with Pet Dragons have never appeared in history. Yet, not only did two appear this year, but they both enrolled into our Dragon Capital University. Moreover, you two Dragon Tamers are the top in the major exam. Those who know about you two call you South Province’s Twin Stars. They are fervently discussing which of you is stronger, hehe.”


[South Province’s Twin Stars?] Lu Fan felt this was just like the so-called ‘Southern Mu Rong, Northern Qiao Feng’. The saying of how the South was always warm and cosy compared to the chilly isolated North, where Qiao Feng was a fierce villain who ruled with ruthlessness while Mu Rong was an elegant Son of the South who fought for righteousness.


[How could Mu Rong be worthy of being mentioned in the same breath as me, Qiao Feng!? Hehe!]


Lu Fan did not want to continue staying with Jin Zhu and her group, thinking it was better to quickly separate.


So, Lu Fan smiled and said to Gu Han, “Teacher Gu, I’ve now met these two. Why don’t we quickly go into the school and handle the enrollment procedures first? We’ve come to the Dragon Capital after a long journey and we are all tired.”


“Oh, that’s right, we should quickly let you go to your accommodations to rest,” Gu Han smiled apologetically at Lu Fan, then said to everyone, “Then please follow me. Your accommodations have all been arranged. I’ll take you to see them now. If there’s anything unsatisfactory, we can still change them.”


Saying this, she led the two groups into Dragon Capital University.


Along the way, Gu Han was very cheerful and talkative. She gave each new student a map of Dragon Capital University and introduced the buildings they saw along the way, explaining their functions.


Lu Fan glanced at the map and found that Dragon Capital University was really big, with even shopping malls and such inside. It was no different from a small city.


The key Universities from Lu Fan’s previous life, all combined together, could not compare to Dragon Capital University.


At the same time, Lu Fan also opened the Treasure Map in his System and compared the coordinates with the map in his hand. He discovered that he was indeed getting closer and closer to the location of the Treasure.


It looked like he would be able to claim this Divine Grade Treasure Map today!



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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